How Russia-linked malware cut heat to 600 Ukrainian buildings in deep winter

They can't be reasoned with or expected to act in good faith. We all very much understand this. I have to wonder if we tighten the noose so that they choke on the natural response to their own actions if they will inevitably launch nukes. A kind of economic dead man switch. I wouldn't put it past them.
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Ukraine is game to you? Part deux.

That sound you are hearing right now, is the spoon occasionally hitting the bottom of the soviet tank reserve bucket.

In six months, we'll be in full "scraping the bottom of said bucket" mode.
It's speculated that since a T-62 is a simpler tank (no autoloader being the main example) - it's going to be easier/faster to refurbish than a T-64 or newer tank. If I recall the last satellite analysis correctly, none of the first-gen T-72s are being refurbished at all.

It's anyone's guess how much more effort would be needed to get those T-72s functional when compared to a T-62. 50% more? 100% more? Will they just have to scrap (some of) the T-72 turrets and make them into rolling sheds?

Battery sales keep Tesla profitable in Q2 as EV sales still slumped

To be fair, California is also the 5th largest economy in the world 😐
4th largest. You see, when Putin started his natural gas games with Europe, a region unfortunately currently reliant on such things, Germany slipped into a slight recession. That contraction, and California’s constant growth, allowed a leap frog into the number four slot.
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Did secularism fail?

I'm talking about something that immediately catches your attention : when an American male is talking to a woman, his pitch shifts and his pose changes. Like he's talking to a puppy that's cute but may bite. That's fucking ridiculous.
I've seen the mirror of that as well. Is this peculiarly American?

The 2024 Presidential Election - Oops, We Did It Again

Maybe we're missing something. I don't know what because I'm apparently not the target audience Vance is meant to attract or disarm.

The National Conservative movement is a huge fan of his (well, he's part of it I guess), and combined with the SV money to push him at Trump. Young guy, up and comer in the movement, would continue to push for their vision of a "new society."

No Man's Sky, an endlessness of space thingy

First, I reset the Exocraft options, and that allowed me to at least move forward and revers (after I waited 10 minutes on an infinite loading screen, force closed it and restarted).
But it was on WASD, and I remap controls to ASDF. I'd like to use the excuse that I'm getting old and WASD hurts my hands, but you can probably find posts from me 16 years ago still extolling the virtues of using the home row of keys to move..


       <Property name="KeyMapping2" value="GcInputActionMapping2.xml">
            <Property name="ActionSet" value="VehicleMode" />
            <Property name="Action" value="Vehicle_Forward" />
            <Property name="Button" value="KeyS" />
            <Property name="Axis" value="None" />
        <Property name="KeyMapping2" value="GcInputActionMapping2.xml">
            <Property name="ActionSet" value="VehicleMode" />
            <Property name="Action" value="Vehicle_Reverse" />
            <Property name="Button" value="KeyA" />
            <Property name="Axis" value="None" />

Then I zoomed around in my buggy for 30 mins, picking up phat loot. Okay, the loot wasn't noticeably phat, but I got some minerals and nanites.

Now I run chores, and when I get back, time to fly. I need to find a starship wreck. Last wreck I found was a freighter. Gave me some hyperfuel which will help once I buy a new ship, but I need money (that's what I want).

Google will not disable tracking cookies in Chrome after years of trying

I think the other problem is the resistance by many organisations to fix up their code so that it can work without relying on third party cookies - Salesforce being a good example of that because if you disable third party cookies on Chrome then start using Salesforce you quickly start to see either things don't work. I think the bigger mistake Google did was insisting on developing a bespoke solution rather than teaming up with Apple and adopting what they've been doing for years then maybe Firefox adopts it too then there is a single privacy perceiving technology that web developers can utilise rather than the mess that exists today.
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🦄 Dark Brandon unleashed

He wasn't hurting, but he also wasn't rich until after his final term as Vice President when he signed a book deal. He was known as the poor man of the Senate because he actually lived off of his Senate salary. He wasn't independently wealthy.

174,000$ year is nothing to sneeze at.

No that's not rich but that's a damn easy salary to live well on. I assume all healthcare is free/top shelf as well.

We’re building thermonuclear spaceships again—this time for real

another reason to keep reactors away from crewed spacecraft, you want anything critical on a crewed spacecraft to be readily serviceable if you can,
I mean, having a reactor would theoretically provide a good stable power generation source to supplement solar when not used for propulsion, but I certainly wouldn't want it to be my only power source.
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We’re building thermonuclear spaceships again—this time for real

another reason to keep reactors away from crewed spacecraft, you want anything critical on a crewed spacecraft to be readily serviceable if you can,

To quote the project summary from a subsequent three-stage saturated potassium vapour power turbine project...
Wet vapour potassium turbines incorporated in nuclear space power systems are exptected to operate unattended for 5 years
Nobody could accuse them of a lack of ambition, certainly

Man... The 60s were awesome with respect to some of the cavalier attitudes towards technology.
from the same report summary:
The test conditions were far from ideal. Weld failures were not uncommon, and resulted in facility shudtown, leakage of potassium from the facility, and leakage of air, particularly oxygen, into the system.
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The 2024 Presidential Election - Oops, We Did It Again

Vance has suggested on NPR to strategically devalue the USD to close the trade gap. Even if you're trolling hostile media (which NPR is for conservatives), that's pretty immature to suggest.

"We're going to weimar germany/zimbabwe our economy to own the [slur for chinese]/the libs AND make bitcoiners rich" should instantly disqualify you from office.
I wonder how long it will take people to realize he's offering them high inflation and paychecks that don't go as far for more work.
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Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years

I have several Dots and an Echo. I say a routine every morning of "Make Breakfast" and my coffee pot starts and my sandwich maker warms up with IOT plugs. About half of the time, Alexa says she doesn't recognize the device or goes into the definition of Breakfast. If this AI can't even do this right, I'm not going to pay for a subscription. This actually gives me an unfavorable view of all AI.
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Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years

So they can’t figure out how to enshittify it, how to extract money from existing locked in users. They thought they would, they assumed they would, but they didn’t. And now the whole thing is on the chopping block.

Somehow I feel like this is just the beginning of the end of an era of this stuff.
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The 2024 Presidential Election - Oops, We Did It Again

Like, is this a real thing? I'm not following it that closely, but the whole Vance VP nomination is so weird and counterproductive to the Trump campaign. Is it really that one of the biggest donors required this to happen and that's the only reason Vance was chosen? Or is it just speculation.
Maybe we're missing something. I don't know what because I'm apparently not the target audience Vance is meant to attract or disarm.

Ukraine is game to you? Part deux.

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That sound you are hearing right now, is the spoon occasionally hitting the bottom of the soviet tank reserve bucket.

In six months, we'll be in full "scraping the bottom of said bucket" mode.

FCC details AT&T screwups behind outage that blocked 25,000 calls to 911

The problem isn’t Agile, it’s poor organisational priorities. An org that’s happy to assert that Agile allows it to cut QA is going to cut QA regardless of development methodology, because it’s not valuing quality. An org that does value quality is going to invest in QA even if it’s using Agile.

Yeah, definitely. I'm not trying to play No True Agileman or saying that agile cannot fail it can only be failed or anything like that, but I've definitely found that when people talk about horrible problems w/ agile development what they describe tends to not even remotely resemble the idealized version as I learned it in college.
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Perpetual Random Apple Rants Thread

I asked my son the chef what they use in pro kitchens, and the answer was “nothing fancy, Sanelli is popular, and it all goes in the dishwasher”.
I will have to investigate this further. I believe my position on not putting knives in the dishwasher was formed from the understanding that it hastened how quickly they dulled. As pro kitchens presumably have their knives regularly professionally sharpened this wouldn't be a concern for them. But it could just as easily be something I read and internalized a long time ago that is just plain wrong.

As far as cast iron, I have tried to research it, and believe that there's nothing wrong with washing it with soap and water, but the detergents in dish washer soap can degrade the seasoning. But I suppose that could be wrong too.

Apologies for taking this off topic, I have no Apple rants I can think of at the moment.

Waymo is suing people who allegedly smashed and slashed its robotaxis

What is it that induces psychopathic level of rage in some people? Are these the same kind of people that kick puppies for fun, or is this a different brand of psychopathy? My question is: Does the introduction of self-driving cars produces new psychopaths, or it's just a catalyst that releases the inner psychopathic tendencies of bona-fide psychopaths.
I wonder if it has something to do with AVs following the letter of the law. There are a lot of road ragers out there that get pissed when they have to follow someone through a 35 mph zone when they want to do 55. Had enough of them on my ass in school zones.
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How Russia-linked malware cut heat to 600 Ukrainian buildings in deep winter

As seems to be usual with everything russia does there's no meaning to this beyond cruelty aimed directly at the civilian population of a nation which had the audacity to resist an unwarranted invasion.

Russia just isn't a nation among others. They're heavily armed terrorists without any motive or principle other than thuggery. Have been since before Ivan the terrible.

In the end europe will have to build a new iron curtain, severing all roads in and out of the country. And we'll just have to man those barricades until russia chokes on its own malice and finally grows the fuck up as a country. Because dog knows we've tried everything else, up to and including trying to be good neighbors. They only ever take that for weakness and as an invitation to fuck other nations over.
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Intel 14th Gen Thread

I would read that as the engineer responsible disclaiming that the fix is narrow. They identified what is certainly a major issue, ran down the cause, and fixed it.

Intel is now going to do the equivalent of a hotfix in production software. They are producing an update, testing it specifically as fast as they can, and pushing it out. They want to rush, and so are not taking the time to be thorough, but they are also aware that you can always make things worse, and so do need to perform minimal testing. The focus is now on getting this fix out, then they plan to go back to fully understand how it happened.

I do that too when serious issues come up. Sometimes you want to prioritize a fix for your affected customers as it is highly likely to improve the situation, but once that is done you still want to fully understand what happened in case there is more to it, or you can prevent this from happening in the future.

It gives the impression they really think they have a fix though, not that they are guessing.

Things you just watched on netflix/streaming video...spoilers all over the joint...

Can you help me find an obscure movie?
It's a Mexican comedy, released around 2005. It revolves around a rich family living in Guadalajara. The elderly patriarch hates his grown children, who are all wealthy spoiled brats. He adores his two granchildren, young men in their 20's trying to live life a little more authentically.

The old man dies of a heart attack during a family dinner. His will stipulates that his body be cremated, and his ashes be scattered in the ocean in Acapulco. His children cremate him, but they can't be bothered to drive all the way to the resort town. His ashes sit over a fireplace for months.

The two grandchildren, cousins who have nothing in common except their love for their deceased grandfather, do their best to get their parents to go to Acapulco. When they refuse, the cousins steal the ashes, and one parent's Rolls-Royce, and go to scatter the ashes themselves. Along the way, they find out why the grandfather was so enamored with the seaside town.

I saw the movie on DVD in 2005, so it must have come out around then. It was distributed in the US by Sony Pictures. I can't remember much beyond that. I haven't watched the movie in over a decade, and I'd really like to see it again. Can anyone help me find the name?
