Lounge random thoughts/stories thread -- CURRENT


Ars Legatus Legionis
I do a awesome bean dish stew thingie. Take soem vegan miso, miso ginger, etc type broth, and cooki Adzuki beans with it. Not water, but the broth. As the beans get close to done, add onions, other veggies, fresh ginger or whatever other spices and herbs you want. Get things cooked, might need a bit more broth or water, and then use a slotted spoon to serve. I tend to put some shredded cheese over top which makes it vegetarian, and you can always add some meat to make it neither. But it's a very hearty, tasty, pretty healthy meal. Especially on a cold winter evening.

Hound of Cullen

Ars Legatus Legionis
What are your three favorite vegan meals?
Deborah Madison has a squash, pepper, and hominy stew that is really good

Like a bunch of other people have said, udon or soba with ginger scallion sauce and greens.

I picked up a vegan Chinese cookbook a little while ago, there's some decent eggplant recipes in there.
Why wait until you retire? Use it to signal the start and end of your work day. Or your exercise sessions, or finishing a beer. The possibilities are endless!
My wife nixed that a long time ago. I've now got only a little over twenty years left in my long-term plan to wear her down. That reminds me, it's time to update the subliminal screen saver and mention how nice it'd be to have creative retirement options for our oven because of the funny mechanical noise its clock makes.


Ars Legatus Legionis

Anyone have a correct link so I can send them a bit of donations to help them continue their Good Works(tm)?

EDIT: Ah, looks like https://thesatanictemple.com
EDIT2: Ohhh! Donation thank you cards, in the name of a variety of elected officials, and mailed directly their office! Love it. https://thesatanictemple.com/collec...-for-elected-officials?variant=40124519186566
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Ars Legatus Legionis

Anyone have a correct link so I can send them a bit of donations to help them continue their Good Works(tm)?

EDIT: Ah, looks like https://thesatanictemple.com
EDIT2: Ohhh! Donation thank you cards, in the name of a variety of elected officials, and mailed directly their office! Love it. https://thesatanictemple.com/collec...-for-elected-officials?variant=40124519186566
The Satanic Temple is absolute proof that D&D should allow the alignments of "Lawful Chaotic" and "Evil Good".
Today I learned about daguerreotypes. Which are very cool.

Early photography always piques my interest. And the fact that we have a photograph of late life John Quincy Adams? Or Arthur Wellesley a few years before he passed, who won at Waterloo against some Corsican?

Fascinating stuff. Just fascinating.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Today I learned about daguerreotypes. Which are very cool.

Early photography always piques my interest. And the fact that we have a photograph of late life John Quincy Adams? Or Arthur Wellesley a few years before he passed, who won at Waterloo against some Corsican?

Fascinating stuff. Just fascinating.
When I was big into photography I briefly thought about trying to make my own plates and such, but that quickly went by the wayside when I realized how much work would go into it and I just didn't have the time or want to put that much effort into it.
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When I was big into photography I briefly thought about trying to make my own plates and such, but that quickly went by the wayside when I realized how much work would go into it and I just didn't have the time or want to put that much effort into it.
I was looking at it and thought this would be a neat hobby.
And then I got to the part with the Mercury vapor and decided oh FUCK no! I’ll look at the results instead and go, “Wow, that’s neat!”


Ars Legatus Legionis
I was looking at it and thought this would be a neat hobby.
And then I got to the part with the Mercury vapor and decided oh FUCK no! I’ll look at the results instead and go, “Wow, that’s neat!”
Well, I wasn't even thinking an actual daguerreotypes, more of a modern implementation of a few types past that, various wet plate formulations. Still on metal or glass plates though.
I had an advanced photography class in high school where we had to spread our own emulsion and use the result in a pinhole camera that we built. I loved B&W darkroom work. Color was ok, but a little too fiddly for much fun in my opinion. I also won't characterize my wet photography skills as obsolete because not that long ago I [professional life redacted] with holographic film.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I've signed out of Instagram yesterday, and I plan on signing out of reddit tomorrow. That will last until November, if not longer. I'm a bit anxious about it because both of those have been a big part of my life for awhile. It will be a drastic change for me.
Can we perhaps introduce you to The Ars Discord?


Ars Legatus Legionis

Anyone have a correct link so I can send them a bit of donations to help them continue their Good Works(tm)?

EDIT: Ah, looks like https://thesatanictemple.com
EDIT2: Ohhh! Donation thank you cards, in the name of a variety of elected officials, and mailed directly their office! Love it. https://thesatanictemple.com/collec...-for-elected-officials?variant=40124519186566
How does one become certified as a Satanic Chaplain? I'll need to study up on my infernal teachings.