Community & Allyship

We believe GWR can be a force for good, and nowhere is this more evident than within our community committee initiatives, which are driven entirely by the dedication and commitment of our staff.

people dressed as mermaids underwater

Our current initiatives and community groups

Community committee initiative and staff volunteer days

A local community committee operates in every GWR office, each with the purpose of finding and supporting local schemes which support the topics about which the staff and office feel most passionate.

To date, GWR staff have worked on schools and literacy programmes, a variety of diversity and inclusion initiatives, Ramadan and Christmas food donation drives and much, much more.

To help our amazing committees balance their responsibilities, we find time within their roles for committee work, and we have also rolled out a volunteering programme which allows each and every member of staff up to two volunteer days per year for community committee projects.


Diversity, inclusion and belonging have been made a key principle of GWR in recent years, with the brand fully committing to programmes and training which educate and promote diversity amongst our record-holders, content and staff.

As we continue to explore the ways in which we can use our platform for good and to stand up and be counted on fundamental issues that affect all of humanity, we are proud to have become UK members of the Stonewall: Diversity Champions programme, which is the leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBTQ+ staff are free to be themselves in the workplace.

It is our hope that through programmes such as this and the wide variety of other programmes currently underway at GWR, we will become a more inclusive employer and a more inclusive brand.

Learn and reflect

We know we are all on a learning journey and to support this we have an ever-growing Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging resource where hundreds of articles, links and videos are shared to promote active allyship. 

We also learn through regular interviews with our staff and others on a wide range of DIB topics such as protected characteristics, mental health, the environment and much more. 

GWR is committed to having a diverse workforce and to achieve this we operate a recruitment process that combats unconscious bias at the hiring stage, working with a range of specialist recruitment agencies.