Policy On Pseudonymous Analysts

While Seeking Alpha greatly prefers that authors use their real names, we recognize that is not always possible. Due to regulations at their workplace or other factors, some analysts are not able to reveal their real names. In addition, many well-known, veteran stock market bloggers write under a pseudonym. To allow these writers to reach a broad investment public that's interested in reading and discussing their ideas, Seeking Alpha permits our analysts to remain anonymous to the public if they prefer. Our assumption, as always, is that our readers desire rigorous and insightful research and opinion on the stocks and sectors they follow - the analyst’s name is ultimately less important than the ideas conveyed.

Seeking Alpha still holds pseudonymous analysts to the same compliance and biographical standards as analysts who write under their real name. We insist on receiving the analyst’s real name and contact information (which we keep confidential) and maintain a correspondence with the analyst, forwarding the analyst any questions or concerns that may emerge about their articles. Stock positions held by pseudonymous analysts must also be disclosed. All other terms - as outlined in our Terms of Use - apply to pseudonymous analysts.

Furthermore, if a analyst has ever had a settlement, conviction, or SEC action against them, they must publish under their real name. Analysts are not allowed to adopt a real-sounding pseudonym, or use the name of a real company/organization for their pseudonym. In addition, we do not allow analysts to change from one pseudonym to another. For analysts that do not have any SEC action against them, they can continue publishing under their pseudonym, or they may switch to their real name if they decide to change their mind later on. When it comes to pseudonyms, please ensure that it’s unique, professional and finance/investment related. 

Analysts writing under a pseudonym must acknowledge the limitations to full anonymity, such as court orders or other legal and regulatory requirements, as well as instances where a analyst published under their real name in the past. In addition, analysts should take into account limitations which are beyond Seeking Alpha's control, such as the use of external search engines. 

If you would like us to forward an inquiry for an anonymous profile name, please email: analysts@seekingalpha.com