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We Found the OG Tech Influencer

Back in 1987, Brian Dewey used PC Magazine as an invaluable resource for his job as “PC Brand Specifier.”

This year marks PCMag’s 40th anniversary, and we’ve got loads of great stories celebrating our nostalgia—an illustrated timeline, an “ode to PCMag” by long-time Editor-in-Chief Michael Miller, an interview with Bill Gates, and many more. Another legacy is our faithful crowd of longtime readers, many of whom have contacted us with kudos and reminiscences.

One such reader is also—just maybe—the original tech influencer. Brian Dewey has had a long career in technology: He’s retired now but worked for IBM Global Services, Time Warner Cable, and myriad other companies. In 1987, five years after PCMag was founded, young Brian was employed by MONY Financial Services. His title? “PC Brand Specifier.” 

Brian Dewey’s employer and job title are both easy to find by paging through the May 31, 1988 print issue of PC Magazine, since he was the star of a house ad for the magazine. “It’s my job to select brands of personal computers for 1,500 end users here at MONY Financial services,” Brian is quoted in the ad. “No matter how tough or confusing it gets, my boss expects me to be right every time…That’s why I have to read PC Magazine.”

Brian reached out via email to us: “I was reading…your latest 40th-anniversary celebration article regarding computer stores of the ’70s and ’80s and I remembered I did a commercial for you back in 1988…’

How cool is that?! We thought we’d see if we could get Brian to talk to us a bit about technology’s history and his own. And the man can tell a story.

PCMag house ad from 1988

PCMag: How did your tech career begin? Were you always interested in working in technology?

My fascination with computers began in high school, my senior year, programming in BASIC on an HP 2000 mini that we time-shared into. I remember thinking this was the coolest thing—being able to tell this machine what and how to do something. And I was hooked.

I went to a two-year SUNY [State College of New York] college and majored in data processing. We did everything in batch on IBM punch cards, so you really had to love what you were doing to enjoy that. I learned IBM Assembler (BAL), Cobol, Fortran, RPG, and APL. 

In the late ’70s, big companies were aggressively interviewing and hiring programmers, and I was lucky enough to be hired by Mutual of New York (MONY) to start in their programmer-training class right after graduation in June 1980.

I had just turned 20, and I had my dream job as a mainframe COBOL programmer at a big company. I thought I was set for life. Then along came the IBM PC.

90s photo of group of office workers
MONY's office systems group, taken around 1990. Brian Dewey is in the middle-top row, with the beard.

When did you start reading PC MagazinePC Magazine? Can you tell us about your job at that time?

I would have to say somewhere around 1984. I had left MONY that year and went to work for Empire Blue Cross, where I was still a mainframe programmer. But that’s where I broke into the PC world. I had written an algorithm to perform database searches using like-sounding names—Soundex, I believe it was called. The big boss was very impressed and asked if I’d like the challenge of writing an application on an IBM PC to do Medicare Part B data entry offline, without being connected to the mainframe. Holy %$#@! I’d died and gone to heaven!

So I spent the next year programming this beast in the newly minted dBase III. The biggest problem with dBase at the time was it was very slow, and you had to load the entire dBase package. Your app ran through its interpreter. But I found a solution in an ad from your magazine, which I had begun reading cover to cover that year. The solution was the dBase Compiler known as Clipper. 

Office worker in cubicle in the 90s
Brian's cubicle, taken around 2003 during the Linux years. (Check out the penguin.)

But I learned much more than that from PC Magazine. Tech articles and reviews helped me to no end in grounding myself firmly in the PC world. I read other magazines, especially Byte and later PC Tech Journal, but PC Magazine was always the first one I opened and digested. 

In 1986, I left Blue Cross and went back to MONY to work in its newly formed Office Systems and Technologies group. There, I discovered Windows and also the newly created IBM/Microsoft OS/2. Around 1987 or 1988, I was recommending IBM PS/2 Micro Channel desktops, mostly the Model 50. They were still mostly 286-processor-based and running DOS 3.1, I believe; 1MB of RAM and a 30MB or 60MB hard drive. 

The big option everyone had was the 3270 Emulation Card, which allowed multiple mainframe sessions users could bounce between. They would have the DOS session with a batch menu to allow word processing (Displaywriter or MultiMate), Lotus 1-2-3, and later, a database app, such as dBase. Micro Channel was a huge deal for an IBM shop. Also, networking began with IBM Token Ring, which in the late ’80s mostly meant connecting a small group of users to a laser printer. Then Novell NetWare came along and changed how I and the company thought of networking.

How were you chosen to star in our ad?

I was a huge proponent of OS/2…. I went to the first, newly minted PC Expo, and I was introduced around as an OS/2 influencer. I met Bill Gates and your late, great editor, Bill Machrone

I can’t say for sure, but it must have been that meeting that spawned the influencer ad. I was not the only one; I believe there were several others throughout that year, but I think I was first…I just remember how surreal it felt, and [wondering] how in the hell did this happen to me? 

You had a long career until your retirement last year. What was your favorite job and why?

I would say, without a doubt, the years I was at MONY as part of the Office Systems group. It lasted only five years, until we were absorbed into the mainframe systems operations group, but those years were the time of my life—being so young, in my twenties, and being involved in so many tech decisions. I became a Novell Engineer (CNE) before I left MONY and rode that wave throughout the ’90s. PCMag helped me a great deal, and what I said in the ad was the truth, which I stand by to this day.

What technology of the past 40 years has surprised or impressed you the most?

Software-wise, that would be Linux. I was involved somewhat with Unix before Linux came along, and I was impressed with the whole Linux-and-open-source revolution.

Hardware-wise, it would have to be the handheld computer we call the smartphone. I’ve been a handheld computer user since the Apple Newton (now there’s a war story!) and the PalmPilot. The smartphone, be it an iPhone or Android (I’ve used both) is, to me, just incredible. 

What kind of technology are you most interested in now? 

The smartphone for sure. I’m on team Android right now and enjoying the hell out of my new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4. I just can’t believe the power we carry in our hands every day and how sad it is that it’s mostly used for trivial, pointless pursuits.

Any thoughts on where tech is going in the next few decades?

Artificial intelligence and the man/machine interface. I haven’t thought about this a lot, but a breakthrough needs to happen to get to the next level, where we’re not poking at tiny keyboards and squinting at too-small screens. I’ve become a student of history, which gives us a good perspective.

Around the turn of the 20th century, humanity thought we had reached our peak. The industrial revolution had provided us with benefits beyond our wildest dreams. Science was thought to have learned all there was, and we had all the answers. Then Einstein showed up and upended the apple cart. We can only hope some very smart someone upends our applecart and gets us to the next level of technology.

About Carol Mangis