

Multikinase inhibitors (MKIs) improve the treatment of refractory thyroid cancer, included radioactive iodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (RAIR-DTC) and advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma (aMTC).


This study aims to compare the efficacy of MKIs in improving survival outcomes and safety.

Data Sources

Comprehensive database searches of MEDLINE via PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane performed from inception to December 2023.

Study Selection

Three independent authors selected these studies. Randomised-controlled trials that compared the use of a MKI to other MKIs or placebo were included.

Data Extraction and Synthesis

This review followed PRISMA guidelines. Risk of bias was analyzed using the Cochrane RoB 2 tool. Bayesian network meta-analysis was performed. Treatments were grouped into common nodes based on the type of MKI.

Main Outcomes and Measures

Primary outcomes were progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Secondary outcomes included objective response rate, disease control rate, clinical benefit rate, and adverse events.


Cabozantinib 60 mg/d (CAB60) was associated with the highest prolonged PFS in RAIR-DTC patients, followed by lentivatinib 18 or 24 mg/d (LEN18 or LEN24), and apatinib. PFS was also improved in in aMTC patients received CAB 140 mg/d (CAB140), CAB60, or anlotinib. A significantly greater improvement on the performance of OS was seen in CAB60, LEN24, anlotinib, and sorafenib in RAIR-DTC patients, but which in aMTC patients were lack of statistical differences. Compared with the low-dose of MKIs, high-dose of MKIs such as CAB, LEN, and vandetanib increased the incidence of adverse events.


CAB60, LEN, and apatinib are promising topical MKIs with statistically significant primary outcomes in RAIR-DTC patients, while CAB and anlotinib are effective in prolonging PFS in aMTC patients.

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