“The Real Housewives of Roku City”

A group of women sits and laughs in a garden.
Source photograph from Getty

This new group of housewives goes through everything together: divorces, wine-label launches, and the constant terror of living in the besieged Roku City. These ladies bring tons of drama and are no strangers to a TV screen. Check out their taglines and bios before the new season premières on Bravo, later this month!

“I don’t see the world in black and white. It’s literally purple.”

The de-facto leader of the pack, Tara and her husband own an advertising company that controls all the billboards in town. If you want to advertise in Roku City, you’ll have to go through her.

“My hearing is bad, but my taste is exquisite.”

Jess is Tara’s right-hand woman, who is deaf in one ear, following a blimp accident. She proudly interior-decorated her own home—the eighteen-thousand-square-foot haunted mansion next to the movie theatre. It’s not her fault if the renovation-reveal party happens to be the same day as Kristine’s daughter’s fund-raiser for victims of alien abduction!

“I can’t help it if I look down on people—I live in the penthouse.”

Sharon’s world was turned upside down when her tech-billionaire husband was sent to the Alcatraz-like prison on that island in the bay. Turns out that people don’t like a giant robot rampaging through the city. With the help of her girls, Sharon hopes to rein in the robot and bring her husband home to their penthouse in the building that looks like the Avengers Tower, but, for legal reasons, definitely isn’t.

“I don’t throw wine; I throw knives.”

Kristine grew up on a pirate ship, so she has a tendency toward violence. She’s still bitter that she wasn’t invited to the factory opening last year, but is trying to put that behind her in order to focus on launching her jewelry line, all of which is hand-forged in the fires of R.C.’s very own active volcano.

“I’m like the bay—deeper than I look.”

Marina is Jessica’s cousin who recently moved to Roku City and is experiencing some culture shock. She’s not in the Windows 98 maze anymore! Marina wants nothing more than to befriend the other women, but just can’t help screaming at them about the Roku-original movie “Weird: The Al Yankovic Story.”

“Mess with the lizard queen and you’ll get eaten.”

Bringing fearlessness and some diversity to the cast, Amy is the Godzilla-like monster emerging from the water, ready to attack. Amy’s here to prove that Tara isn’t the only alpha on “RHORC.” And now that her kids are off to college she’s excited to finally let loose. You know what that means: it’s prehistoric-reptilian-monster time! ♦