Our values
The culture of difference, the search for excellence, the pioneering spirit, the passion for design and creation, solidarity and team spirit symbolize Saverglass' corporate culture. Shared by all our employees throughout the world, these fundamental values are expressed daily in our actions and commitments.

Mission & vision

Our mission

To accompany our clients‘ success by enhancing their products with exceptional glass containers

Our vision

Combine leadership, social and environmental responsibility.

A culture of difference

Transforming a marginal position into a benchmark position, escaping conventional reproduction mechanisms to create a unique and high-performance model every time: it is this culture of difference, combined with niche positioning (a pioneering strategy in the market for high-end spirit and wine packaging) and daring decisions, which have enabled the Saverglass group to occupy a privileged position on the market today.

The pursuit of excellence

Excellence is an ongoing quest. Each member of the group therefore pays particular attention to every detail, constantly striving for perfection. Within the group, no compromise on quality is possible. And this requirement extends even beyond the products, through continuous improvement objectives: never to be satisfied, to seek out new ideas and to constantly develop our skills.

A pioneering spirit

At Saverglass, we promote creativity and self-improvement, encourage optimism, cooperation, resilience and initiative, stimulate energies and place our trust in all generations. A culture close to that of start-ups that nurtures our pioneering spirit and meets the requirements of companies that see further and act faster.

A passion for design and creation
for design and creation

Our passion for creativity, for over 30 years, has led us to place design at the heart of our organization. An integral part of the company's heritage, the culture of design allows us to enrich our collections every year with innovative and original forms. These creations are the fruit of the work of our designers, of our constant monitoring of market developments, but also of a unique expertise acquired through the bottles and decanters created for our customers, in all categories of wines and spirits throughout the world. We also share this passion with the creators of brands, whether they are independent or part of large groups, and we put our expertise at their disposal to imagine innovative and differentiating products.

and team spirit

The essential values that drive the men and women of Saverglass, team spirit and solidarity, lead us to work as one and to act together, with the permanent objective of efficiency. Cooperation between the employees of a company cannot be decreed. As well as the pride of belonging to a group like Saverglass: It is a state of mind that is shared and in which we evolve on a daily basis.


"Saverglass is driven by a permanent quest for quality and excellence as well as by a long-term vision aimed at progress, environmental preservation and corporate social responsibility."

Jean-Marc Arrambourg, CEO President

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