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This site is a product of John Watson, LLC. My name is John Watson and I'm available for hire as a freelance web developer. Click here to find out how I can help you with your next web project.

You can also follow me on Twitter and my personal blog.

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This site would not be possible without the support and generosity of other people, particularly those who devote their time and energy to free and open source software and APIs:

Tons of fun stuff... Give one of our toys a spin!

Badge Maker, Lolcat Generator, Color Palette Generator, Magazine Cover, CD Cover, Wallpaper, Billboard, Movie Poster, Trading Card, Pocket Album, Map Maker, Cube, Pop Art Poster, Calendar, Hockneyizer, Framer, Mat, Bead Art, Mosaic Maker, Photobooth, FX, Jigsaw, Motivator,

I know, right? It's a lot to take in. Go slow.