How Social Media Affects Journalistic Objectivity

I spoke Tuesday at Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center, where the former Timesman Alex S. Jones runs the show. My talk was called “The New Objectivity: How Social Media Is Changing Traditional Reporting,” a subject I’ve written about frequently in blogs and columns.

Here is a summary of the discussion – which included a question-and-answer period – with audio. Those in attendance in Cambridge, Mass., included students at the Kennedy School, Nieman fellows, Shorenstein faculty and staff members, and visitors. (That one of the visitors was my son, who attends the law school at Harvard, is incidental — but gratifying for his mother.)

And I’ll add one note: The attached story states that Tom Kent, standards editor for The Associated Press, thinks social media undermines journalistic credibility. It is more accurate to say that Mr. Kent says it has the potential to do so, if used carelessly.