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Keywords: institutionalize
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Journal Article
Fei Sun and others
The Gerontologist, Volume 53, Issue 3, June 2013, Pages 418–429, https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gns110
Published: 07 September 2012
... 9 7 2012 © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com. 2012 Abstract Purpose: Literature on institutionalization of patients with dementia...
Published: 26 October 2006
... in domestic and EU law. Over the last twenty years, informed individuals and groups have done what they could to develop the necessary skills and structures to implement those principles in respect of other-language speakers. Governments have only begun to institutionalize their implementation relatively...
Published: 02 June 1994
... to the poor beyond the membership. In this way the fraternity came to institutionalize the two main imperatives of the highest Theological Virtue, Charity: to promote the vertical links with God through the deepening of devotion among the laity and the horizontal links between men through neighbourly love...
Published: 23 January 2014
... between the existing formal rules and the informal norms that develop around them and that guide actors’ behavior. The formal institutional design of an organization sets the tone for how such informal norms will be institutionalized. To measure institutional differences, the author focuses on four key...
Published: 02 December 1993
...0 02 12 1993 The new Saudi polity that crystallized after the defeat of the Ikhwan is perhaps best described as “encapsulation.” The Saudi state had developed a superior structure capable of subordinating the tribes but unable to institutionalize its rule and cement it by means of a new ethos...
Published: 30 July 2009
..., institutionalize it against rival preferences, and shape economic performance in line with its own agenda. However, rather than converging on a single uniform model, the new central banks adopted varied institutional features. They also diverged in terms of their performance and central bankers’ identities...
Published: 16 December 2009
... creating political allies and support while simultaneously giving religion an institutionalized voice in government. funding hope success measures Dilulio John information Kuo David symbolic policies Towey Jim White House Office of Faith‐Based and Community Initiatives political allies...