
Using Android 7.0 on a Huawei T3 Mediapad ("KOB-L09" model-number). I want to connect my Android device to my PC using a USB-lead so that I can examine all the folders and files on that Android device.

Can you tell me, are there any files or folders on my Android device which won't appear when viewed with Windows 11 File-Explorer in this way, which would otherwise appear if I were to manually search through the folders contained in the "Files\local\Internal Storage" directory on the device itself (where "Files" is the default 'files app' of the device).

Regarding that "Files\local\Internal Storage" path I just mentioned, the first picture below shows exactly which app I'm referring to by "Files".

and the second picture shows exactly what I mean by the "Internal Storage" bit.

  • 1
    Seems like files and folders starting with a dot are not visible from a PC using MTP protocol (USB file transfer mode) Android dot folder (hidden folder) is not showing in Windows
    – Robert
    Commented Jul 1 at 7:11
  • Other that this ^^^ everything else should appear the same. Either way, using MPT, you don't have access to the system files and folders, only to the userspace. Commented Jul 1 at 8:47
  • @ChanganAuto To be clear, there is also no access to the system files and folders by default on a factory-reset device, when just using the device itself, is there? some extensions or other tools are surely needed, right? so, by default, on the device itself, you can only access the userspace, right?
    – william
    Commented Jul 2 at 10:46
  • Yes, only the userspace. Commented Jul 2 at 13:50
  • @ChanganAuto Thanks.
    – william
    Commented Jul 2 at 14:16


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