Jay Slater search: Full timeline of Tenerife disappearance as police scour the island

Jay Slater went missing in Tenerife on Monday, June 17, prompting a mammoth search effort as fears continue to mount over the British teenager's safety.

Jay Slater

Jay Slater has been missing in Tenerife since last month. (Image: Instagram)

British teenager Jay Slater has been missing in Tenerife since last month, prompting a massive search and rescue mission on the Spanish Island.

The 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire is believed to have disappeared while trying to make his way home from a rave during a holiday with friends.

There has also been a GoFundMe campaign set up by Jay's friend Lucy Law - the last person to hear from him. It has so far raised over £33,000 but Jay's mum Debbie Duncan said they have not withdrawn any of it yet.

She said: "We have not yet withdrawn any funds and are currently covering the expenses, such as the trip to Tenerife and accommodation, ourselves. The funds will remain on hold with GoFundMe until we post a further update on this page."

Sunday, June 17

In the evening, Jay went to the NRG (New Rave Generation) music festival with his friend and the last person to hear from him, Lucy Law. At 8:35pm, he posted a video of him and his friends at the rave in the southwest of the island on Snapchat.

Lucy ended up leaving early but Jay stayed on after making friends with two other Brits and left with them at some point between Sunday night and Monday morning.

Jay Slater

Jay is believed to have disappeared after missing a bus back to his hotel. (Image: Supplied)

Monday, June 18 

Jay continued to party at their Airbnb near Masca in the Teno Rural Park, posting another Snapchat at 7:30am before trying to get the bus back to Los Cristianos, where he was staying.

The last known sighting of Jay was by the owner of the Airbnb, who said: "He was alone. He was walking normally, though he was walking fast."

The teen attempted to walk back, likely unaware that it would take 10 hours. He then phoned Lucy at 8:30am saying he was lost in the "middle of nowhere" and was in desperate need of water after walking for half an hour.

The call cut out and a missing persons report was filed at 9am, prompting a mammoth search with drones, sniffer dogs, and a helicopter. Lucy helped with the frantic search after a woman offered to drive her around the area.

Jay Slater and mum Debbie Duncan.

Debbie described her situation as being a 'living nightmare'. (Image: ITV)

Tuesday, June 18 

Jay's mum Debbie Duncan was informed of her son's disappearance at around 2am, prompting her to fly out to Tenerife with Jay's older brother Zak at 7am.

Debbie later revealed that she had been receiving prank calls from people claiming to have taken her son, and her partner said he believed Jay had just taken a wrong turn on his walk back.

Wednesday, June 19

Police investigated a false sighting of Jay in Los Christianos, forcing the search to mouth south before heading back to Masca further north. His hotel room was also searched but nothing suspicious was found, just his passport, money, and clothes.

Debbie said she was experiencing an absolute "living nightmare" and pleaded for her "baby back", while Lucy called Jay's disappearance "suspicious and weird".

Jay Slater.

Jay Slater has been missing in Tenerife for over a week. (Image: Instagram)

Thursday, June 20

New footage was discovered of Jay at NRG, taken by someone else at the rave and showed him walking through the crowd with sunglasses on his head.

Friday, June 21

The search and rescue mission concentrated its efforts on the 2,000ft Masca ravine that has a steep hiking trail leading into the sea, while the people Jay stayed with on the island flew back to the UK.

Tenerife's Civil Guard declined the help of the Lancashire Constabulary as they already had enough resources - a decision criticised by Debbie.

Jay Slater and friend Lucy Law

Jay's friend Lucy set up a GoFundMe that has raised over £30,000. (Image: Instagram)

Saturday, June 22

An unconfirmed sighting of Jay was reported in the village of Santiago del Teide, roughly 3.5 miles away from Masca, by a witness who claimed they saw him and two men on a bench outside a church at around 6pm on Monday - nine hours after the missing persons report was filed. Jay's dad, Warren Slater, then visited the search area.

Sunday, June 23

Search teams focussed on outbuildings in Masca, a journalist who worked on the Madeline McCann case offered to help, and the GoFundMe set up by Lucy surpassed £30,000 in donations.

Monday, June 24

Jay's family shared a screenshot of CCTV footage that showed a figure walking past the church from the reported sighting in Santiago del Teide. Debbie said: "I really hope I am not taking my son home in a body bag."

The search continues for missing Jay Slater in Tenerife

Warren told The Sun: "I just want him to be found. I just want my son back, end of. What more is it’s been a week now, a week of nothing. So somebody somewhere must’ve found out something. Somebody.

"It is a living hell, unless you’re going through it, you cannot explain. Please, please please, if anybody knows anything just come forward and help us."

Tuesday, June 25 

Jay's mum issued another heartbreaking plea for her son to come home as more friends flew into Tenerife to help with the search.

Debbie told the MailOnline: "It's been a week now and it's been awful. I've barely slept and I'm at my wits' end. The Spanish police are doing a good job and we are getting updates from the consulate so we just put our faith in them."

Season TV investigator Mark Williams-Thomas was seen outside the holiday rental where Jay was last seen in Masca after vowing to "get answers for the family".

He said: said: "I don't want to talk in detail at the moment, but I've spent time with the family and my focus now is to build a clear timeline of the last 24 hours before Jay disappeared. My focus is very much to ensure that I'm here to support the family and work with the Spanish authorities to get answers."

Wednesday, June 26 

Mark William-Thomas held a press conference, urging the two men who accompanied Jay back to the Airbnb after Sunday night's rave to "come forward with crucial information".

He said: "The family are very grateful for you to be here. They appreciate the press is a really important aspect of the story but they are reluctant to speak because they really want to work with Spanish police, and Spanish authorities and they have not sanctioned this. We have to respect that.

"Since I have been here and worked with the family, I have spent yesterday with them and the night before and they are very, very united family and they are very supportive and their one mission of course is to find out what happened to Jay. They still live with the hope that Jay will return and he is, not safe, but still alive."

Thursday, June 27

Jay's mum Debbie issued a major update as she plans to withdraw £36,000 from the GoFundMe. She wrote an update under the fundraiser: "I wanted to share that these funds will be used to support the mountain rescue teams who are tirelessly searching for Jay.

"Additionally, since our stay in Tenerife needs to be extended, we will also use the funds to cover accommodation and food expenses. I'm surrounded by wonderful people who are by my side, but far from their loved ones, so we'll also be using part of these funds to fly them to Tenerife so we can support each other during these dark times."

Macro Search For The 19 Year-old British Tourist Who Disappeared On June 17 In Tenerife.

The search for Jay Slater has brought to an end on Sunday (Image: Getty)

Sunday, June 30

It was announced by the Civil Guard that the search for Slater had ended after two weeks. However, the case will remain open and the Police will continue to act on any major tip-offs.

Confirmation of the dramatic development comes less than 24 hours after a "last push" operation involving around 30 police, firefighters and Civil Protection along with a handful of volunteers, failed to find any trace of the 19-year-old.

A Civil Guard spokeswoman said today: "The search operation has now finished although the case remains open."

Earlier, Slater's father, Warren Slater, hit at out at trolls in a new statement. Speaking to reporters, he said: "We just still can’t believe it. It’s been so tough on us, and I want people to think about us as parents and what we are going through.

"All those trollers having a go at us, they don’t know how we feel, why don’t they come up here and have a look and see for themselves how dangerous it is."

The Civil Guard added that the "parallel" investigation by the Police - which they are not sharing information on - is continuing despite the suspension of the "visible" mountain search in and around Masca.

Friday, June 28

Police in Tenerife announced they will be expanding the search, issuing a major update that they are calling on experienced volunteers to help scour the rocky terrain.

The mammoth search effort will begin on June 29, and police stressed that they are not asking inexperienced members of the public to help out. Civil Guard police chief Angel Sanz Coronado said: "The Civil Guard is prepared to carry out a mass search.

"Given that it is a steep, rocky area, full of uneven terrain and with many ravines, tracks and trails, we request the collaboration of all those volunteer associations that can help in this planned search that is intended to be carried out in a directed and coordinated way."

Saturday, June 29

The new search party began after being announced on Friday, but only six volunteers showed up. It has been focussing on been focussing its efforts around Hilda viewpoint in the northwest of the island - close to where Jay's phone last "pinged" - spanning five miles in one direction and 2.5 miles in the other.

Cipriano Martin, head of the Civil Guard’s Greim mountain rescue unit, also announced that the two men Jay met at the rave before staying the night at their Airbnb were not relevant to the case. He said: "Those men have been spoken to and they don’t have any relevance whatsoever for the case."

Search for Jay Slater in Tenerife called off by Spanish police

Monday, July 1

It's now been two weeks since Jay went missing and the official search by Tenerife's Civil Guard has been called off, but volunteers have said they will continue looking for him.

Jay's family is also said to be meeting with Spanish police today after it was announced yesterday that the search for the 19-year-old had ended.

Tuesday, July 2

A friend of Jay's went on This Morning and said that the two men his friend spent the night in an Airbnb with before he disappeared "weren't strangers". Bradley Hargreaves said Jay met them around three days before he went missing.

British police also reacted to the Spanish police calling off their search for Jay, with Lancashire Constabulary telling Sky News its "position hasn't changed" and it's still open to helping look for him.

Wednesday, July 3

Former police detective Mark Williams-Thomas claimed that Jay took a Rolex worth £12,000 from someone before going missing, posting a Snapchat with it. However, he noted: "We've been unable to validate this in terms of a reported theft."

He added: "We've received information that would suggest that Jay left the rental property feeling scared and he would not return to the rental, even though that would have been the most sensible course of action."

Thursday, July 4

Jay Slater’s dad Warren, 58, and older brother Zak, 24, remain in Tenerife today desperately looking for the teenager.

The official search by police was called off at the weekend but Warren and Zak have been pictured still scouring the island and the ravine where the apprentice 19-year-old bricklayer’s phone last pinged.

Warren said: "You just don't disappear. It's just ridiculous that somebody can just disappear. He's a young boy, he's fit. He's fitter than us all put together. He's played football all his life, he's fit as a flea. You just don't disappear. I don't know... it's just a mystery... it's baffling."

Friday, July 5

A former officer of the British Army has suggested that Jay Slater's mobile might have been "thrown" before his disappearance. The 19-year-old from Oswaldtwistle in Lancashire vanished on the Spanish island of Tenerife on June 17th.

The new theory has come to light from a journalist Nick Pisa who is following Jay's case in Tenerife.

Pisa thinks, based on a conversation with an ex-British Army officer, that Jay's phone might have been thrown into difficult terrain. He claimed that the only way for the GPS location of the mobile to be possible would be "if the phone was thrown".

Saturday, July 6

Police in Tenerife and the UK have been urged to probe claims missing teen Jay Slater was involved in a £12,000 Rolex theft. But The Sun has reported that UK police aren’t investigating it and Tenerife cops are declining to discuss it.

The paper says it has also been given the name of a British gangster who has mutual friends with Jay involved in the watch trade on the holiday island.

A source told the publication: "The Spanish police have failed to pick up all the threads and it’s time British detectives stepped in. Jay might have gone missing on Tenerife but many of the people he crossed paths with are British."

Sunday, July 7

Jay Slater's uncle, who is continuing to search for him in Tenerife, has revealed the "torture" his family are feeling, as he compared the missing person's search to the case of Madeleine McCann.

Glen Duncan, 41, told The Sun that he's "clinging" on to hope as he's joined a team of 10 people searching through the Tenerife mountains yesterday, in the hope of making a breakthrough in the case.

He said: "He's not been found so you've got to cling on. I'm sure Madeleine McCann's parents still cling onto that hope, that she's somewhere on the other side of the world 20 years later."

Jay Slater: Mark Williams-Thomas shares update on search

Monday, July 8

Jay has now been missing for three weeks, since June 17, and an expert now leading the search since the Civil Guard called theirs off has revealed the dangerous conditions surrounding the area he was last seen in.

Christopher Pennington, a former British military serviceman, told Mail Online: "This area has not been searched properly. You can tell, the authorities have stuck to the paths because they've assumed Jay did too, but that's not how you conduct a thorough search."

Christopher followed Jay's exact route at the same time of day, driving the winding roads from near the Papagayo nightclub to the Casa Abuela Tina Airbnb in Masca at 5:30am on Saturday.

He said: "I didn't go more than 15km an hour. Because of the hairpin turns, you've essentially got to crawl up. It's dark, it's extremely dangerous. Arriving up here that early, it felt eerie. Let be me frank, it's scary up here on your own in the darkness."

Dozens of hunters with dogs will descend on the remote location where Slater disappeared three weeks ago. The new hunting season means the countryside will be flooded with locals taking part in the annual partridge hunt.

A local woman told Sky News: "There will be different people in the area and a better chance of finding him."

It was also claimed that Slater asked if he could borrow a phone charger after arriving at the Airbnb.

Tuesday, July 9

Jay's family have moved their search efforts to a new area where he was reportedly seen on CCTV nine hours before he went missing after the Tenerife police abandoned their search.

His father Warren and brother Zak relocated their search to the mountainous village of Santiago del Teide - which was previously the location of a potential, although unconfirmed, sighting of the teenager.

Warren told The Sun: "As a family, we need to ask the British authorities to help. He's a British citizen. Get Interpol involved. At the moment, it’s just us.

"I haven’t got a team. We need a team to come over here and find out for us what the police are doing and what we need to do. Our hands are tied over here - we need experts. It’ll take an army 10 years to cover all this."

Slater's best friends are said to have flown home after doing "all they could" in the search. His two best friends, Lucy Mae Law and Brad Hargreaves flew out to the Canary island with Jay for a music festival and eight-day holiday in June. The pair had stayed on Tenerife for the past month, but Hargreaves was spotted at Tenerife airport late on Sunday night.

A source close to the case told the Mirror that investigators are still hoping to Slater and are not working on the basis he was "missing feared dead".

It is also said that Slater lost the keys to his accomodation the night he disappeared, potentially explaining why he went with the two men to their seculded Airbnb.

An organisation representing families of missing people in the Canary Islands has urged authorities to increase the efforts to find them following Slater's disappearance. According to SOS Desaparecidos' website, there are currently 82 people who have mysteriously vanished, fifity in the province of Santa Cruz and 32 in the Las Palmas region.

Its coordinator, Santiago Martín, said families felt let down by authorities. He said they wished that " search operations for their loved ones were as extensive and persistent as others organised on the islands," including that of Slater.

Wednesday, July 10

Police announced that they are still pursuing "several tiple lines of enquiry" in the case and a source in Tenerife told The Sun it's "very much open" with "all scenarios being kept in mind".

The source said: "Even though the ground search for Jay is over, the investigation into where he might be still remains very much open. One line of inquiry is a theory that Jay might even be in a different part of Tenerife and still alive. All scenarios are being kept in mind.

"The case is very much open because there are still a number of unanswered questions which officers must find answers to. They are convinced someone, somewhere knows what happened to Jay or knows where is now is, and that’s what they are working towards trying to establish as quickly as they can."

Slater's uncle, Glen Duncan, revealed to Sky News that the family feel left on their own as local Tenerife police called off the official search. When asked if they wanted help from UK police, he said: "We would love that, it's just not as simple as that."

He added that they had been in touch with the British consulate in Tenerife who have said that it is still a live investigation: "It's just adding to the despair really."

Slater's father, Warren and his older brother Zak are also among the unofficial search through Rural de Teno Park, where the teen was last spotted. Duncan added that he had hoped there would be "more communication from the Tenerife's police.

Warren is partciularly worried that foul play could be involved in his son's disappearance and recently declared that "everything stinks".

Shane Yerrel, the mayor of Waltham Abbey in Essex, has also travelled to Tenerife to support the search. He said there were two major challenges: the altitude and the heat, which are making the search "very difficult".

"They are doing everything to find him. They're not just out for an hour, they're out all day 9.30am until 6pm. We covered miles, but there's still a lot of ground to cover," Yerrel added.

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