Queens Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar says she has opened an exploratory committee to run for city comptroller.

In a statement provided to NY1, she said, in part: "There is not enough return on investment or government accountability. Government inefficiency costs lives. I can fix this, and that is why I am exploring a run for City Comptroller."

There had been speculation about a potential run, as Rajkumar has had her feet firmly planted behind the mayor at his press conferences for months.

As a Democrat, Rajkumar would be on a collision course with the city's current comptroller, Brad Lander. 

In response to Rajkumar, Lander said his position is "a great job."

"I love doing it. I [need] to decide, still for sure, what I'm running for. But I understand why people are interested in the job," he said Monday on "Inside City Hall."

The primary is scheduled for June of next year.