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Election of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of committees and subcommittees

In the week of 22 July, the constitutive meetings of the European Parliament's standing committees and subcommittees will take place in Brussels, following the appointment of their members in the plenary sitting of 16-19 July. During their constitutive meetings, each committee and subcommittee will elect its respective bureau, made up of a Chair and Vice-Chairs, for a two-and-a-half year mandate. Following that, the newly set up committees will then start holding their regular meetings.

Committee meeting
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Parliament's committees deal with EU legislative proposals by adopting reports, which then are referred to plenary for voting by all Members, and appoint negotiation teams to conduct talks with Council. They adopt non-legislative reports, organise hearings with experts and scrutinise other EU bodies and institutions. Parliament can set up sub-committees and special committees to deal with specific issues. Each committee elects a chair and up to four vice-chairs for a two and a half year mandate.

Coloured dots in green, pink, yellow, red and blue in a round shape, representing the five chapters of the Fact Sheets on the European Union.
22-07-2024 - 09:50

The Fact Sheets on the EU provide an overview of European integration and of Parliament's contribution to that process. They present a brief summary of the EU's institutions and policies, and of Parliament's role in their development. Available in 24 languages, they cover five main areas: how the EU works; economy, science and quality of life; cohesion, growth and jobs; fundamental rights, security and justice; and the EU's external relations. The online version is updated regularly.

An image with various illustrations of office supplies, e.g. pen, computer, envelope.
22-07-2024 - 09:50

Studies, in-depth analyses and briefings produced by Parliament's policy departments and the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit are available online in the dedicated section for Supporting Analyses. Apart from searching specific publications, a selection of papers and upcoming events can be found under "Highlights". A monthly overview of the work of policy departments is published in "Periodicals", with key studies on thematic issues.

Un rapido sguardo alle commissioni parlamentari