Brad Barnhill

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Brad Barnhill

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Independent American Party

Candidate, Nevada State Senate District 6

Elections and appointments
Next election

November 5, 2024


High school

Quantico High School


University of Virginia, 1981


Service / branch

U.S. Navy


Brad Barnhill (Independent American Party) is running for election to the Nevada State Senate to represent District 6. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024.[source]

Barnhill completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. Click here to read the survey answers.



See also: Nevada State Senate elections, 2024

General election

General election for Nevada State Senate District 6

Incumbent Nicole Cannizzaro, Jill Douglass, and Brad Barnhill are running in the general election for Nevada State Senate District 6 on November 5, 2024.

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Nicole Cannizzaro (D)
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Jill Douglass (R) Candidate Connection
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Brad Barnhill (Independent American Party) Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Democratic primary election

The Democratic primary election was canceled. Incumbent Nicole Cannizzaro advanced from the Democratic primary for Nevada State Senate District 6.

Republican primary election

Republican primary for Nevada State Senate District 6

Jill Douglass defeated Joshua Stacy in the Republican primary for Nevada State Senate District 6 on June 11, 2024.

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Jill Douglass Candidate Connection
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Joshua Stacy Candidate Connection

Total votes: 6,947
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Campaign finance


Ballotpedia is gathering information about candidate endorsements. To send us an endorsement, click here.

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Brad Barnhill completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Barnhill's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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Brad’s father was a USMC lifer. He joined the Corps when he was 16. He was deployed twice to Korea and five times to Viet Nam. Three Purple Hearts. Brad grew up on military bases and was instilled with love for his country and duty to his nation.

Educational Background Brad graduated from Marine Corps Base Quantico High School in 1974, third in his class. Brad attended the University of Virginia from 1974-1976 and 1979-1981. First a physics major, but loving the math transferred to the Engineering School into Applied Math. Brad graduated from the University of Virginia in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. His undergraduate thesis was in artificial intelligence.

Professional Careers Brad’s pursued a professional career as a systems analyst, working as a contractor for US EPA, USPS, for a division of Lexis Nexis, and for an offshore oil development company. The next step in his career was as litigation paralegal in personal injury, contracts, employment claims, civil rights, and criminal law.

  • Nevada’s economy heavily relies on tourism and hospitality, which can be volatile. Promoting economic diversification to reduce dependency on these sectors and create more stable job opportunities is crucial. Enhancing economic diversification is a critical goal for Nevada to reduce its reliance on traditional industries like tourism and gaming and foster a more resilient and dynamic economy. Encourage investment in innovation hubs, technology parks, and research institutions to support the growth of high-tech industries such as renewable energy, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, and information technology.
  • Transferring federally administered land to state control, especially when it’s under the jurisdiction of agencies like the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is a complex and contentious issue. Work with state legislators and congressional representatives to introduce and advocate for legislation that supports the transfer of federally administered land to state control. This may involve drafting bills, building coalitions, and lobbying for support at the state and federal levels.
  • As of 2023, the total number of illegal aliens in Nevada rose to 428,000 illegal aliens and their children. Several hundred thousand new people coming into mostly Clark County who need housing have caused inflation in housing and in every other area of the economy. Again, economics 101, more people with more dollars chasing the same products and services drives up prices. The average 3-bedroom rental cost $1,500 in 2021, before the current president. Now the average 3-bedroom rental goes for $2,000, a 33% price increase. According to Nevada state government data, there were only 29,074 low-income housing units in Nevada in 2019.

Remove illegal aliens from Nevada. There are an estimated 32,000 available housing units. An estimated 450,000 illegal aliens in Nevada put severe pressure on the housing market.

The Clark County School District, fifth largest in the nation, should be split into more management units to better server local interests.

Protect our children from irreversible harm. Chemical and physical mutilation is not the answer. Children should not be "transitioning" to another sex until they are adults and can make that decision for themselves. Neither should men pretend to be women and violate the safe spaces of our wives and daughters. Women in sports should be protected from unfair competition.

The Nevada Senate is the upper, smaller body in the legislature.

Senators represent larger districts with more constituents compared to Assembly members. Each Senate district is roughly twice the size of an Assembly district.

Senators often have fewer committee assignments compared to Assembly members due to the smaller size of the Senate. This allows Senators to focus more deeply on specific policy areas.

The smaller size of the Senate generally allows for more extended debate and deliberation on legislation compared to the Assembly. This can lead to more thorough examination of bills in the Senate.

Senators often hold more influence due to the smaller size of the chamber and the longer terms, which can provide more stability and continuity in legislative efforts.

Both chambers play crucial roles in the state budget process, but the Senate’s smaller size and longer terms can sometimes lead to a more detailed and long-term perspective on budgetary issues.

Senators represent larger and more diverse constituencies compared to Assembly members, which can influence their approach to constituent services and advocacy.

Due to their longer terms and broader districts, Senators may take on more complex, long-term policy issues, whereas Assembly members might focus on more immediate, local concerns.

My father was an intermittent example in my life. Two tours in Korea. Five tours in 'Nam. Three Purple Hearts. We spent out time together when he was not deployed fixing up cars, landscaping and finishing out the basement of a new home.d He taught me love of country, self-discipline, how to work with my hands, and how to think and plan projects.

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, by Founding Fathers
The Federalist Papers, Various Authors
The Republic, Plato
The Law, Frederic Bastiat
Common Sense, Thomas Paine
The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau
Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich A. Hayek
The Revolution: A Manifesto, Ron Paul
A Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Robert Heinlein
1984, George Orwell
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Hologram of Liberty, Kenneth W. Royce

Integrity: Honesty and strong moral principles are crucial. An elected official must be trustworthy and uphold ethical standards in all actions and decisions.

Transparency: Open communication and accountability are key. Constituents should have access to clear and accurate information about the official's activities and decision-making processes.

Responsiveness: An effective elected official listens to the needs and concerns of their constituents and responds appropriately. This includes being accessible and willing to engage with the community.

Commitment to Public Service: Dedication to serving the public and improving the community is essential. An elected official should prioritize the welfare of their constituents over personal or political gain.

Leadership: The ability to guide, inspire, and influence others is important. This includes having a vision for the future and the skills to bring people together to achieve common goals.

Competence: A thorough understanding of the issues, policies, and laws relevant to the office is necessary. This includes the ability to make informed decisions based on facts and evidence.

Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others helps an elected official to connect with and effectively represent their constituents.

Fairness and Impartiality: Treating all individuals and groups with equal consideration and without bias ensures that decisions are just and equitable.

Courage: The willingness to stand up for what is right, even in the face of opposition or adversity, is vital for enacting meaningful change and upholding principles.

Collaboration: Working well with others, including colleagues, other government officials, and the public, is important for achieving effective governance and positive outcomes.

I have varied experience in computer systems analysis and as a litigation paralegal. I understand that changing a system requires changing to only one aspect of that system, tracking the outcome, and only then making other changes. I understand how to discuss complex problems with less technical stakeholders to further their system requirements. I understand how to research the law, how to read it, and how to apply it. Using a systems analysis approach to legislation means changing one thing at a time and studying the effect, rather than changing everything all at once.

The words in the law mean what they say.
The meaning of those words are as intended by the people who wrote them.
The power of the law lies in the words used to express it.

Legislation: Crafting, debating, and voting on laws. Senators introduce bills, propose amendments, and work to pass legislation that addresses the needs and concerns of their constituents and the state as a whole.

Representation: Serving as a voice for their constituents. This involves understanding the issues facing their district, communicating with residents, and advocating for their interests in the legislative process.

Budgeting: Participating in the creation and approval of the state budget. This includes allocating funds to various state programs, services, and infrastructure projects, ensuring fiscal responsibility and addressing the state's financial needs.

Oversight: Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of state laws and policies. Senators hold hearings, conduct investigations, and review the actions of the executive branch and state agencies to ensure accountability and transparency.

Constituent Services: Assisting constituents with issues related to state government. This can involve helping residents navigate state services, addressing individual concerns, and providing information on state programs and policies.

Policy Development: Working on long-term policy solutions to address state challenges. This involves researching, consulting experts, and collaborating with stakeholders to develop comprehensive strategies on issues such as education, healthcare, and economic development.

Collaboration: Building coalitions and working with fellow legislators, the executive branch, local governments, and other stakeholders. Effective governance often requires bipartisan cooperation and negotiation to achieve legislative goals.

Public Engagement: Communicating with the public about legislative activities, decisions, and policy impacts. This includes holding town hall meetings, maintaining an active presence in the community, and using media and social media to keep constituents informed.

All I can do is to help leave the world a little better off than how I found it. This is what I learned in Boy Scouts by respecting the environment in which you hike and camp. If I can help the next generation through the trials and tribulations that they will experience such that they leave the same legacy to their own children, I will be satisfied with that.

The first historical event that I remember was the assassination of John F. Kennedy, followed by the assassination of his brother, and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was 8 years old at that time and in the 3rd grade.

I worked at the Post Exchange at MCB Quantico as a janitor and then transitioned to building bicycles purchased from the PX. I worked there for two years. The minimum wage at that time was $1,25 per hour. The difference between then and now is that I was paid when money was made of silver. Today, that same salary would be worth in excess of $25 per hour. Nevada should take the path blazed by Utah to make gold and silver legal tender within the state, and for transactions in gold and silver to be untaxed. The inflation inherent in the use of fiat currency and government overspending would be alleviated by such an economy.

A Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein

Growing up, my father would be deployed for 13 months and I would like with my mother and my two sisters in one of my grandfather's rental homes in Wichita. When he came home, we would all pick up and move to whatever USMC base he would be stationed for the next 18 months before being re-deployed.

Moving that often, one does not become attached to people or places. There are no steady friends. Except for books. Mom bought me a set of the Great Books of the Western World and I read through those. In Junior High, I subscribed to the Science Fiction book club and A Stranger was one of the first books I acquired from that subscription.

Valentine Michael Smith was born on Mars. The six humans that were part of that expedition killed each other before he could reckon. He was raised by the Martians. He had a completely different outlook than anything I had ever read before. Read it, you'll see what I mean.

I cannot fathom being anything other than what I am.

Dealing with the Electronic Babylon that the world has become without getting lost as a cog in the works.

Monitoring Government Operations: Ensuring that state agencies and officials are operating efficiently and ethically is key. This involves conducting oversight hearings, reviewing reports, and holding entities accountable for their actions.

Protecting Citizens: Crafting laws that enhance public safety, whether through crime prevention, disaster preparedness, or health regulations, is a critical responsibility.

Promoting Welfare: Ensuring that all residents have access to essential services, including healthcare, education, and social services, is vital for the overall well-being of the community.

Working Across the Aisle: Effective governance often requires collaboration and compromise. Building relationships and working with colleagues from both parties to pass meaningful legislation is essential.

Coalition Building: Forming coalitions with other legislators, stakeholders, and community groups can enhance the effectiveness of policy initiatives and ensure broader support for important issues.

Open Communication: Keeping the public informed about legislative activities and decisions builds trust and fosters civic engagement. This involves regular communication through various channels, including social media, public forums, and newsletters.

Accountability: Being accountable for one’s actions and decisions, and being willing to explain and justify them to the public, is key to maintaining integrity and trust.

Confirmation of Appointments: The Senate often plays a role in confirming gubernatorial appointments to key positions within the state government, including heads of departments, boards, and commissions. This power helps ensure that qualified and suitable individuals are appointed to these roles.

I believe it is beneficial for holders of this office to have life experience and an empathy with the voters.

My experience in systems analysis allows me to understand interrelationship of components of a system and to work to integrate them into a whole.

My experience as a paralegal has taught me to be able to research the law and its effects and gives me the ability to draft new legislation.

Integrity, transparency, responsiveness, commitment to public service, leadership, competence, empathy, fairness and impartiality, courage, and collaboration.

A robot walks into a bar, orders a drink, and lays down some cash. The bartender says, “Hey, we don’t serve robots.” And the robot says,

“Oh, but someday you will.”

No government official should be able to invest his own money. All government officials must place their assets into a blind trust that cannot be accessed until 10 years after they leave office.

Government officials are subject to insider trading laws.

No government official may act as a lobbyist to government within 10 years of their leaving office.

No government official who leaves office (excepting POTUS) may retain their security clearance.

The current state ballot initiative process is functioning appropriately and there is no need for any changes.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Brad Barnhill campaign contribution history
2024* Nevada State Senate District 6On the Ballot general$0 $0
Grand total$0 $0
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete

See also

External links


Current members of the Nevada State Senate
Majority Leader:Nicole Cannizzaro
Minority Leader:Heidi Gansert
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
Dina Neal (D)
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 13
Skip Daly (D)
District 14
District 15
District 16
District 17
District 18
District 19
District 20
District 21
Democratic Party (13)
Republican Party (7)
Vacancies (1)