IOM RO Vienna

IOM RO Vienna

Internationale Angelegenheiten

Vienna, Wien 886 Follower:innen


Promoting safe, regular, and dignified migration since 1951. UN Migration Agency (IOM) Regional Office for South Eastern and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Internationale Angelegenheiten
51–200 Beschäftigte
Vienna, Wien


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    Sewing to mend the soul.🧵🪡 In Turkmenistan 🇹🇲, a group of women and girls learned to sew to improve their livelihood. Together with the Vocational School of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, IOM and partners conducted a three-month vocational training program to support both Afghan and local women to generate sustainable income. All graduates received certificates that verified their qualifications as seamstresses and got a personal professional sewing machine from IOM to help them enhance their skills. 🔗

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  • Unternehmensseite von IOM RO Vienna anzeigen, Grafik

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    Forced displacement, social fragmentation, and socioeconomic stress are driving factors to #HumanTrafficking. Today, IOM - UN Migration's Senior Regional Thematic Specialist for Migrant protection, Heather Komenda, was at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg to present the work of IOM in preventing and combatting human trafficking in #ukraine, with a focus on children's rights. Together with UNODC, IOM co-chairs the regional anti-trafficking task force within the regional refugee response to the war in Ukraine and continues to promote safe and regular pathways for all. #endhumantrafficking

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  • Unternehmensseite von IOM RO Vienna anzeigen, Grafik

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    What motivates migrants and refugees to go to Europe?     What are the routes, experiences, and profiles of people on the move crossing the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean in 2023?    Let's take a look at these elements in the latest release of "Migrants Travelling to Europe By Land and by sea” The report highlights the journeys, vulnerabilities and needs of migrants arriving in Greece, Italy, and Spain, as well as a comprehensive analysis of intentions of more than 4,000 migrants. Read More:   #migration #mediterranean #italy #spain #greece #migrantjourney #europemigration

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    Unternehmensseite von Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) anzeigen, Grafik

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    #MigrationEurope Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), part of the Global Data Institute at IOM - UN Migration, has released its regional report presenting the main findings of Flow Monitoring Surveys conducted in Greece, Italy, and Spain in 2023. Flow Monitoring Surveys provide a snapshot of migrants’ experiences. This report comprehensively analyses the journeys, vulnerabilities, and needs of 4,020 migrants, including asylum seekers who crossed the Atlantic or Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. It also highlights the main protection challenges and risks they faced before, during, and after their journeys, as well as their most immediate needs in terms of assistance in the country of the survey. A few highlights: • Spain (33%), Italy (24%), France (12%), Germany (8%) and Greece (7%) are the top 5 countries of intended final destinations, with differences by route and nationalities. • About 56 per cent experienced at least one of the eight types of abuse, exploitation and violence incidents included in the questionnaire – unpaid work, forced to work, offered marriage, held against will, physical violence, forced to travel, lied to travel, and access to identity documents. • The main declared nationalities are Morocco (15%), Senegal (9%), Algeria (7%), Côte d’Ivoire (6%) and Mali (6%), with about another 50 smaller groups comprising 59 per cent of the total. ➡ For more IOM RO Vienna, IOM Regional Office in Brussels, Laura Bartolini #Data4Action

    • A person wrapped in a thermal blanket sits in a shelter. The image features the cover of an IOM report titled ‘Migrants Travelling to Europe by Land and by Sea’, with the subheading ‘Flow Monitoring Surveys, Europe Regional Report 2023.’
  • Unternehmensseite von IOM RO Vienna anzeigen, Grafik

    886 Follower:innen

    Studies have demonstrated that every additional one per cent increase in immigration can boost GDP growth in destination countries by two per cent. As Azerbaijan’s economic growth continues the role of migrants will continue to grow – just as Azerbaijani emigrants contribute to economic development across the world. An estimated one million Azerbaijani nationals live abroad, and 100,000 migrants reside in Azerbaijan, all of whom use various financial services, including sending and receiving financial remittances. IOM has instigated a training for six major banks in Azerbaijan (AFB Bank, Xalq Bank, Rabitabank, ABB, Kapital Bank and Bank Respublika) and Azerpost (national postal service) to establish customer service that addresses the specific needs of migrants and persons in vulnerable situations. Read More:

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  • Unternehmensseite von IOM RO Vienna anzeigen, Grafik

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    16th of June Marks International Family remittances Day. In Central Asia, countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan have some of the highest remittance rates in the world and are historically dependent on labour migration to the Russian Federation. Money transfers from migrant workers in the Russian Federation to communities in Central Asia hit a record high of 79 billion USD in 20221 according to the World Bank, and have long served as a lifeline for migrant families, whilst also contributing considerably to Central Asian economies. Read More:

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  • Unternehmensseite von IOM RO Vienna anzeigen, Grafik

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    In Berlin, IOM, International Community Commit to Supporting Ukraine's Recovery The Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) concluded in Berlin yesterday with a commitment between the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 14 countries and a range of development institutions and international organizations to renew support for the recovery, reconstruction and reform in Ukraine. IOM Deputy Director General for Management and Reform Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano underscored IOM’s unwavering commitment to the people of Ukraine and appreciation to the Government of Germany for their continued support to IOM. “We must do all we can to help all those affected by the war, particularly the most vulnerable,” said Vojáčková-Sollorano. “Empowering local communities and authorities to lead in their own recovery and reconstruction will be key in this process.” Conference organizers including the German Federal Foreign Office and Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Government of Ukraine garnered widespread political and financial support over the two-day conference through the establishment of coalitions and alliances which outline commitments to advance solutions on a range of thematic areas. Signatory to five alliances on the themes of small-medium enterprises, sustainable municipalities, skills building, health, and gender, IOM has committed to enhancing its work across public and private sector partnerships to deliver innovative solutions towards Ukraine’s economic and social recovery. Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano stressed the importance of supporting the redevelopment of micro and small businesses, skills building for internally displaced persons and veterans to enter or re-enter the labour market, and reconstruction of municipal housing. In the framework of the conference, IOM also secured an additional EUR 20 million in funding from the European Union to help improve border management infrastructure and enhance the flow of essential goods through Ukraine’s borders. Discussions also highlighted the tragic impacts of the ongoing and increasing hostilities in eastern Ukraine which has faced daily attacks in recent weeks. IOM Ukraine’s Chief of Mission Alessia Schiavon reflected on the situation in the east. “Communities continue to suffer and humanitarian needs remain high,” said Schiavon. “We must not forget that the war continues to rage on – destroying lives and shattering any hope for recovery for thousands. IOM is committed to staying and delivering to ensure those affected get the help they need.” IOM’s Ukraine response spans 12 countries and has assisted 6.5 million people since the start of the war. IOM appeals to the donor community to help fund the response which requires USD 1.5 billion over the next three years as outlined in the IOM Strategic Response Plan: Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries 2024-2026.

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