Center for the Study of Democracy

Center for the Study of Democracy

Think Tanks

Building Bridges between Scholars and Policy Makers

About us

Founded in late 1989, the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) is a European public policy institute dedicated to the values of democracy and market economy. CSD is a non-partisan, independent organization fostering the reform process through impact on policy and civil society. CSD objectives are: • to provide an enhanced institutional and policy capacity for a successful European integration process; • to promote institutional reform and the practical implementation of democratic values in legal and economic practice; • to monitor public attitudes and serve as a watchdog of the institutional reform process in the country; • to strengthen the institutional and management capacity of NGOs in Bulgaria. Building bridges is the old-fashioned way of bringing together social actors and cementing new alliances. Born as a think-tank, the Center for the Study of Democracy has evolved into policy development through dialogue and partnership. Bringing cutting-edge solutions to transition problems is our way of keeping the middle ground between academia and social practice. The CSD has pioneered in several areas traditionally perceived as the inviolable public property, such as anti-corruption institutional reform, and national security. Our belief is that bringing a new culture of cooperation and trust in a milieu of inherited fragmentation and opacity is equally rewarding as the achievement of concrete social goals.

Think Tanks
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11-50 employees


Employees at Center for the Study of Democracy


  • ❗ Europe Must Take Action on Russian Oil Imports via Turkey ❗ 🚢 Between February 2023 and February 2024, EU member states imported €3.1 billion worth of oil products from three Turkish ports, heavily reliant on Russian seaborne fossil fuels. 🏛 The EU must decisively cut its dependence on Russian oil and gas. This step is crucial to liberate the bloc from the pervasive influence of Russia’s state-capture networks, which continue to undermine the European economy and its political integrity. 👁🗨 Discover more essential policy steps for ensuring EU's energy security in Martin Vladimirov's opinion piece for Project Syndicate below 👇🏼 #EnergySecurity #EuropeanUnion #OilImports #PolicyChange

    Europe Must Clamp Down on Russian Oil Flows Through Turkey | by Martin Vladimirov - Project Syndicate

    Europe Must Clamp Down on Russian Oil Flows Through Turkey | by Martin Vladimirov - Project Syndicate

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    🔍 Are you looking for a new and exciting role where you would have a tangible impact on the European public discourse in the fields of energy and climate? 📣 We are hiring! If you have a passion for impactful research and policy-making, apply now and become part of our team! ❗ Apply by sending your resume and cover letter to no later than August 15. Find out more about the job 👇

    👀 At the Center for the Study of Democracy we are looking for a new team member who is passionate about energy and climate policies. 💥 If you are looking to have a tangible impact on the European public discourse in these fields, this position is tailor-made for you! 🔝 Or if you know someone who is enthusiastic about energy transition and governance; geo-economics; green innovation and social acceptance of low-carbon technologies, encourage them to check out this opportunity 👇 ❗ Apply by sending your resume and cover letter to by August 15, 2024

  • 🚨 Security of Supply Crisis Panic Unfounded! 🚨 Despite Ukraine's halt on Russian crude oil via the Druzhba pipeline, alternative supply routes like the Adriatic pipeline from Croatia and the Transalpine pipeline from Italy ensure there's no crisis. CSD's analysis proves Hungary and Central Europe have sufficient alternative supplies. 👉🏼 Concerns about gas transit stopping through Ukraine in 2025 are unfounded. Central Europe has ample capacity to import natural gas from the West. Enhanced cooperation and infrastructure upgrades can preempt any disruption, phasing out reliance on Russian gas. 🔗 See Politico article and CSD analysis in the comments under Martin Vladimirov's post below. 👇🏼 #EnergySecurity #MythBusting #Phaseout #Russian #Oil

    View profile for Martin Vladimirov, graphic

    Energy Expert

    Hungary stokes panic about a security of supply crisis linked to the Ukrainian decision to stop the transit of Russian crude oil via the Druzhba pipeline (see Politico article in comment). This is simply wrong and serves the Kremlin well just like we have witnessed time and again the past. Bulgaria tried to also use fake arguments about its excessive dependence on Russian oil to preserve its derogation from the ban on Russian oil imports until CSD proved through a number of analysis that Bulgaria could do completely without Russian oil. The same with Hungary and the other Central European countries with exemptions from the Russian oil ban. There is no reason for panic - Hungary has the alternative supplies like CSD explained already back in May, 2022 (see analysis in comment). A cut in the supply through the Druzhba pipeline is not without precedent. In 2019, the pipeline suffered a major outage due to the contamination of the oil with organic chlorides. Countries dependent on the Druzhba overcame the unexpected disruption relatively smoothly through a combination of inventory draws and the maximization of alternative supply deliveries. In fact, the Adriatic pipeline from Croatia’s Omisalj terminal can supply refineries in Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The pipeline’s installed capacity of 400,000 b/d is more than enough to cover their normal operating needs at about 80% utilisation rate. The use of drag-reducing agents could also increase the operational capacity of the pipeline, allowing for even higher utilisation rates. Additionally, the Transalpine pipeline connecting the Trieste port in Italy to Austria, South Germany and the Czech Republic offers further alternative oil supply routes and connecting the Austrian refinery near Vienna and the Slovak refinery near Bratislava requires minimal infrastructure investment due to their geographical proximity. Although the derogations were given to Druzhba-dependent countries, so that they prepare for a full Russian oil phaseout, they have done little to complete the transition, and instead have double downed on using Russian crude. Similar security of supply fears related to the expected stop of the gas transit through Ukraine from 1 January, 2025 are also unfounded. Central Europe has ample capacity to import all natural gas it needs from the West, and our most recent assessment of how to stop TurkStream shows that the whole region, including the Balkans, can fully phase out Russian gas pipeline imports with few consequences. Instead of trying to appease the Russian energy companies, Europe should pull the trigger first and pre-empt what is bound to happen soon – namely the full cut of all Russian oil and gas pipeline deliveries – whether due to sanctions or physical damage to the infrastructure. This can be done through more cooperation between gas network operators, the completion of critical pipeline/LNG upgrades and bolder moves on contractual arrangements with Gazprom. 

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    🎙 Tihomir (Tiho) Bezlov, главен експерт в програма "Сигурност" на Center for the Study of Democracy, обобщи в интервю за Focus News, че че незаконната миграция намалява спрямо 2023 година и към средата на юли имаме наполовината от незаконните мигранти, задържани в България, спрямо същия период на миналата година. 🤝 Той отбеляза, че този спад е резултат от сериозните усилия на Турция за ограничаване на миграционния натиск, както и значимостта на международното сътрудничество и ефективните мерки, които са довели до този положителен резултат. Цялото интервю може да чуете в линка 👇

    Тихомир Безлов: Незаконната миграция в България намалява, което се дължи на сериозните усилия на Турция

    Тихомир Безлов: Незаконната миграция в България намалява, което се дължи на сериозните усилия на Турция

  • 🚢 Произходът на канабиса, заловен на яхта в Царево по-рано тази седмица, и сериозният проблем с незаконното производство и разпространение на наркотици в България бяха сред темите, които Mariyan Sabev, старши екперт в програма Сигурност в Center for the Study of Democracy, коментира в предаването #Твоят #ден на Nova News. ❌ "Голяма част от хората, които се занимават с незаконна дейност биват осъдени, изтърпяват наказанията си, излизат и започват отново да се занимават с незаконна дейност. Това е проблем на обществото, тъй като не успяваме да реинтегрираме извършителите на престъпления обратно в нормалния живот”, коментира Събев. Цялото интервю може да гледате в линка 👇

    В България ли е произведен канабисът, заловен на яхта в Царево

    В България ли е произведен канабисът, заловен на яхта в Царево

  • 📉 To achieve the EU's ambitious target of a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, member states need to revamp their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). 📄 Center for the Study of Democracy's report #Exiting the #Vivious #Cycle presents three potential scenarios for Bulgaria's decarbonization journey, highlighting the critical role of phasing out coal and natural gas. 🔍 Read the full report in the link in the comments 👇

  • 💡 В периода от 2011 до 2023 г. наблюдаваме значителната трансформация в използването на енергийни ресурси. Данните от последния доклад Намаляване на енергийната бедност показват значителни промени в предпочитанията и технологиите за енергопроизводство. 🌲 През 2011 г. дървесината представлява 49.5% от енергийния микс, докато през 2023 г. този процент спада до 26.9%. ⚡ Електроенергията отбелязва огромен ръст - от 28.6% през 2011 г. до впечатляващите 70.6% през 2023 г. 🏔 Въглищата също са намалели значително - от 19.8% до 2.6%. 🏢 Въведени са нови източници като природен газ (3.5%) и пелети (5.6%). ✔ Тази промяна отразява усилията за устойчиво развитие и намаляване на въглеродния отпечатък. Инвестициите в нови технологии и обновяеми източници на енергия играят ключова роля за бъдещето на енергийния сектор. Линк към пълния текст на доклада можете да откриете в коментарите 👇 #Енергетика #УстойчивоРазвитие #Електрификация #ОбновяемаЕнергия #Технологии

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  • 🗳 Ursula von der Leyen’s reelection as President of the European Commission underscores the importance of unity amidst political challenges. ☑ Even during times of political polarization, our diversity allows us to engage in dialogue and work towards a common future. #UnitedInDiversity #EuropeanUnion #Leadership #UrsulaVonDerLeyen #Reelection #Solidarity #Inclusion #FutureOfEurope

  • 🏹 Disinformation is a growing threat that seeks to deepen divisions within and between NATO nations, and to undermine confidence in elected governments. Center for the Study of Democracy' s report #Disinformation #Storm delves into campaigns targeting public health laboratories, including false claims about Georgia's Lugar Center and various biomedical labs in Ukraine. 📖 Check out the detailed report in the comments 👇 #Disinformation #CyberSecurity #PublicHealth #NATO #MediaIntegrity #FactCheck

  • 📄 Center for the Study of Democracy's report #Safeguarding the #Foundations dives deep into the intricate web of the Kremlin's financial network, highlighting how local affiliates, intermediaries, and enablers perpetuate illicit financial flows. ⛔ The key points of Kremlin's influence include: 🔹 The involvement of corrupt regimes, transnational organized crime, and various financial entities; 🔹 How deficiencies in oversight, accountability, and civil security allow corruption to thrive; 🔹 The strategic undermining of reforms and entrenchment of favoritism through noncompetitive tenders and political influence. 🔦 The detailed breakdown in the report helps illuminate the mechanisms behind captured civil security, such as the protection of political affiliates, obstruction of criminal investigations, and leveraging economic partners. Read the full report 👉

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