Butt Seriously Readers: Click Here to see Dr. Evan Goldstein’s PG-13 Demo of Anal Dilation

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New Client Registration

Client Entry Registration

Filling out all of the information required below will streamline the process making your visit not only paperless, but seamless. Once it has been received, someone from our office will reach out to you within 24 hours to schedule your appointment. Please select which type of appointment you would like to book based on our list of services below.

What type of appointment would you like to book?

Book Medical/Surgical

  • Anal Reconstructive Surgery
  • Anal Fissures
  • Anal Skin Tags
  • Hemorrhoid Surgery
  • Anal Incontinence
  • Anal Abscesses & Fistulas
  • HPV & Anal Warts
  • STD & HIV screenings with PrEP Assessment
  • Pregnancy Hemorrhoids
  • Anal Dilation
  • Anal Botox
  • Anal Pap smears
  • Pilonidal Cyst Surgery


  • Anal Elasticity Services
  • Anal Sex Preparation
  • Pelvic Floor Therapy
  • Pre- and Post- Surgery Rehabilitation


  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Genital & Anal Bleaching
  • Chemical Peels & Microneedling
  • Butt Facials

Needing Multiple Services?

Book Multiple services