To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the EDPS will publish a series of 5 videos of around 3 minutes, each giving a general overview of the core principles of EU data protection law.

Data Protection ExPLAINed is a must-see for anyone who is new to data protection and seeks a simple explanation of the core principles of data protection under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which governs the processing of individuals’ personal data in the EU. These videos explain in simple terms the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection and how the EU ensures that people have control over their personal data.

Each video touches upon different data protection principles through stories about normal people who have overcome a specific problem with the help of data protection law. After watching all videos, viewers will gain a general knowledge of these principles and the impact of related EU law on their everyday life.

These videos offer insight into the meaning of ‘personal data’, individuals’ rights regarding the protection of their personal data and the regulations that private and public organisations must adhere to when using individuals’ personal data under EU law. The stories are based on real-life scenarios such as employment, law enforcement, migration, health data and automated decision-making through artificial intelligence.

Additionally, the series is a great starting point to gain a first insight into some of the main data protection issues we come across in our work at the EDPS, particularly in the context of the protection of fundamental rights and the role that public institutions play in this field.

Watch the videos on the EDPS’ website: