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Questions tagged [plagiarism-checker]

This tag is for software (and other) solutions that allow to check a text or a submission to a journal/conference for instances of plagiarism. The tag is also for questions on the ethics and concerns when using such solutions as well as other issues related to the use of plagiarism-checkers. For questions that are about plagiarism in general, please use the tag "plagiarism" instead.

3 votes
2 answers

Is it unfair for a journal to change a decision on an accepted paper if it is later found to be too derivative of the author's previous work?

I edit a journal and we have recently started using similarity checks. We have a paper that we accepted, but before we published it we found that it is very similar to previous papers of the author. ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to Address Unprocessable PDF Submissions in SafeAssign for Plagiarism Checks?

I am an astronomy professor who recently started using Blackboard's SafeAssign tool to check for plagiarism in student submissions. I've encountered a persistent issue with one of my students, whose ...
1 vote
3 answers

How do I lower the similarity index percentage in iThenticate?

I have run into a situation where a "plagiarism detection software" (I believe the one being used is called iThenticate) is showing 31 % similarity index for my document. In the list at the ...
22 votes
5 answers

Found possible instance of plagiarism in joint review paper and PhD thesis of high profile collaborator, what to do?

I am a new assistant professor, and I just started my faculty career. I encountered a problem when collaborating with a tenured associate professor from an American University. I am a new faculty, and ...
18 votes
2 answers

Replying to an editor after plagiarism accusation and manuscript rejection

As the title of this question suggests, a manuscript that I submitted was flagged as plagiarized by iThenticate and was rejected by the editor. The editor claims that the manuscript has 35% similarity ...
8 votes
3 answers

Plagiarism from preprint of paper (from the Arxiv)

Recently we have written a research paper and posted a preprint on the Arxiv to obtain some non-official peer review and to increase the quality of our paper. Till now we have not submitted this paper ...
1 vote
1 answer

Plagarsim check [duplicate]

Could your own preprints of the same paper on arXiv and other sites be considered as plagiarism when the journal checks this paper using, for example, Turnitin plagiarism program?
14 votes
3 answers

Do authors normally check their own papers for plagiarism?

I was recently asked to review a paper (for a very reputable journal). In the cover letter, it says "This paper has been checked with turnitin to ensure there is no similarity to other papers." I ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Book publishing used anti_plagiarism tool [closed]

Is all book publishing used plagiarism detection? And can i check plagiarism for old book published from two years and get true percent of similarity? Regards
4 votes
1 answer

Plagiarism Tools in Academia

A colleague of mine noticed that one of his co-authors copied and pasted a discussion from another paper into their manuscript. When confronted, the co-author freely and casually admitted to it. My ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a need to always check for plagiarism?

If you carefully and adequately paraphrase and quote in a given school assignment or a master's essay or thesis (i.e. act ethically), should you use a software or a website to check for plagiarism? Is ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is it wise to upload all the publshed research works to the Standard Paper Repository of Turnitin?

My organization is using Turnitin software and I am the Administrator. Will it be a wise decision to upload all our published research works to the Standard Paper Repository of the software in order ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can students use Turnitin to view papers submitted by other students in the class?

Does the Turnitin Similarity Report show students snippets from papers submitted by other students in the same class? For example, say John submits his paper a few days before the due date. Then Tim ...
9 votes
5 answers

What is the acceptable similarity in a mathematics PhD dissertation when checking by Turnitin?

I have checked the originality of my PhD thesis in mathematics using Turnitin. The similarity was 31%. Is this percentage acceptable by most committees?
0 votes
1 answer

About Plagiarism checking for two academic paper which have been published on conference and journal

A friend and I have published one journal paper and one conference paper on the same topic. As I have seen we have made a some mistake in not adding the desired changes to the journal version of that ...

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