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Over-ride Paid preparer info

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Over-ride Paid preparer info


I work for a family business.  I self prepare most tax returns and file electronically those returns.  However, we occasionally have a tax return we wish to have reviewed and signed by an outside CPA firm.  They are now the "Paid Preparer" and their name, address, PTIN and EIN should be written in the paid preparers section of the signature page and the Form 8453-PE in the case of a partnership return.  

Our company is the ERO and not the paid preparer.  ProSeries does not allow the firm name and address to be over-written in the Paid Preparer section.  I have had at least 5 phone conversations with customer service with no success.  

Thank you


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Level 15

The Paid Preparer is supposed to use their licensed version of the software I believe.

Level 14
Level 14

Why don't you just let the outside CPA e-file it for you

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