
Your experience while developing workflow apps is largely governed by the Slack SDKs and the Slack CLI. These tools change as the platform changes, and we release new versions regularly. Subscribe to be notified of updates, and let us know how we're doing.

v2.27.1 (July 11th, 2024)

v2.26.0 (June 13th, 2024)

  • As part of the Deno Slack SDK 2.12.0 release, we've added the add_bookmark Slack function and the team_id type. In addition, you can now pass the optional team_id parameter to the create_channel and create_usergroup Slack functions.
  • We now format warnings into text sections, and group similar warnings by source—this should help to reduce the number of warnings related to external teams that could appear when running your app.
  • We've fixed an issue with the datastore count Slack CLI command by adding a default for an empty query expression if one isn't provided.

v2.25.0 (May 30th, 2024)

Breaking change

Starting June 11, 2024, we are enforcing admin restrictions on built-in steps and webhook triggers in coded workflows. This update aims to align the security settings of coded workflows with those of connector steps and triggers. Refer to Enforcing admin restrictions on built-in steps and triggers in coded workflows for more details.

  • You can now update your local project's apps.json file with app IDs for your existing apps using the slack app link command. Refer to app commands for more details.
  • We've updated the formatting for section text and trace prints for the slack collaborator add, slack collaborator list, and slack collaborator remove commands.
  • We've updated the debug log output when installing dependencies using the slack create command. We also now suggest installing project dependencies if an error occurs when running this command.
  • We fixed a bug to avoid formatting printed strings if the string to be printed has no arguments.
  • We now set authentication configurations such as custom API hosts for selected tokens with the slack manifest validate command.

v2.24.0 (May 16th, 2024)

  • As part of the Deno Slack SDK 2.11.0 release, we've added a new Share Canvas in Thread Slack function.
  • We've renamed the function distribute command to function access (however, the distribute subcommand has been added as an alias so you can still use function distribute). Refer to custom function access for more details.
  • We've fixed several bugs that address some messaging, formatting, and emoji in the CLI for easier reading.

v2.23.0 (May 2nd, 2024)

  • As part of the Deno Slack SDK 2.10.0 and Deno Slack API 2.4.0 releases, we added support for the all_resources event for event triggers. Refer to scoping channel-based event triggers for more details.
  • We now prompt you to log in again if your auth is expired or invalid. This applies to all commands where you need to select an app.
  • We now automatically set the SLACK_API_URL environment variable to the preferred API host used in the auth process.
  • We fixed some bugs to reduce the chances of returning errors when checking the operating system, project configs, project tooling, and project dependencies when running the slack doctor command.
  • We now display a more informative message when you attempt to delete or uninstall an app from a project that has no apps.

v2.22.0 (April 18th, 2024)

  • We fixed a bug to prevent project paths including spaces from being separated into multiple arguments when deploying an app.
  • We now cease defaulting to the deno runtime, and log unsupported runtimes.
  • We fixed a bug that was causing a team_access_not_granted error when redeploying an app.
  • We fixed a bug to handle an empty outgoing_domains attribute within an app's manifest.
  • We fixed a bug to remove extra spaces from error messages when creating a new project using slack create.

v2.21.0 (April 4th, 2024)

  • You can now display runtime versions for your application's execution environment using the doctor hook. To enjoy the improved slack doctor command experience, existing Deno Slack SDK-based apps must have their deno-slack-hooks dependency upgraded to the latest version (v1.3.0).
  • As part of the Deno Slack SDK v2.9.0 release, the invite_user_to_channel built-in function makes the user_ids parameter optional rather than required. In addition, a usergroup_ids parameter was added, allowing you to invite entire user groups.
  • By relying only on the get-manifest hook when attempting to get a manifest rather than checking for a slack.yaml file, we now surface any errors that are returned when getting the manifest.
  • We removed the possibility of an error when generating the message boundary hook protocol, and now preserve spacing in logged outputs.
  • We corrected a few typos behind the scenes.

v2.20.1 (March 21st, 2024)

  • We fixed an issue to make our releases run more smoothly. Nothing to see here!

v2.20.0 (March 21st, 2024)

  • We've added a new feature for counting datastore items. Refer to Counting items in a datastore for more details.
  • We added a new feature to query named datastores from a flag instead of an expression. For example — before:
    $ slack datastore get '{"datastore": "todos", "id": "42"}'
    and after:
    $ slack datastore get --datastore tasks '{"id": "42"}'
  • We now include a remediation message for the not_authed error that explains how to log in and authorize the Slack CLI.
  • Users can now request app approval at the workspace level on Enterprise Grid.
  • We now include the error code in event payloads to logstash.
  • We fixed a bug to output a link if opening the URL in a browser fails.
  • We fixed a bug to catch missing hooks from a command; the initialization error is now included in the debug outputs. This allows any command to be run from a project directory without immediately posting an error.
  • We fixed a bug to remove ANSI escape sequences from the debug log outputs for an improved grepping experience.
  • We fixed a bug to verify that deprecated flags are properly substituted.

v2.19.0 (March 11th, 2024)

  • We've added a new Time To Live (TTL) feature to datastores! Refer to Delete items automatically for more details.
  • We fixed an issue so that any GetHooks errors display properly.
  • As part of the Deno Slack SDK v2.7.0 release, we've added new Slack functions for Canvases! Refer to the Canvas section of the Slack functions catalog for more details.

v2.18.0 (February 22nd, 2024)

The minimum supported PowerShell version as of this release is v6.0. If you attempt to use an older version of PowerShell, you may encounter errors reading the Slack Configuration file (slack.json) or running the get hooks hook.

  • We've added the ability to put, get, and delete items in bulk in a datastore. Refer to Create or replace items with put and bulkPut, Retrieve items with get and bulkGet, and Delete items with delete and bulkDelete, respectively.
  • We've added the ability to import to and export from datastores. Refer to Datastore commands for more details.
  • We've added a warning when creating an app from a sample app when the sample app may not have come from a trusted source.
    • You can disable this warning temporarily by running the slack create command with the --force flag.
    • You can disable this warning permanently by either selecting don't ask again when prompted, or by setting the trust_unknown_sources property in your config.json file.
  • We've fixed an issue so can now use CTRL-C to unhide your cursor when a spinner displays after running slack deploy.
  • We've enhanced some error messages and we've improved highlighting matching for help commands.

v2.17.1 (February 7th, 2024)

  • We added an enhancement to provide the SLACK_APP_TOKEN and SLACK_BOT_TOKEN environment variables when you run your app.
  • We now install development dependencies for apps on the Node.js runtime when creating a new app to ensure @slack/cli-hooks is installed.
  • We've fixed an issue by formatting paths with OS-specific dividers in the slack create command.

v2.17.0 (January 25th, 2024)

  • We've improved how the CLI gathers environment variables.

v2.16.0 (January 11th, 2024)

  • We now display the workflow name for errors returned in the CLI.
  • We now return an error if credentials aren't found for a selected app when using the slack app command.

v2.15.0 (December 14th, 2023)

  • We've updated the "choose a workspace to grant access" prompt to sort by team name rather than team ID.
  • We've deprecated the deno command and removed its listing from the help command. The deno command is slated to be removed completely in an upcoming release.
  • Endpoints at are no longer blocked by a permission error for local apps.
  • We now have better error handling when appending a (local) tag to the display name of local apps.
  • We've removed some extra blank lines and debug information from command outputs for a cleaner look and faster feel.
  • We've provided prompts for possible trigger IDs for trigger commands that need them.

Happy last release of the year!

v2.14.0 (November 30th, 2023)

  • We've updated the CLI to prompt you to request admin approval for an Admin-Approved App using a connector function that is not currently approved for use in your workspace. For more information, refer to Platform permissions control for admins.
  • We've formatted the system and project configs with indents to make editing easier.
  • We've added a SLACK_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to the --config-dir global flag.
  • The uninstall command is now available from the list displayed when using the --help flag.

v2.13.0 (November 16th, 2023)

  • We've added an --all-org-workspace-grants flag to the app list command so you can display all grants instead of only the first three.
  • We've combined workspace and org language into team; as such, we have added a --team flag and deprecated the --workspace flag. Note that this will not affect the usage of workspace or org when it is necessary to distinguish between them; for example, with the hermes auth list and trigger access commands.
  • We removed the redirect to the delete command when running the uninstall command, so you may now only uninstall an app rather than deleting the app entirely along with all of its data.
  • We've updated the CLI installer to align the Deno runtime version with the current version supported by the Slack platform.
  • We've updated all deno-reverse-string sample app references to use deno-started-template instead.
  • We fixed a bug to create a usr/local/bin directory if it is missing when installing the CLI.
  • We updated some confusing language related to breaking changes.
  • We fixed a bug that caused an error when any property setting flags were provided along with the --trigger-def flag.
  • We fixed a bug where descriptions and selected template URLs might be mismatched from the displayed list of samples.

v2.12.0 (November 2nd, 2023)

  • We now support npm dependencies in a beta capacity, so you can use the npm: specifier when importing modules for both locally run and deployed apps. For more details about using npm: and node: specifiers, refer to Node.js APIs and npm packages.
  • We've updated the slack app list command to display Enterprise grants for multiple workspaces.
  • We fixed a bug that displayed app manifest warnings when there were none.

v2.11.0 (October 26th, 2023)

  • We've updated commands requiring manifest validation (e.g. manifest, deploy, install, triggers create, and triggers run) to catch errors if a connector is not installed, attempt to install any certified apps related to connectors mentioned in the manifest, and then re-validate the manifest.
  • New error codes for connectors have been added to aid you in troubleshooting.
  • We've added a --file flag to the function distribute command (renamed to function access) so that you can manage access and distributions with a configuration file instead of multiple commands.

v2.10.0 (October 5th, 2023)

  • We've updated the deploy command to prompt you to select an organization workspace, similarly to the run command. Refer to deploy to Slack for more details.
  • We've added a little more polish to the Admin-Approved Apps flow.
  • We've added support for the apps.certified.install method, coming soon to an API near you!
  • We've implemented a few bug fixes behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly.

v2.9.1 (September 21st, 2023)

  • We now order functions by callback ID for easier sorting when you call the function distribute command (renamed to function access).
  • We've formatted and streamlined the install script as well as some of our error descriptions for a smoother, more pleasant experience.

Minimum CLI version (September 19th, 2023)

Starting today, the Slack API's minimum required CLI version for Enterprise Grid is changing from v1.18.0 to v2.9.0. If you attempt to log in with an older version, you'll receive a cli_update_required error from the Slack API.

Run slack upgrade to get the latest version. Refer to install & authorize for more details about installing the Slack CLI.

v2.9.0 (September 8th, 2023)

  • We now support the new look & feel of Slack! For the best experience, we recommend upgrading to CLI version 2.9.0+.
  • Starting on Sept 19th, Slack CLI v2.9.0 is required to login to Slack Enterprise. For everyone else, Slack CLI v1.18.0 is the minimum version.
  • You can now specify which workspace within an Enterprise Grid organization to grant your app access to when you deploy and install your app by using the --org-workspace-grant flag.
  • Sometimes additional admin approval is needed before your app can be installed. We now notify you that pending app approval/denial notifications will come from Slackbot.
  • We added more workflow events to the CLI for improved troubleshooting.
  • We updated the output of our --info flag for a more streamlined experience.
  • You can now skip the workspace selection dialog when you supply an app id via --app and an active token via --token flags.