Antler Japan

Antler Japan


MAKE PROGRESS INEVITABLE Antler is the investor backing the world’s most driven founders, from day zero to greatness.


Antler Japanは新しいPartnerに濵田航平、Venture Partnerにジョーダン・フィッシャー、この2人の起業家を迎え、日本において第3回目の開催となる”Day Zero”から世界を目指す起業家のためのプログラム「Antler Japan Residency 3」を2024年10月1日より開催します。現在、第一次応募をスタートしました。奮ってご応募ください。 ♦️ご応募はこちらから Antler is the investor backing the world’s most driven founders, from day zero to greatness. Founded on the belief that people innovating is the key to building a better future, we partner with people across six continents to launch and scale high-potential startups that address meaningful opportunities and challenges. Knowing that exceptional founders can come from anywhere with any background, we have offices in 30 cities, including Austin, New York, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Bangalore, Jakarta, Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo, and Sydney. Our global community backs people from the beginning with co-founder matching, deep business model validation, initial capital, expansion support, and follow-on funding. Fueled by a personal passion that goes beyond traditional investing, we have helped create and invested in more than 1,000 startups across a wide range of industries and technologies, with the goal of backing more than 6,000 by 2030. Subscribe to our Insights newsletter: Antlerはアーリーステージに特化し起業家を支援する世界最大規模のグローバルベンチャーキャピタルです。2017年にシンガポールで設立し2018年以来、卓越したスタートアップを輩出する「Antler Residency」を全世界27都市で展開しています。これまでに80,000人以上が応募し、8,000人以上の起業家と1,000社以上のスタートアップを支援してきました。 Antlerは「Antler Residency」を通して、創業前・アイディア段階の“Day Zero”から起業家を支援しています。共同創業者探し、チームビルディング、事業アイディアの精微化、2,000万円のプレシードラウンド出資、事業拡大支援、フォローオンのシリーズC出資まで一気通貫で支援を行っています。

社員 2 - 10名
Chuo City, Tokyo


Antler Japanの社員


  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    ▶︎▶︎ Yumiko Oka, our Program Manager, represented Antler in Japan and gave a reverse pitch to hundreds of startups, entrepreneurs, and VCs at the JSSA TOKYO Pitch Award & Power Matching Booth Vol.53 ! Yesterday, Yumiko and Tomoko Takasaki attended this event organized by the Japan Startup Support Association (JSSA). With offices in Osaka and Tokyo, JSSA helps innovative startups grow and creates a supportive startup community. At our Antler booth, we met many entrepreneurs, listened to their startup ideas, and shared information about Antler and our Residency Program. As you know, there are many organizations and programs in Japan that support startups with funding, mentoring, and networking events. Following the IVS in Kyoto, we were very pleased to participate in such a vibrant event in Tokyo. As Program Manager, Yumiko shared Antler's mission, vision, and the exciting details of our upcoming Residency Program with hundreds of attendees. You can see her passion in the photos 😎 ? Although we have conducted programs in Japan twice, many people are still just getting to know about Antler. Events like this enable us to communicate Antler's value proposition with a wider audience.  We are grateful to 岡隆宏, the JSSA Team, and all the stakeholders involved. At Japanese startup conferences, entrepreneurs often say... 🗣 "This is very interesting" 🗣 "I wish I had known about this sooner" 🗣 "I’d recommend this to anyone who wants to build their startup" Tomoko always says that as a Founder Scout and in charge of marketing & PR, these moments are incredibly rewarding. The event ended with a fantastic networking session. We connected with : 🚀 Pre-seed startup founders 🚀 Founders who have completed Series A to C funding 🚀 Entrepreneurs balancing startup work with family business roles 🚀 A founder who has previously worked as a Turnaround Specialist and is now determined to develop new products to strengthen Japanese SMEs for the rest of his career. 🚀 Tech founders from overseas 🚀 CVC advisory based in LA linking Japanese startups with the global market ... And many more ! We appreciate everyone we had the chance to meet. Our Residency 3 starts on October 1st, and we’ve already received over 600 applications from around the world. Antler in Japan offers the best Founder experience you won’t find anywhere else. Apply now 💪 #Startups #Founders #VentureCapital #Residency #Networking

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  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    ▶︎▶︎Thrilled to announce that we'll be hosting Building Session Vol.2 featuring Dhruv Amin, the founder of Create ! ✅ Realize application development with just text input ✅ The future platform that requires no coding ✅ New possibilities to instantly bring ideas to life Want to know more ? We are hosting a special talk session on AI-driven development with Dhruv, the founder of Create, as our special guest. You can gain deep insights into Dhruv's journey as a tech founder. Additionally, we'll have a networking time after the session, so register now ! ▶︎▶︎Come and experience "Text to App" *If you bring your PC, you can try together with us. #Startups #Founders #VentureCapital #Residency #Create

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  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Founders ! Thank you for coming AMA Evening Session ! Had a great time with participants representing various nationalities and diverse backgrounds. We shared our vision and startup ideas with each other. What made us happier was that Koya Matsuno, an alumnus from Antler in Nairobi, and Yusuke Mori, an alumnus from Antler in Malaysia, participated, along with the person who has already passed the selection for Residency 3 (Congrats!), those currently under consideration, and those interested in participating in the program. Thank you so much. We will continue to create opportunities for you to meet the Antler Japan Team in person, so please join our events. We hope more and more people will know about Antler and our Residency program in Japan. #Startups #Founders #VentureCapital #Residency #Networking

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  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Still undecided about applying 🙄 ? Join us now ! Program Manager Yumiko Oka will answer all your questions in this session. It's a great opportunity to deep dive into our residency program 💪 第一次応募期間中には国内外から多数のご応募をいただきました。Residencyご参加のシートは限られています。ご応募を迷っている皆さん!まずはAMAにご参加ください。私たちのプログラムへの理解を深めていただける絶好の機会です。 #Startups #Founders #VentureCapital #Event #Residency

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  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    ▶▶Thrilled to announce that we're hosting Antler Japan Residency 3 AMA Evening Session – IVS 2024 Kyoto After event ! Register Now 🔥 We are excited to announce that Kohei Hamada, our Partner will be joining us for an AMA Session at our office on Thursday evening ! Whether you attended IVS 2024 or couldn't make it, we warmly invite you to join us. We especially welcome entrepreneurs and startups aiming to scale globally from Japan. IVSに参加された起業家の皆さん、そして残念ながら参加できなかった起業家の皆さんも、この機会にぜひ私たちのOfficeにお越しください、お互いのビジョンをシェアし合いましょう 🚀 Antler Japan Residency 3 AMA Evening Session - IVS 2024 Kyoto After event - Date: 11 July Thursday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Location: FinGATE KAYABA 3F Antler Japan Office Kohei (Partner) : Ask anything about the founder journey. Yumiko Oka (Program Manager) and Tomoko Takasaki (Founder Scout / Marketing & PR Manager): Share our takeaways from IVS 2024 and answer your questions. Free of charge : Free Drinks 🍺 ※Quantities are limited, so we appreciate your understanding. Note: This info session is intended for those aiming to start a business or interested in startups with global ambitions. We kindly ask that representatives from VC/CVC refrain from attending. Thank you for your understanding.

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  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    ▶▶Antler Japan is participating as a community partner! Apply now 📣 ※Deadline: July 31st 🗓️ ! Celebrating start-ups and entrepreneurs at the Rocket Pitch Night KANSAI 2024 🚀 Japan's largest pitch event representing the ecosystem is once again being held in Kansai ! In May 2024, 50 entrepreneurs and over 1,100 participants attended the event. So far, over 630 entrepreneurs and more than 7,800 audience members have participated in ROCKET PITCH NIGHT. This year, in collaboration with Ritsumeikan University and Venture Café Tokyo, the event will be held as a special edition of "OIC CONNÉCT," which is held monthly at Ritsumeikan University Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC) in September🎉! Previous participants have achieved ... Cumulative fundraising of over 10 billion yen💰 Acceptance into global acceleration programs🌐 Co-development of products 🚀 ... leading to various encounters and HAPPENs🤝. (*Based on public information by Venture Café Tokyo) Let's find your peers. This is an opportunity to contribute to the advancement of your challenges. For more details, please see below👇 ■ Presentation Application📄 ・Application Deadline: By 11:59 pm JST on Wednesday, July 31, 2024⏳ ・Eligible Applicants: Anyone in any category and at any stage who is trying to take on a new challenge (students and researchers in the idea stage, NPOs, startups in the fundraising stage, intrapreneurs, etc.) *In case of a large number of applications, presenters will be selected comprehensively based on the category and phase of the application content. ・Pitch Format: 3 minutes / Microsoft PowerPoint *As long as you follow the above, the number of slides and use of animations are free. ・Presentation Application Form: ■ Event Overview📅 Date: Friday, September 6, 2024, 14:30 - 21:00 (Doors open at 14:00) Venue: Ritsumeikan University - Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC) Building H🏫 Format: Hybrid (on-site participation & online viewing *broadcast from the on-site venue)💻 How to Participate: Sign up via Peatix (free)🆓 Organized by: Ritsumeikan University Entrepreneurship & Business Promotion Office (RIMIX)|Managed by: Venture Café Tokyo Co-organized by: Osaka Innovation Hub Supported by: Osaka Startup Ecosystem Consortium, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Osaka Event Page:

    ROCKET PITCH NIGHT KANSAI 2024 - 登壇応募フォーム / Application form

    ROCKET PITCH NIGHT KANSAI 2024 - 登壇応募フォーム / Application form

  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    ▶︎▶︎Antler Japanもコミュニティパートナーとして参画しています 🚀 【ぜひご応募を📣(締切7月31日🗓️)!創業・成長期スタートアップ/起業家の祭典 Rocket Pitch Night KANSAI 2024🚀】 日本のエコシステムを代表する国内最大級のピッチイベント ROCKET PITCH NIGHT が関西で再び開催されます! 2024年5月に50組の起業家と参加者数1,100名以上が参加し、これまで総勢約630組以上の起業家と7,800名以上のオーディエンスが参加したROCKET PITCH NIGHT。立命館とVenture Café Tokyoのコラボレーションで立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(OIC)にて毎月1回開催している「OIC CONNÉCT」の特別回として、今年9月に関西で再び開催🎉 過去の参加者は、 ▶︎累計100億以上の資金調達💰 ▶︎三角グローバルアクセラレーションプログラムへの採択🌐 ▶︎プロダクトの共同開発 など様々な出会いとHAPPENに繋っています🤝 (*公知情報に基づくVenture Café Tokyo調べ) 皆さんの挑戦の前進に貢献するこの機会。詳細はこちらから👇 ■登壇お申し込み📄 ・申込締切:2024年7月31日(水)11:59 pm JSTまで⏳ ・対象者:あらゆるカテゴリー、あらゆるフェーズの、何か新たな挑戦をしようとしている方(アイデア段階の学生や研究者、NPO、資金調達段階のスタートアップ、企業内起業家 など) ※応募多数の場合は応募内容のカテゴリー・フェーズなどを総合的に鑑みて、登壇者の方を選定させていただきます。 ・ピッチフォーマット:3分 / Microsoft・PowerPoint ※左記を守って頂けましたら枚数やアニメーションの使用等は自由です。 ・登壇者申込フォーム: ■イベント概要📅 ・日時:2024年9月6日(金) 14:30 - 21:00(14:00 開場) ・開催場所:立命館大学 - 大阪いばらきキャンパス(OIC)H棟🏫 ・実施方法:ハイブリッド形式(現地参加 & オンライン視聴 ※現地会場からの配信あり)💻 ・参加方法:Peatixよりサインアップ(無料)🆓 ・主催:学校法人立命館 起業・事業化推進室(RIMIX)|運営:Venture Café Tokyo ・共催:大阪イノベーションハブ ・協力:大阪スタートアップエコシステム・コンソーシアム、日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)大阪本部 ・イベントページ:

    ROCKET PITCH NIGHT KANSAI 2024 - 登壇応募フォーム / Application form

    ROCKET PITCH NIGHT KANSAI 2024 - 登壇応募フォーム / Application form

  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Thank you for attending to "Dialogue with Top Entrepreneurs in Japan" ! Last Friday, Jordan Fisher, our Venture Partner shared his founder journey, the unique value proposition and the potential of the Antler Japan Residency with the talented International MBA students from around the world. We also appreciated the lively Q&A session with so many great questions. Professor Akie Iriyama, thank you for this opportunity to speak. Looking forward to seeing you all at our Residency next time ! We are always happy to discuss Antler's vision, mission, and the Residency program. To all graduate schools, research labs, and business schools, please feel free to reach out to us ! 先週の金曜日、Venture Partnerのジョーダンが世界中から集結した優秀なIMBA生に向けて、彼のFounder Journey、そしてAntler Japan Residencyのバリュープロポジションとその可能性についてお話させていただきました。 質問が止まらないQ&Aセッションもありがとうございました。入山先生、この貴重な機会をありがとうございます。 次回は皆さんとResidencyでお会いできることを楽しみにしています! Antler JapanはいつでもAntlerのビジョン・ミッションについて、Residencyプログラムについてお話させていただきます。大学院、��究室、ビジネススクールの皆さん、ぜひお気軽にお声がけください。 #Startups #Founders #VentureCapital #MBA #IMBA #WBS

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  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Connect with Yumiko, our Program Manager, and unlock your potential tonight !

    Yumiko Okaさんのプロフィールを表示、グラフィック

    Global VC | Antler | Program Manager

    I’ll be pitching at Takeoff Tokyo Startup Career Night! 🚀✨ This is a fantastic opportunity to share our vision and connect with like-minded individuals who are as passionate about innovation and growth as we are. 📅 Event Details: 🗓 Date: June 28th 🕒 Time: 18:30-21:30 Looking forward to seeing you there and making meaningful connections! Let's make this event unforgettable. 🙌 #PitchEvent #StartupLife #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #Networking #Event Antti Sonninen Kohei Hamada Jordan Fisher Tomoko Takasaki

    Startup Career Night · Luma

    Startup Career Night · Luma

  • Antler Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Jordan Fisher, a venture partner at Antler Japan, will be a guest speaker in Professor Akie Iriyama Ph.D.'s class, "Dialogue with Top Entrepreneurs in Japan," at Waseda University's Graduate School of Business and Finance's International MBA Program. He will share his founder story, the background of his involvement with Antler Japan, and the significant opportunities that the Antler Japan Residency offers to International MBA students and international founders. For the third Residency held in Japan, we have received far more applications from both domestic and international candidates than expected during the first application period. To maximize co-founder matching among participants, the program will be conducted in both Japanese and English. We will provide various support to lower language barriers and foster the creation of diverse teams and ideas. Jordan will fully convey the appeal of the Antler Japan Residency in today's lecture. We look forward to meeting many exceptional IMBA students seeking new business opportunities in Japan ! 6月28日(金)早稲田大学大学院 経営管理研究科のInternational MBA Programにおける入山章栄教授の授業 "Dialogue with Top Entrepreneurs in Japan" にて、Antler JapanのVenture Partnerであるジョーダン・フィッシャーがゲストとして登壇します。 ジョーダンのFounder Story、Antler Japan参画の背景、Antler Japan ResidencyがInternational MBAの方々をはじめ、International Founderの方々へもたらす大きな可能性について、お話してきます。 日本で開催されるResidency 3には、第一次応募期間中の現在、予想をはるかに上回る国内外からの応募がありました。参加者の共同創業者マッチングを最大化するために、プログラムは日本語と英語の両方で実施されます。言語のバリアを下げ、多様性に富んだチームを生み出すために、さまざまなサポートを提供します。 そんなAntler Japan Residencyの魅力を、ジョーダンが余すところなく本日の講義でお伝えしてくる予定です。日本で新たなビジネスの機会を求めている、たくさんの優秀な方々とお会いできることを楽しみにしています! ※講義はクローズドで一般公開はありません #Satertups #Founders #Entrepreneurs #VentureCapital #MBA #IMBA #WBS #Residency

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