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Keywords: punishment
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Published: 27 November 2023
... understood waste as a punishment God could mete out to disobedient people. From there, the chapter moves to how the Common Law of England adapted and elaborated ideas of waste that it found in the Old Testament, progressively reengineering the idea of “waste” from something God did do punish people...
Published: 01 March 2018
...This chapter discusses scenes of supernatural punishment that foreground the dramatic power of the eighteenth-century opera orchestra. It argues that instrumental music increasingly represented the powers of condemnation and punishment in the theater, thanks to the expansion of the orchestra's...
Published: 04 March 2013
... both legitimated and proscribed the ability of officers to enforce discipline and mete out corporal punishment to seafarers. discipline cruel and unusual punishment and gender extralegal practices and Jackson Andrew law the Act for the Relief and Protection of American Seamen as maritime culture...
Published: 04 September 2014
..., and Edgar’s disappearance, in-between going into exile and returning as Tom. Survival, not death, is the punishment, because it is survival as radical loss of loved ones and identity. Edgar and Job have to substitute for themselves; their bodies taken hostage, their voices the vehicle of ambivalent freedom...
Published: 25 October 2017
... interrogational beatings and compensation to crime prevention moral community and retributive police violence drug trade illegal discipline physical education moral education physical punishment as physical punishment emotions excessive use of force humor private security officers Santos Boaventura de...
Published: 22 September 2015
.... Another relevant psychological mechanism is a (partly instinctive) predisposition to punish those who break rules, as evident in primate communities and relatively simple human societies. But, once we move to complex systems of law, culture and institutions must suppress the emotions and behaviors...
Published: 04 May 2018
... Foucault Michel governmentality gratification of desire liberalism sovereignty identification Quesnay François utilitarianism market the physiocratic Rousseau Jean Jacques self love laissez faire normativity Polanyi Karl Harcourt Bernard punishment discipline panopticism prison tyranny...
Published: 15 December 2006
...This chapter explores the relationship between technical knowledge and our conceptions of just punishment. The structural transformation of our conception of just punishment at the end of the twentieth century is a case study in justice conforming itself to our developing technical knowledge...
Published: 15 December 2006
... profiling on the roads reduce the overall incidence of drug possession and drug trafficking on the nation's highways? Does it produce a ratchet effect on the profiled population? And does it distort our shared conceptions of just punishment? African Americans community effects drug possession consequences...
Published: 01 April 2008
... courts the punishment of Shechem; that punishment is anticipated in the second story of intermarriage and conversion for love that seems to haunt the edges of Merchant. Christian circumcision Jews Paul race Sermon preached at the Christening of a Certaine Iew A Foxe Antonio Calvin...
Published: 15 April 2002
...This chapter explores whether people seek optimal deterrence, as this idea is understood in the economic analysis of law. The basic finding is that they do not. People appear to reject the view, widespread within economic analysis, that punishment should be increased beyond...
Published: 17 May 2021
...This chapter summarizes the book’s preceding arguments. Punishment falls unequally and ineffectively on different groups of children, while bureaucratic inertia and public confusion about the purposes of punishment blunt serious consideration of the problem. While indicting the inflexible...
Published: 22 May 2021
... processes, and punishments within bureaucratic structure—and tracks the historical development of punitiveness in public assistance systems. Under punitive adversarialism, organizational structures and norms functionally treat administrative problems as crime problems and deviance within bureaucratic...
Published: 17 May 2021
...In Spare the Rod, historian Campbell F. Scribner and philosopher Bryan R. Warn investigate the history and philosophy of America’s punishment and discipline practices in schools. To delve into this controversial subject, they first ask questions of meaning. How have concepts of discipline...
Published: 11 June 2018
...Throughout the eighteenth century judicial commentators justified punishment in terms of the terror it would instill in criminals and potential criminals. They referred to it as a frein or brake on the natural tendency of certain people to commit crimes and therefore characterized the security...
Published: 19 January 2018
... punishment and reward. art culture morality Ecce Homo Nietzsche Rée Paul Schopenhauer Arthur Wagner Richard Bible the Origin of the Moral Sensations The Rée Psychological Observations Rée science audiences free will Nietzsche Friedrich nonresponsibility soul the amor fati Enlightenment...
Published: 21 May 2014
... that tyrants have no power and that doing injustice is worse than suffering injustice. Behind these paradoxical claims lies a compelling critique of the confusions inherent in moral indignation and the irrationality of punishment that is retributive rather than aimed at curing the offender’s unhealthy soul...
Published: 05 June 2015
... Liske Jim morality political sphere Prison Fellowship Ministries PFM psychotherapy Simon Jonathan social class War on Drugs African Americans Graber Jennifer Higher Education Act of 1965 left the Perkinson Robert power structures punishment and prisons race and race relations Reagan...
Published: 18 November 2016
..., tyrannical, and personality-altering way. In this ideological context, retributive approaches to punishment, including the death penalty, gained renewed respectability. To its supporters and even, at times, its detractors, capital punishment was imagined as a form of punishment that would showcase the power...
Published: 22 April 2016
... to implicate his enemy, sometime Bolognese papal legate, Cardinal Antonio Barberini, who eventually fled to France. This detailed micro-history of crime and punishment in seventeenth-century Italy examines life strategies among marginal figures (prostitutes, nuns, maidservants, mercenary soldiers, bandits...