Innovation Dojo

Innovation Dojo

Education Administration Programs

Sydney, NSW 312 followers

Where ordinary people make extraordinary impact.

About us

For more updates please also see our "Innovation Dojo Japan" company page. Mission = Build the most inclusive* tech & talent pipeline *(1) Entrepreneurial career options for everyone, including women, youth, and other minorities. *(2) Support startup entrepreneurs at all stages, not just the top few companies at a certain stage. Vision = Co-create the best place to start and build startups Value = Put founders at the heart of focus & support Mission: 日本で最も多様性*を重視した人材とテックの育成・供給 *(1) 女性、若者、その他のマイノリティを含むすべての人に、起業というキャリアの選択肢を提供 *(2) 特定のステージの上位数社だけでなく、すべてのステージのスタートアップ起業家を支援 Vision:スタートアップの起業と事業構築に最適な「場」を共創 Value:個々の起業家の目線に立った「人」中心の支援 弊社のご紹介 スタートアップエコシステムの構築および運営 スタートアップやイノベーションを創出するエコシステムおよびコミュニティの支援インフラ(デジタルまたは物理的な施設)を構築。 現在、神戸市が弊社の主要なパートナーになっています。私たちのチームはこれまで、政府、自治体、大学、民間企業と協力して、スタートアップの創造と成長に向けたスタートアップエコシステムの設計と拡大に貢献してきました。 グローバルなメンターシッププログラム 国内外での成長を目指す日本のスタートアップ、また日本に進出したい海外スタートアップの両方を対象としたグローバル・メンターシップ・プログラムの設計と実施。 神戸市グローバル・メンターシップ・プログラムや、ジェトロ・グローバル・アクセラレーション・ハブの他、日本や世界の主要大学の国境を越えたアントレプレナーシップ・プログラムの運営を委託されています。 グローバル・メンターシップ・プログラム 国内外の民間企業、大学、政府のプログラムを通じ、2012年以降、1,000社以上のスタートアップ企業を支援してきました。 スタートアップエコシステムの構築と運営 南半球最大のハブを含む、政府系のスタートアップハブの運営者に選定され、貢献してきました。 イノベーション市場分析・事業開発 日本のイノベーション・エコシステムの分析と エンゲージメントにおける外国政府の主要パートナー DX支援及びITコンサルティング CTOや技術パートナーを通じて 中小企業のDX推進を支援します

Education Administration Programs
Company size
2-10 employees
Sydney, NSW
Privately Held
Cross-cultural startup incubation, Global Human Capital development, International startup mentoring, and Lean startup methodology


Employees at Innovation Dojo


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    IVS has provided Innovation Dojo Japan with a coupon code for a 20% discount on tickets, so please register and join us! Please use this Promo Code for a special discount: ivs2024idj Tickets avilable here:

    Innovation Dojo Japan is proud to be an official Community Partner to IVS 2024! One of Japan's largest startup conferences, IVS 2024 KYOTO will bring Japan's rich heritage and latest innovation to a global platform. Under the theme "Cross Boundaries", the conference brings together business insights and cutting-edge technology, highlighting how Web2, Web3 and AI are shaping the world. IVS has provided Innovation Dojo Japan with a coupon code for a 20% discount on tickets, so please register and join us! Please use this Promo Code for a special discount: ivs2024idj Tickets avilable here: The conference takes place across the 4th, 5th and 6th of July 2024 and will be held in Dojo territory, at Kyoto Pulse Plaza. We look forward to seeing you in Kyoto soon! Innovation Dojo Black Belt™ (Corporate Innovation Consulting & Fund) Naoya Yoshizumi JUNIK BAE Moe Gotoda Kaori Sato Itaru U. Stephen Hartley Siddhant Bhatt Akihiko Okamoto Headline - Asia Marisa W.

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    Innovation Dojo Japan are very pleased to be working with City of Kobe and the Invest in Kobe team under a commercial agreement they have trusted us with as the delivery partner. This will be the forth consecutive year we have been trusted by the city, this time specifically to deliver the「Kobe Global Startup Support」initiative which has become part of the support infrastructure that the city offers global technology companies.

    神戸市・外国人起業家・海外スタートアップ企業等のビジネスサポート業務「Kobe Global Startup Support」の受託運営を開始(二期目) Innovation Dojo Japan合同会社は、昨年度に引き続いて、神戸市が実施する外国人起業家・海外スタートアップ企業等へのビジネスサポート業務「Kobe Global Startup Support」(以下、本業務)を受託し、支援提供を開始したことをお知らせします。 本業務は、神戸市が外国人起業家等の誘致と市内定着に向けた支援策の整備・拡充を進める中で、個社支援、イベント開催、海外訪問団の受け入れ等において、弊社が企画・運営を実施するものです。 ■昨年度参加企業からのフィードバック 「昨年の神戸市プログラムへの参加は、自社のビジネス拡大に極めて重要な機会となりました。Kobe Global Startup Supportから受けたアドバイスとサポートは、ビザ取得手続きやその後の事業拡大において効果的であり、特に日本市場進出に関する専門家ガイダンスと、ネットワーキング機会が素晴らしいものでした。彼らのビジネスインサイトとサポートのおかげで、我々はビジネス戦略を練り直し、重要な人脈を築くことができたと言えます。 本サポートに非常に感謝しており、日本での事業拡大を目指す他の企業にも、このビジネスサポートの活用を強くお勧めしたいと思います。」 (Ali Motohari氏・デジタルヘルス関連スタートアップ) → Innovation Dojo Japan are very pleased to be working with City of Kobe and the Invest in Kobe team under a commercial agreement they have trusted us with as the delivery partner. This will be the forth consecutive year we have been trusted by the city, this time specifically to deliver the「Kobe Global Startup Support」initiative which has become part of the support infrastructure that the city offers global technology companies. Companies which are serious about Japan market entry and aligned with business opportunities that the city and greater Kansai region has to offer will be welcomed to the program, with a focus on matching technology capabilities with the current and real needs of corporations in the region. The project will be led by our newest talented member, JUNIK BAE, and we welcome him warmly to the team! More in the press release here (machine translated)→ Innovation Dojo Naoya Yoshizumi Moe Gotoda Black Belt™ (Corporate Innovation Consulting & Fund)

    神戸市・外国人起業家・海外スタートアップ企業等のビジネスサポート業務「Kobe Global Startup Support」の受託運営を開始(二期目)

    神戸市・外国人起業家・海外スタートアップ企業等のビジネスサポート業務「Kobe Global Startup Support」の受託運営を開始(二期目)

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    The Black Belt™ (Corporate Innovation Consulting & Fund) team, Itaru U. and I are attending SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program Official Account May 15 and 16 and would love to see you there! The Black Belt Fund solves market entry and expansion challenges for global tech companies with high potential in Japan, and also plays an important role in revitalising Japanese cities and prefectures outside of Tokyo. We are leveraging the combination of Innovation Dojo Japan's experience and network across the local and global innovation landscape, and Japan Tech's hands-on experience designing and managing both VC and CVC funds in Japan for this unique "Black Belt" platform. Financial institutions and Japanese corporations interested in our fund, book a time with us here! → (you need to be registered for the Sushi Tech Tokyo to access) Global startups and scaleups with a strong position and track record in your first market and interested in a new model for funding for your Japan market entry strategy, book a time with us here! → (you need to be registered for Sushi Tech Tokyo to access)

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    Mizuho X Innovation Dojo Japan ! みずほ銀行は18日、京都市内でスタートアップ向けのイベントを開催した。シンガポールのベンチャーキャピタル(VC)のインシグニア・ベンチャーズ・パートナーズやバーテックス・ホールディングスのほか、大企業のスタートアップ投資担当者ら計約100人が参加した。スタートアップ側からは核融合発電を目指すEX-Fusion(エクスフュージョン、大阪府吹田市)など7社が登壇し、VCに事業内容を紹介した。 みずほ銀行の千葉浩一郎執行役員は「シンガポールのVCに声をかけて参加してもらった。海外のVCを仲介することでスタートアップの海外展開のきっかけになればいい」と話した。

    It was a huge week for the Innovation Dojo Japan team, with the "Bridging Kyoto and Singapore Ecosystems" program and events, powered by Mizuho Bank, over the last two days. Yesterday Kyoto was the location for this gathering of startups, universities, government, corporations and VC's. Everyone was there to hear from the successful South East Asian investors from Insignia Ventures Partners, Vertex Growth and Vertex Ventures, as well as listen to pitches from some of the most promising deeptech startups from across the Kansai region. One of the highlights was the key note speech from Yinglan Tan from Insignia Venture Partners, in which he highlighted "Southeast Asia momentum seeing emergence of new trends in the way companies are being built". There was a concept of the "innovation trifecta" explained, including the evolution of talent growth, economic growth and digital adpotion and how they are intertwined and impacted by trends such as Generative AI, Global Strategic Interest (and investment including from Japan) and China talent entering South East Asia among other factors. We also heard interesting perspectives from Vertex Growth Fund, and a strong message from Mizuho Bank itself, that made clear that there is no choice but to invest more time, effort and resources into global technologies and startups as part of the company strategy in 2024. This event follows our management of the Global VC invitiation program to Kansai in January (under Kansai Startup Mashups by JETRO), and Innovation Dojo are determined to continue building on these activities, which attempt break down some of the misconceptions and barriers which slow down cross-border technology investment and business development in Japan and across the Asia Pacific. A huge thanks to the Mizuho team for this leadership, our hard and smart working Innovation Dojo team, the visiting VC's for sharing your insights and wisdom and the excellent technology companies that presented what Kansai and Japan has to offer. Here is a short article covering the initiative from the Nikkei this morning: Naoya Yoshizumi Moe Gotoda Marisa W. Stephen Hartley Siddhant Bhatt

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    Mizuho X Global VC's X Innovation Dojo Japan !

    Innovation Dojo Japan is proud to be working closely with the 3rd largest financial services company in Japan Mizuho Bank, on this new initiative that brings top South East Asian venture capitalists to Japan this month. The event, "Bridging Kyoto and Singapore Startup Ecosystems" will feature Yinglan Tan from Insignia Ventures Partners, Yuki Hayashi, CFA from Vertex Growth Fund and Steven Vanada from Vertex Ventures and a cohort of top startups from the Kansai region together to share and discuss learnings from Singapore and South East Asia, global market trends followed by a showcase of technology and startupss from Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe areas. Southeast Asia is experiencing remarkable economic growth. As the center of this ecosystem, the Singaporean government has actively formed one of the world's leading ecosystems, and currently has more than 200 venture capital firms, boasting the world's highest amount of venture capital transactions per unit of GDP. A well-organized business environment including social stability, established legal and financial systems, innovative culture, regional connectivity, generous government support, English as an official language, and excellent human resources form one of the best ecosystems in the world. We look forward to welcoming Japanese corporations, CVC's and other interested investors to the event! Naoya Yoshizumi Moe Gotoda Marisa W. Stephen Hartley Siddhant Bhatt Kaori Sato

    Bridging Kyoto and Singapore Startup Ecosystems | KOIN(Kyoto Open Innovation Network)

    Bridging Kyoto and Singapore Startup Ecosystems | KOIN(Kyoto Open Innovation Network)

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    Innovation Dojo Summitは、Innovation Dojo Japan合同会社が運営したスタートアップ支援プログラムから、厳選されたスタートアップ8社が集結し、日本企業との連携・国内でのビジネス展開を模索するイベントです。

    Last call to register for our Innovation Dojo Japan Summit event happening next Tuesday, March 26th (3pm start Japan time)! Come along and listen to a unique panel of three overseas organisations, a Venture Capital firm, an R&D and innovation focused university and a foreign led AI startup share insights into their strategies, intentions and experiences collaborating with corporations in Japan. We are lucky enough to have Antler Japan, UNSW Innovation Community and Veritus who all have initiatives recently launched in Japan represented on the panel and the wonderful Shion Seino from LIAISON moderating the panel this time. Following this, we will have presentations from startups, scaleups and technology groups from three of our portfolio initiatives, including a German leader in robotics and factory automation, and an Australian cutting edge quantam computing company that have raised just under 40M Euros and US$23M venture funding respectively within the last few months. We have opened additional seats for both in-person participation at ANCHOR KOBE(アンカー神戸) or online are open and Japanese corporate innovation departments, Business Unit heads and CVC representatives are encouraged to attend! Register here (Japanese): (Machine translated English): LLEAF Greenhouse Film Technology Diraq MAOLAC Decoding Nature RobCo RoboAI Veritus DigitalX Technology Group Ryo Umezawa Marisa W. Manas Kala Anh Ngo David N. Maya Ashkenazi Otmazgin UNSW

    Innovation Dojo Summit 〜 海外スタートアップショーケース〜

    Innovation Dojo Summit 〜 海外スタートアップショーケース〜

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    A wonderful start to the Innovation Dojo Japan partnership with UNSW this week, as our new UNSW Business Development Manager for Japan Marisa W. visits her new colleagues and collaborators on campus in Sydney together with our Innovation Manager, Moe Gotoda and I. Thank you to the tight Japan-Australia innovation community and friends who joined Marisa's welcome dinner last night, generously hosted by UNSW, with representatives from JETRO - Japan External Trade Organization , Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee (AJBCC), NTT, Hitachi and HIVERY. Exciting times with tangible impact from this partnership ahead! Dax Kukulj Craig P. Jamie Conyngham Lisa Zamberlan Professor Colin Grant Mark Sterbic Tamaki Oshima Richard Andrews Yoshiki Yumbe, Ph.D Takayuki Watanabe Hideaki Yoshimura Naoya Yoshizumi Kaori Sato Stephen Rodda Nicholas Fisk Shawn Kook Goran Bozic Vinita Chanan Drita Baljevic-Kuzmanovic

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    ~Washington State Cleantech Mission to Kobe, Japan - March 4th~ Innovation Dojo Japan are happy to be bringing the best of the Washington US tech scene to Kobe, Japan next month! Hyogo Prefecture and Invest in Kobe, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Commerce of the State of Washington, will host a pitch event in Kobe, inviting cutting-edge startups based in Seattle and surrounding areas in the United States that are developing innovations to combat climate change and other issues. Under Governor Inslee's major policy, Washington State is one of the most climate change focused states in the U.S., and the event will feature a selection of startups in the clean technology field that address SDG and ESG issues, which are of growing interest in Japan. In the Seattle area, which is considered to be next to Silicon Valley, many startups are rising due to the fusion of global standard tech companies in cloud computing and AI, such as Amazon and Microsoft, and climate change solutions. We look forward to your participation in this event, which will provide an opportunity to pursue new partnerships in new technologies and business! Who should attend? - People in charge of Japanese companies and organizations interested in collaborating with overseas companies and startups - Japanese new business and innovation professionals who are looking for ideas and collaborations that fit their organization. - Those who are interested in learning more about Washington State, Seattle, and other cities in the U.S. from the perspective of a Japanese company. More info and register here→ ▼イベント概要 兵庫県および神戸市は、米国ワシントン州政府商務省と連携し、米国シアトル周辺地域を拠点とする、気候変動対策などのイノベーションを開発する最先端スタートアップを招き、神戸にてピッチイベントを開催します。 同州インズリー知事の大方針の下、全米でも最も気候変動対策に注力するワシントン州から、日本でも関心が高まるSDG、ESGへ対応した、クリーンテクノロジー分野の選りすぐりのスタートアップ企業が登壇します。シリコンバレーの次と目されるシアトル周辺では、アマゾン、マイクロソフトに代表されるクラウドやAIのグローバルスタンダードのテック企業と気候変動対策との融合により、多くのスタートアップが興隆しています。 兵庫県とワシントン州は1963年から、神戸市とシアトル市(ワシントン州最大都市)は1957年からそれぞれ友好・姉妹都市提携を結ぶなど強い繋がりを有しています。新技術やビジネスにおいても、新たな連携を目指す機会となりますので、皆様のご参加をお待ちしています! ▼参加対象者 海外企業、海外スタートアップとの協業にご関心のある企業、団体のご担当者 ご自分の組織に合ったアイデアやコラボレーション先を探している新規事業やイノベーション部門のご担当者 日本企業からの視点で米国ワシントン州やシアトル市等について知りたい方 Innovation Dojo Japan Black Belt™ (Corporate Innovation Consulting & Fund) Tetsuro Eto Chihiro Imakita Yoshi Nishikawa Shiori Fukuda Moe Gotoda Naoya Yoshizumi

    2024 SPRING: Washington State Cleantech Mission to Japan (神戸開催)

    2024 SPRING: Washington State Cleantech Mission to Japan (神戸開催)

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    We are looking forward to combining the innovation powers of Kyoto and Kobe cities together for this upcoming initiative on March 1st 2024: "Kansai and the world connected by innovation; Why is collaboration with overseas startups necessary now?" This event is co-hosted by Invest in Kobe , which supports inbound and outbound travel as a global startup base, and ATR, representing Keihanna Science City that works extensively with innovation hubs around the world. Key points for Japanese companies to collaborate with overseas startups will be discussed in a panel discussion including representatives from Kobe City, Keihanna Research Complex Promotion Council and other relevant companies with extensive collaboration experience, who will share real learnings and and actual examples. In the second half of the event, overseas technology companies selected for the KGAP+ (Keihanna Global Acceleration Program Plus), a program that supports overseas startups will be on stage. This time, startups from Europe and Israel will present their pitches online with the aim of acquiring local partners in Japan. We welcome participation from a variety of people, including companies, VC/CVC, and financial institutions who are interested in collaborating with overseas startups! More info and registration (Japanese) here → グローバルスタートアップ拠点としてインバウンド/アウトバウンドの支援に取り組む神戸市と、世界各地のイノベーション拠点と広範な連携を行うけいはんな学研都市のATRとが共催するイベント。 日本企業が海外スタートアップと協働していくためのポイントを、神戸市/けいはんなリサーチコンプレックス推進協議会並びに実際に多くの協働経験をもつ企業が、その経験や実例を基にパネルディスカッションで議論します。 イベントの後半では、海外スタートアップを支援するプログラム KGAP+(Keihanna Global Acceleration Program Plus)(主催:株式会社国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR)、協力:けいはんなリサーチコンプレックス推進協議会)に採択された海外企業が登壇。今回は、欧州とイスラエルのスタートアップが、日本でのローカルパートナーの獲得を目指してオンラインでピッチを披露します。 海外スタートアップとの連携にご関心のある企業、VC/CVC、金融機関等、様々な方のご参加をお待ちしております! Innovation Dojo Japan Black Belt™ (Corporate Innovation Consulting & Fund) Artificial Nature Ltd Purammon Petit Pli TOA



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