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International relations

Majority of ASEAN people favor China over U.S., survey finds

In a first, Beijing becomes Southeast Asia's preferred choice over Washington

China is increasing its economic clout in Southeast Asia as its rivalry with the U.S. intensifies.

SINGAPORE -- Over half of Southeast Asians would now prefer to align with China over the U.S. if ASEAN were forced to choose between the rival superpowers, a regional survey by a Singapore-based think tank showed Tuesday, reflecting Beijing's growing influence in the region.

According to the State of Southeast Asia 2024 survey, compiled by the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, 50.5% of respondents opted for China and 49.5% preferred the U.S. if ASEAN had to pick sides -- the first time Beijing edged past Washington since the annual survey started asking the question in 2020.

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