We’ve Updated Our Major League Leaderboards Interface

We just updated the interface for our Major League Leaderboards, enhancing the user experience while retaining the core functionalities.

This updates includes the following refinements:

  • Streamlined Control Panel: We’ve reorganized and consolidated common items within the control panel, creating a more intuitive and efficient user interface.
  • Leagues Menu Enhancement: Our leagues menu now allows simultaneous filtering across multiple leagues.
  • Primary Position Filtering: We’ve taken special care to clarify our position filtering options. The “Primary Position,” exclusively for batters, is determined based on playing time. If a player spends 25% or more of their time at a specific position, they qualify for that position. This encompasses all plate appearances, regardless of the player’s position during the game.
  • Positional Splits: Our positional split feature, available for both batters and pitchers, has been refined for seamless usability. This plate appearance-level split function has been repositioned into a more accessible location, improving overall navigation and understandability.
  • Modal-Based Custom Reports: We’ve moved the custom reports functionality into user-friendly popup modals. This enhancement ensures a smoother experience when generating custom reports, eliminating the need to navigate to the bottom of the data grid.
  • Enhanced Performance: Our commitment to delivering an optimal experience extends to performance enhancements. Page loading times have been optimized for swifter access to data, contributing to a more efficient user journey.
  • More Consistent Control Options: We’ve made a decision not to hide unavailable options for different eras and categories. This ensures a more user-friendly interface by minimizing confusion stemming from disappearing choices.

Additionally, we’ve made some quality-of-life features exclusive to FanGraphs Membership:

  • CSV Report Downloads: The ability to download reports in CSV format, facilitating seamless data integration with external tools, will continue to be available only to members.
  • Custom Stat Headers: For enhanced report customization, members can create a data grid with as many stat headers they want. Non-members are now limited to 10 stat headers.
  • Custom Player List: This member-exclusive feature permits access to data for more than 10 players. Non-members are now limited to 10 stat headers.
  • Custom Report Saving: Saving the custom reports created from custom stat headers and custom player lists is now a member-exclusive feature.

Regardless of membership status, your older reports made on the previous leaderboards will remain accessible and compatible with the revamped interface. Additionally, for users with specific needs or dependencies on the legacy version, we’ve retained an older version of our leaderboards. You can find more information here. The legacy version of the leadersboards will be maintained until at least the conclusion of the 2023 season.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting evolution in our leaderboards experience. If you encounter any issues or bugs, please contact us at support@fangraphs.com. Your valued feedback and continued support drive us to deliver the best possible tools for your analytical needs.

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David Wiersmember
11 months ago


Could be a niche request, but I would love if the Ottoneu Free Agent board would continue with whatever default theme the main page is set to.

As a use case, I have Dark Theme on for FG, but Ottoneu’s Free Agent link always displays the Light Theme despite the text reading as Dark.

I discovered this at 3am or so as the brightness hit my face like a Halo:CE healthpack.