Guardian Daily: Jade Goody’s death - the wider impact

Guardian Daily Series
Jade Goody's legacy after a life and death in the media glare; a possible move to Britain for Indian cricket's premier league; and Charles Darwin's student debts, in our daily podcast with Sonia Rothwell

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The death of Jade Goody has prompted countless affectionate tributes including one from the prime minister. Libby Brooks assesses Jade's legacy.

They paved the way to power for Afghan President Hamid Karzai but there are increasing signs that the Americans no longer have any confidence in him. The Guardian's diplomatic editor Julian Borger explains why.

Colourful cricket: the Indian Premier League could be on its way to Britain bringing with it a possible boost for the game. Owen Gibson explains what it would mean.

Education editor Polly Curtis reveals Charles Darwin's student debts after newly discovered papers give an insight into the great naturalist's life in the ivory towers of Cambridge.

Steven Morris reports from the former feudal state of Sark on what life is like in the new democratic age.

Jade Goody on Bigg Boss
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