MAFS' Lucinda releases statement about Tim blocking her: 'I would have loved a phone conversation'

Lucinda said this is the last time she'll address her falling out with Tim Smith, saying she still holds a 'lantern of hope' for their friendship.

MAFS' Lucinda and Timothy had a beautiful friendship but fans have been devastated to learn the two are no longer speaking. Photo:
MAFS' Lucinda and Timothy had a beautiful friendship but fans have been devastated to learn the two are no longer speaking. Photo:

Lucinda Light has properly addressed her falling out with Married At First Sight "husband" Timothy Smith after the two unfollowed each other on Instagram, and after Tim spoke to Yahoo Lifestyle saying he didn't walk away from the friendship "easily".

Recently Tim told Yahoo Lifestyle that his friendship with Lucinda ended because of their different lifestyles and approaches to friendship, saying that away from cameras he noticed, “Lucinda was a little different to who he had been married to during filming”.

“The cameras do that to people”, he said. “Lucinda may have buckled under the pressure with so many people wanting a piece of her.”

Lucinda then left an Instagram comment when a fan asked her if the two were still in contact, saying, "hopefully one day Tim is up for being friends. I certainly am x".

Now the MAFS star has taken to Instagram again to leave a lengthy statement about her friendship with Tim and what happened.

MAFS' Lucinda and Timothy.
MAFS' Lucinda and Timothy.


Lucinda said in her post that she takes 'responsibility' for any hurt she's caused Tim after confiding in other cast members about 'behaviours that have upset' her.

Lucinda and Tim from MAFS
Lucinda and Tim in happier days. Photo:

"In regards to the comments and blocking Tim has done – Conscious, clear and kind communication would have been my preference. If I’d offended Tim, I would have loved a phone conversation toward resolve," she said. "A couple of times I’ve confided in other cast members about genuine processes I’ve had since the show and behaviours that have upset me. I’m sure I’m not alone in that, we all need to process and share. Going on a reality TV show has been a huge experience and in many ways, I’m still processing it."

Lucinda went on to say there were no hard feelings on her end.

"In my heart, I’ve always held Tim with understanding and compassion. I take responsibility for any hurt I may have caused by sharing my feelings and hurts. There are no hard feelings my end and I still hold a lantern of hope for our friendship. Honoponono~ I’m sorry, I love you and I forgive you," she wrote.


She then said this is the last she'd address the issue and appreciates any feedback from cast members who have gotten involved.

"I appreciate the feedback from any cast members or anyone that feels I’ve upset Tim in anyway, certainly not my intention. If Tim doesn’t know what I stand for from the months of hanging out then there’s nothing I can do to about that. I only wish Tim all the love & success," she said.

"This is the last I’ll say on this piece, I’ve said what I have to say. I want to get on with my life~ I’ve got lots of love to share and I believe Tim does too. Everyone’s just trying their best in this one precious life and I for one don’t want to spend my energy and time in war, with anyone."

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