Supporting independence

Vision Australia is a leading national provider of blindness and low vision services. We work with Australians who are blind or have low vision, helping them live the life they choose.

We support more than 25,500 people of all ages and circumstances. We do this through our online services and at Vision Australia centres. These are located in Victoria, New South Wales, the ACT, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia. We also offer outreach programs in the Northern Territory and Tasmania.

We are a not-for-profit organisation. We’re also a major participant and partner in the international blindness community.

Why we exist

To support people of all ages who are blind or have low vision to live the life they choose.

How we behave

With integrity we listen, adapt and learn, giving the greatest respect to our clients and each other.

What we do

Create opportunities for people who are blind or have low vision to be as independent as they choose.

Governance and leadership

We adhere to a structure that helps us work together. This allows us to achieve our goals.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors ensures Vision Australia has appropriate governance, accountability and control systems in place.

Board of Directors

Leadership team

Our Leadership team ensures we all can do our jobs to the best of our abilities.

Leadership team

Client Reference Group

The Board convenes a Client Reference Group. This helps us gain advice and feedback on the direction of the organisation.

Client Reference Group

Become a Vision Australia member

As a Vision Australia member, you can become involved. Play a part in the governance of an organisation that makes a difference.

Become a Vision Australia member

Our financials

Vision Australia receives funding from a range of sources. These include Commonwealth and State Government departments and programs. More details on our funding can be found in our annual and financial reports. We also have a deductible gift recipient (DGR) status.

See our annual and financial reports