St. Julien Road Reconstruction

July 6, 2023 update:

The major construction phase of the project is complete, but the project is not totally complete.  

The road and sidewalk are open and the trail connection from Caribou Street will be complete within the next two weeks,  however, landscaping establishment work and restoration of disturbed areas including removal of unwanted weeds that have sprouted within the disturbed areas is on going and will be for some time.

 Members of the public will continue to see workers on site regularly, watering, tending plants, removing weeds etc. 

Concept Image

St Julien Concept

The Town of Banff has replaced and enhanced St. Julien Road between Wolf Street and the Banff Centre. 

A dedicated paved sidewalk/trail has been installed the length of the road, all underground water and sewer lines have been replaced, private properties have new utility connections, new street light poles are installed, and the storm drainage system has been added. 

This renewal will make the road safer for hikers, cyclists and drivers. 

Disruption during 2022 construction

During the reconstruction, work created significant disruptions to the people who live on the street, people who use the street to access Banff Centre, and hikers going to the Tunnel Mountain Trail. 

The Town of Banff thanks residents who live on St. Julien for their patience and help making it a safe and productive road replacement project.

2022-10-14 hikersTunnel Mountain Lower Trailhead access reopened

The lower trailhead on St. Julien Road has reopened and is accessible from the sidewalk/trail that is completely open from Wolf Street to the top of the hill at St. Julien Way.  

St. Julien Road reopened on October 28, after almost 30 weeks of construction activity required the route to be closed to the public.

The speed limit is reduced to 30 km/h, because this is now the speed limit town-wide. Grizzly street remains one-way exiting St. Julien Road at Caribou Street. 
Wolverine Street is now one-way exiting St. Julien Road, travelling downhill towards the cemetery. 

The trail access at Caribou Street opened at the end of November, after a new trail and wooden stairs were installed.  

The lower trailhead parking is open for winter.

With the reconstruction work complete for 2022, crews have replaced or built:

  • 660 metres of water mains
  • 430 metres of sewer mains
  • 17 individual resident service connections for water and sewer
  • 560 metres of roadway, including 1,055 metres of new curb and gutters
  • 380 linear metres of stone retaining wall
  • A 2-metre-wide asphalt pathway the full length of St. Julien Road

Work will resume in the spring of 2023 with final site cleanup and landscaping of flora best planted in spring, and final site furnishings.


Weekly construction updates

Subscribers received notifications about construction updates and planned impacts, and upcoming opportunities each week of the project.  

2022 updates:

Project Overview

The development will follow the concept design approved by Banff Town Council in 2021 following comprehensive public engagement with local Banff residents. The reconstruction project will:

  • replace and realign the aging water and sanitary sewer pipes under the road
  • replace all utility connections to properties along the road
  • create a separated trail the full length of the road from Wolf St. to the Banff Centre intersection - the trail will be shared by pedestrians, hikers and cyclists heading uphill 
  •  improve the storm drainage for the road
  • resurface the length of the street
  • enhance safety at St. Julien's connections to Wolverine Street and Grizzly Street
  • convert Wolverine Street into a one-way street off St. Julien
  • add stairs and better alignment for a straight pedestrian trail connecting Caribou Street and the St. Julien Trail
  • add more street lighting
  • regrade the access to St. Julien at the bottom of the hill at Wolf Street
  • improve the entrance intersection at Banff Centre

Download overview of project work (PDF)

The work will create a safer street for residents and visitors, and a longer lifecycle of the entire infrastructure below and above ground. It will become a more enjoyable route to the Tunnel Mountain trailhead and the street will drain better and snow clearing will be improved.

The reconstruction of the road and sidewalk is based on the Banff Streetscape Design Guidelines for this type of  road, factoring the width constraints and slope challenges of a road on the side of a mountain.

Project Timeline

  • February-April 2021: public engagement to Finalize Design - Complete 
  • May 10, 2021: Council approves design based on public input - Complete
  • May-September 2021: detailed design and engineering planning - Complete
  • November 2021 - January 2022: Council approves capital project in budget debate - Complete 
  • February-March 2022: tender construction project - Complete
  • March: tree removal to allow trail widening and road construction works to proceed - Complete
  • April/May: road surface removal - Complete
  • May: temporary water and sewer system for properties on St. Julien - Complete
  • May-July: water system replacement, main lines installed – Complete
  • June-Aug: sanitary sewer system replacement, main lines installed – Complete
  • July-Aug.: Private homes connected to new water and sewer mains - Complete
  • August: storm sewer and drainage system replacement Complete
  • August: road coring and gravel base reconstruction - Complete
  • August-October: road surface and trail work, curb and gutter concrete - Complete 
  • September-October: Road and trail paving - Complete
  • September-October: Street light replacement - Complete
  • October: reopen road to public traffic - Complete
  • October/November: start landscaping and street furnishings – Complete for 2022 - will finish in spring 2023

Contractor: Bremner Engineering and Construction Ltd (BECL), based in the Bow Valley, was selected as prime construction contractor in a national open tender in early 2022.
Project Manager: Stephen Allan, PMP, Engineering Coordinator, Town of Banff
P 403.762.1296

Info Session and Q&A

The Town hosted an online information and Q&A session on April 7, 2022, for residents and interested members of the public. The session provided an overview of the project, what residents who live on the street can expect, the planned schedule, and answers to any questions to the project manager.  The information session was delivered over Zoom using a "webinar" function, allowing the session to be recorded.

More information, such as maps, detour routes, and construction schedules affecting each property will be added to this project page as they are finalized.

Public Input

The Town gathered input on the design options in 2021. (Completed public input: Engagement through walking tours, online forum and surveys and submitted discussion guides provided direction on a number of options for the road design that were presented to Banff Town Council in May 2021. Council approved the final design concept, then set the budget in January 2022.