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Keywords: labor
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Published: 17 March 2015
... stage information outcome bureaucracy printing bandwidth effect clan diffusion effect division of labor leadership swarming activity BRILLIANCE generic labor outsourcing rules search engine optimization SEO self programmable labor Semoptco tools autonomy pulse coworking vi writing...
Published: 24 April 2014
...This chapter introduces the book by opening with the story of Reverend Addie Wyatt. Wyatt was a migrant who made it in Chicago by engaging in a long career of labor, community, and church-based activism. Her story points to the importance of Chicago as a city of destruction and a crucible for black...
Published: 24 April 2014
... the formation of political networks that have been overshadowed until now in histories of radical labor-civil rights organizing. In particular, the battle for the construction of the Ida B. Wells Homes, the first public housing project for African Americans in the city, not only energized the new protest...
Published: 01 January 2008
...This chapter examines the role of migration in resisting colonial forced-labor policies in the Machaze district in Mozambique. It describes how migration developed as a form of resistance to colonial policy and highlights the importance of migrancy as a strategy for dealing with the deadly famines...
Published: 01 January 2008
... destinations for labor migration in South Africa throughout the war. This chapter argues that the war-time migration decision making of Machazians was responsive to concerns over the preservation and renegotiation of social relations and the pursuit of key life projects such as marriage and raising children...
Published: 29 March 2017
...The chapter argues that while value is a discourse, it registers, critiques, and sometimes seeks to reconfigure social and material arrangements. Earlier generations of theorists critical of the market as the sole measure of value offered the labor theory of value as an alternative. Feminists...
Published: 15 December 2007
...This chapter examines the impact of German imperialism on slavery in the Cameroon Grassfields. It suggests that the German presence in the Grassfields not only increased the taking of slaves under the guise of labor recruitment but also seriously destabilized the region. The chapter also contends...
Published: 15 November 2009
... child labor on One room schools age graded curriculum in Students child labor by Age graded schools education reforms in Cities Climate Political control decentralization of School districts attendance zones versus Amherst College Universities colleges attendance in International school...
Published: 15 July 2015
...This chapter examines an entanglement of class politics, science and consumption in the postwar French welfare state. In spring 1950, the French Minister of Labor asked a group of union leaders, employers, and experts to design a new national minimum wage (the SMIG.) They were charged with defining...
Published: 30 September 2003
...This chapter discusses the decline and fall of hobohemia. World War I had not only prompted a devastating crackdown on hobo political organizations, it had also accelerated long-term social and economic trends that diminished the need for hobo labor. As mainstream populations grew older and more...
Published: 17 November 2015
... Puerto Ricans Salvadorans Yorke Peter Braaten David Gomez Jose O’Riley Luke skilled labor Tinney Joseph Asian Americans New Deal suburbs suburbanization Boston Chicago Good Samaritans Jews Precita Valley Community Club Association single family dwellings Addams Jane Bay Area Crusade...
Published: 09 November 2016
... distinctions of Cameroonian belonging and identity. Embedded in this complex field of belonging is a sense of reproductive insecurity, tied to a colonial legacy of loss, infertility and disease. In the post-colonial flux of Cameroonian rural-to-urban labor and educational migration, women navigate and leverage...
Published: 17 October 2016
... alienation of labor can be applied to animal-laborers, who, for example are alienated from their “product” (which in many cases is their own body re-constructed to maximize meat production). Moreover, the harshness with which animals are treated often exceeds that directed toward human workers. At root...
Published: 15 May 2002
...This chapter characterizes the socioeconomic effects of changing demographics. Fertility rates may be declining slowly over the years because women move into careers and children become more expensive. Women's college enrollment and labor force participation rates must certainly have been on a slow...
Published: 04 March 2013
...On April 11, 1849, a violent fight ensued between seamen and their officers aboard the Lorena while the ship was about to set sail from its berth at the end of Maiden Lane in lower Manhattan. The incident demonstrates how labor and life worked—and did not work—at sea...
Published: 04 March 2013
...Theoretically, the wages, conditions, punishment, and work performed by seamen on American merchant vessels were governed by the admiralty and maritime law of the United States. At the level of the individual vessel, however, life and labor at sea were determined by an amalgamation of tradition...
Published: 01 October 2011
...This chapter examines the connection between factor endowments and the immigration and land distribution policies of colonial governments. The main argument is that elites allowed broad access to land only when they needed to attract labor. Where labor was scarce, even political and economic elites...
Published: 05 November 2014
...This chapter provides additional evidence on the U-shaped relationship between the process of economic development and women’s labor force participation. The experience of the United States is studied in a comparative perspective relative to a sample of rich economies observed over the period 1890...
Published: 22 September 2015
... the family farm and the contemporary factory, and in some ways, closer to the factory than to the farm. However, by other more important measures, plantations were very different from factories. We argue that the direct analogies between plantations and factories and labor systems employing modern management...
Published: 22 November 2016
... Pascal on Cartesian calculating machines seventeenth century Blaise Pascal Samuel Morland artisanal knowledge labor history tacit knowledge thinking matter In a letter of September 1646, Pierre Petit, engineer to the king, wrote a short history of techniques for facilitating arithmetical...