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Keyword advertising

The benefits of keyword advertising

Keyword banner advertising is a great way to get your message to your precise audience. For example, you could target the name of your drug or the name of the condition the drug treats and know that the ad will be seen by clinicians who are researching those topics.

Targeting and segmentation are becoming ever more important to ensure that your message is seen by a relevant audience and keyword advertising delivers exactly that.

The benefits of keyword banner advertising with an OUP journal

  • Save money and increase the relevance of your ad spend

  • Be completely confident that exactly the right people are seeing your digital ad

  • Selecting long-tail keywords is an extremely cost-effective way of advertising

Key-word campaigns can be targeted to a single journal, to a selected list of journals, or across all journals which offer key-word campaigns, ensuring your adverts appear next to any and all relevant content (excluding guideline and supplement pages).

When choosing keywords

  • Advertisers may select the name of any disease, medical condition, treatment or therapy as a keyword

  • Advertisers may select their own name (company name), the name of their products, services or pharmaceuticals

  • Advertisers cannot select as keywords the name of any other company nor registered, trademarked or generic names


Please see rate cards for further details


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How much do keyword banner campaigns cost?

Your campaign benefits from a highly targeted service delivering your message to a precisely segmented readership. The charge is appropriate to that high level of service, details can be found in each of the journal media kits.

Can you guarantee that my chosen number of impressions will deliver in my chosen timeframe?

If we quote for 10,000 impressions per month for three months on your chosen keyword/s and you choose to book all of those impressions, then in 99% of cases, 30,000 impressions will deliver in the three-month period. In the rare circumstance where there is an under delivery, you will be charged only for those impressions which did deliver. We bill monthly in arrears so you can be sure that you will never be charged for inventory which didn’t deliver.

How can I maximise my keyword banner campaigns?

Choosing highly relevant keywords and phrases is the secret to successful campaigns. Composing an ad which reflects those keywords is important as it will resonate with readers and using those words again on your landing page should further enhance your campaign.

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Geo-target by region

We can geo-target by region to ensure your content reaches only those that need to see it or in territories in which your product is approved.


With high viewability and user engagement, high CPM and click through rates. An Interstitial ad is the perfect choice for a premium placement.


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