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Left to right: Tianjin Tower pays tribute to Hu Youping on June 28. A bouquet is offered for Hu Youping near a bus stop believed to be the site where Hu was attacked by a knife wielder going after a Japanese mother and child on June 30. (Source photos by Kyodo and AP)
China up close

Analysis: Tragedy shows China's anti-Japan social media fire burns out of control

Other stabbings reflect a society that cannot vent its social and economic frustrations

KATSUJI NAKAZAWA, Nikkei senior staff writer | China

Katsuji Nakazawa is a Tokyo-based senior staff and editorial writer at Nikkei. He spent seven years in China as a correspondent and later as China bureau chief. He was the 2014 recipient of the Vaughn-Ueda International Journalist prize.

Japanese and other foreign residents in China have been targeted for assaults recently. One incident took place at a school bus stop in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.

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