One screening tool used widely by medical professionals is the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests). Developed in collaboration with the World Health Organisation, the 10-question test is considered to be the gold standard in helping to determine if someone has alcohol abuse problems.

The test has been reproduced here with permission from the WHO.

To complete it, answer each question and note down the corresponding score.


0-7: You are within the sensible drinking range and have a low risk of alcohol-related problems.

Over 8: Indicate harmful or hazardous drinking.

8-15: Medium level of risk. Drinking at your current level puts you at risk of developing problems with your health and life in general, such as work and relationships. Consider cutting down (see below for tips).

16-19: Higher risk of complications from alcohol. Cutting back on your own may be difficult at this level, as you may be dependent, so you may need professional help from your GP and/or a counsellor.

20 and over: Possible dependence. Your drinking is already causing you problems, and you could very well be dependent. You should definitely consider stopping gradually or at least reduce your drinking. You should seek professional help to ascertain the level of your dependence and the safest way to withdraw from alcohol.

Severe dependence may need medically assisted withdrawal, or detox, in a hospital or a specialist clinic. This is due to the likelihood of severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms in the first 48 hours needing specialist treatment.


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Booze really DOES go to your head! Drunken behaviour including slurring and staggering is caused by alcohol changing chemicals in the BRAIN...

The finding turns previous theories that it was linked to the liver upside down, and scientists believe it holds the key to combating binge...

Banning alcohol from being sold in supermarkets and making it available only in off-licences could clamp down on Britain's booze crisis,...

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Why drinking a glass of wine every night with your dinner (probably) ISN'T better for your health than abstaining completely

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Health campaigners urge England to follow Scotland and adopt a minimum alcohol price as study reveals heaviest drinkers bought MORE booze...

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The end of binge-drinking? Mice given brain injections of synthetic chemical and access to alcohol drink less, study finds

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Binge drinking 'is in your GENES': Scientists blame a genetic fault for making some people consume 'much more' alcohol to feel good 

The University of Illinois at Chicago study, published in the journal Neuropharmacology, used mice in a range of experiments to test their...

Warning to middle-aged drinkers that just one glass of wine or pint a night can age your brain by TWO YEARS, study claims

University of Pennsylvania researchers found increasing alcohol intake by one unit a day - the equivalent of half a pint of beer - resulted...

Would tobacco-style health warnings on ALCOHOL stop you from drinking? Experts say graphic images and text laying bare cancer risk would...

Stirling researchers have found cigarette-style health warnings on alcohol could help make booze less appealing to young Britons in a test...

Patients over 60 who enjoy a stiff drink may recover better after an operation than teetotallers, study finds

University Hospital Bonn researchers in Germany found people who drink a 'potentially unhealthy amount' of alcohol said their quality of...

Nicola Sturgeon's flagship minimum alcohol price policy did NOT work! Alcoholics sacrificed food and heating to pay extra £24-a-week for...

Scotland became the first in the world to introduce a minimum unit pricing (MUP) in May 2018, meaning alcohol cannot legally be sold for...

Drinking lager is GOOD for your gut health, study claims - but researchers say you should only have one a day and keep it non-alcoholic

NOVA University Lisbon researchers have found having one lager a day - whether alcoholic or not - can boost good bacteria in your...

Hangover pill goes on sale in Britain TODAY: £1-a-pop tablet leaves boozers 'feeling fresh' the next day (just make sure you take it BEFORE...

Myrkl, which is available in the UK from today, is taken before drinking and breaks down alcohol in the gut before it reaches the liver.

Hangover-busting £1 pill SELLS OUT just a day after launching

Britons have rushed to buy Myrkl's 30 for £30 pills that promise to leave you feeling fresh after a heavy night out. It breaks down alcohol...

Can a £1 fish supplement help with a hangover? Study finds krill oil - found in most high street health shops - can cure dreaded next-day...

Heading out for a few drinks? Consider taking a shot of krill oil. Korean scientists found people who had a shot of the antioxidant rich oil...

Does the 'miracle' hangover pill REALLY work? From one reporter who was cured of 'hangxiety' and a thumping head after six pints to another...

Swedish scientists produced the Myrkl - pronounced miracle - tablet to counter the usual crippling headaches, nausea and thirst that come...

Drinking just HALF of NHS safe weekly booze limit 'could leave you battling memory issues in old age'

The study of nearly 21,000 middle-aged Brits measured iron deposits in the brain - which can cause Alzheimer's and Parkinson's - in people...

Now experts want ALCOHOL to be sold in plain packaging... or be plastered with cigarette-style health warnings 

Stirling researchers say alcohol packaging plays a key role in appealing to young people based on findings from a focus group of 50...

Gen Z-ero fun: Young Brits drink less alcohol than previous generations because 'they're worried about making the world a better place...

Researchers from the universities of Kent and Leeds dubbed young people born between 1995 and 2012 'generation sensible' for switching up...

NHS struggles as Covid lockdown boozing causes deaths from liver disease to soar 57% to unprecedented levels

More than 5,200 people under 75 lost their lives to the condition in 2020 - 20 per cent more than the year before and the highest number...

Are 'please drink responsibly' labels pointless? Heavy boozers aren't put off by 'nanny-state' messages, experts say

Oxfords Brookes University researchers found 'drink responsibly' labels, introduced in 2011 under a voluntary agreement with suppliers, have...

Now they want a pint to cost you even more! Nannying experts call for price hikes on beer, wine and spirits in alcohol harm crackdown

In an open letter to Rishi Sunak, Alcohol Health Alliance UK called for an Independent Review on Alcohol Harm that would introduce the...

Now misery gut environmentalists say your after-work pint or wedding toast is harming the planet

Simple pleasures such as a post-work pint or raising a glass at a wedding are causing severe harm to the planet, a new report by the...

UK's legal age for drinking at home should be raised from FIVE, expert demands

In England, Scotland and Wales, it is legal for someone between the ages of five and 17 to drink alcohol at home or on other private...

How Britons massively underestimate how much alcohol they drink... so can YOU guess how many units are in these two glasses of wine and gin?

Almost three-quarters of adults underestimate the amount of wine in a 250ml glass, according to a survey by Direct Line Motor Insurance.

Britain ISN'T the boozing capital of Europe: UK ranks middle of table... with Latvia in top spot, OECD data shows

An Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report found Brits drank 9.7 litres of pure alcohol per adult in 2020 - 0.1...

How much booze is in YOUR favourite drink? As a new survey reveals Britons massively underestimate how strong wines, beers and cocktails...

'Tis the season where we enjoy knocking back the booze, and indulging in festive tipples like eggnog and mulled wine. But few of us know how...

Latvia's not just the boozing capital of Europe! Fascinating stats show it's one of the fattest, biggest smoking and shortest-living 

Latvia ranked joint fifth in Europe for obesity, with 58 per cent of adults classed as overweight in 2019. It rose from 57 per cent in 2014,...

Covid's hangover: Record number of Britons died from abusing alcohol last year as experts blame endless cycle of lockdowns for 'devastating'...

There were 9,641 deaths as a direct result of alcohol abuse in the UK in 2021, which is up 7.4 per cent in a year and up by more than a...

A glass of wine with dinner - rather than on its own - cuts risk of type 2 diabetes, study finds

The American study followed more than 300,000 people over 10 years. Previous research has suggested that polyphenols - a compound in the...

NO amount of alcohol is safe, WHO experts warn

World Health Organization researchers accepted that drinking may provide some 'small' health benefits, but the team argued these are clearly...

Why your mocktail is NOT the health kick you think it is this January: Diet experts reveal how fake margaritas and espresso martinis can be...

Exclusive: Almost 9million people are quitting the booze this January. But alcohol free mocktails may not be health kick you think, experts...

Britain's alcohol drinking guidelines should be slashed to TWO bottles of beer each week, experts say as Canada adopts 'extreme' booze...

It would match the advice introduced this week in Canada, where health chiefs have stated that zero booze is the only safe amount because...

The best booze quiz - beer none: As experts call for UK to adopt Canada's 'extreme' two drinks a week advice, guess how many units are in a...

From a pint of beer to a shot of tequila, MailOnline has created a quiz, allowing you to guess just how many units are in 15 different...

From Millie Mackintosh to Chrissy Teigen: As Dry January draws to a close, here's some of the celebrities who have ditched alcohol

Are you tempted to continue to stay alcohol-free after January 31st? From Millie Mackintosh to Blake Lively there are loads of celebs that...

From weight loss to better sleep: How Dry January REALLY benefits the body, say experts who want you to consider scaling back in February...

Cutting out alcohol for the entire month - which one in seven people in the UK and US are thought to be doing as we speak - is hailed for...

Revealed: Efforts to stay sober during Dry January frequently hit the rocks because socialising make it harder to abstain, research shows

As dry January draws to a close, a study has revealed that well-intentioned attempts to cut back on alcohol are usually ineffective.

Hated your nose as a kid? Why your mum's alcohol consumption BEFORE pregnancy could be to blame

Researchers at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, used AI to analyse 3D images of children's faces at the ages of...

Don't just stick to the Malbec! Top nutrition scientist says you should drink as many red wine varieties as possible 'because it's good for...

Red wine is not just good for your heart when drunk in moderation. It could also be good for your gut, scientists say. But they also suggest...

Why white wine gives you the rage - and 'the fear' the next day

White wine is renowned for making people more flirty and aggressive or simply more sleepy, ruining the evening. But what is it about white...

Miracle new hangover cure could be a PROBIOTIC: Pill full of 'good' gut bacteria may avert nasty side effects from night on the booze

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Science discovered that mice treated with the probiotic had prolonged alcohol tolerance, while it...

Most calorific beers REVEALED amid calls for nutritional info on beer taps

Would you reach for a second, third or fourth pint if you knew how many calories you were knocking back? England's Shadow health minister...

Now you can't even say 'responsible drinking'! Fury as woke WHO advisers claim phrase unfairly 'shames' drunken thugs

EXCLUSIVE: The wording ignores the 'inherent risks' of boozing and unfairly pins the blame for poor behaviour on individuals who...

Revealed: Average Brit consumes 75 THOUSAND calories through alcohol alone every year (that's the equivalent of 1,700 chicken nuggets)

The average Brit drinks the equivalent of 328 Mars bars, 152 Big Macs or over 1,700 chicken nuggets. According to DrinkWell people drink on...

A wine a day really does keep the doctor at bay: Light drinkers are less likely to suffer heart problems, study finds

While previous research has hinted alcohol may have a protective effect, this is the first time scientists think they have cracked the...

Now a beer or wine a day ISN'T good for you: Research dispute claims that light alcohol consumption can protect against diabetes and obesity

The study, involving data from more than 400,000 Brits, adds to the decades-long row over the harms of moderate drinking. But critics have...

Wine O'Clock warning to women in their 30s as researchers say phrases like 'rosé-all-day' and 'send wine' on social media are normalising...

The US-based researchers discovered women in their thirties are 60 per cent more likely now to have a problematic relationship with alcohol...

World's biggest drinkers REVEALED: Eastern Europe dominates global alcohol consumption table... but can you guess where the US and UK rank?

Data collected by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ranked alcohol consumption in 189 countries. The Cook Islands came out on top, while...

Hoping for an amorous night with your other half? Scientists say you want to AVOID drinking wine

Women who drink alcohol are 74 per cent more likely to have issues in the bedroom which make sex less satisfying, according to a review led...

Nanny-state alcohol ad bans 'don't work', analysis finds

The Institute of Economic Affairs examined studies that looked at how marketing alcohol affected demand. But it found advertising did not...

Now scientists say you shouldn't drink alcohol at all! Even one small glass of wine a night can raise blood pressure, study claims

A refreshing glass of wine or bottle or beer after work could tip your blood pressure to dangerous levels an Italian review of almost 20,000...

Warning to vodka Red Bull drinkers: Experts call for drink driving-esque campaign to tell boozers that mixing alcohol with energy drinks can...

EXCL: For years, doctors have warned against mixing alcohol with energy drinks over fears it sends your heart rate pumping dangerously fast....

The bender pay gap: US women are now binge drinking more than men for first time in history, Biden's alcohol czar reveals

Dr George Koob, an alcohol tsar, said college women were more likely to binge drink than men - or have more than four drinks a night. For...

Beer could be GOOD for you: Scientists find drinking could boost gut health

Scientists in China have found drinking pints in moderation could be better than abstaining all together. This is because of a collection of...

Why kimchi and kombucha could be the miracle hangover cure

Could swapping your hangover fry-up for a breakfast of kimchi help after a night of drinking? Experts say it could balance bacteria in your...

Wine o'clock could be DEADLY: Liver disease rates have shot up five-fold since the 70s - and experts fear heavy evening drinking may be to...

Experts said findings should serve as a 'wakeup call' to change lifestyle factors associated with the disease - namely alcohol and obesity -...

Going sober for October? Be careful: Doctor reveals how soft drinks are NOT automatically better for you...

Swapping your alcoholic drink for something soft, doesn't mean it's automatically healthy, says North London-based GP Dr Jay Verma.

Generation Sensible: A FIFTH of under-25s are teetotallers and fewer than half drink weekly, research shows

One in five under-25s in the UK report that they are teetotal, according to research by Drinkaware. It marks the highest figure logged since...

What REALLY happens to your body if you ditch alcohol for a month: Experts reveal the health changes you'll see each week...

Better sleep, glowing skin and a slimmer waistline are just some of the short-term benefits of quitting booze. Karen Tyrell, CEO of UK...

Drunk GP 'caught with empty wine bottle in her desk after patients complained she was slurring' gets suspended for three months

A GP who drank so much wine on the job that she was unable to stand now faces being suspended from the medical profession for the next three...

'Wine o'clock' culture blamed for UK women being biggest boozers in world: Shock report reveals one in four get hammered each month

Some 26 per cent of women in the UK admit to consuming six or more alcoholic drinks on a single occasion, with experts blaming a 'ladette'...

Pouring yourself a glass of wine after work will help you sleep better… but ONLY if you've had a coffee already, scientists say

A US study suggests having an alcoholic drink before bed could help to sleep longer, offsetting the effect of caffeine. But the best night's...

Why ARE British women the world's biggest binge drinkers? How 'pink drinks', relentless supermarket deals and boozy brunches heap pressures...

MailOnline has spoken to women around the country about their drinking habits and what they think of the female British drinking culture.

Almost 500,000 Brits are out of work because they eat, smoke or drink too much, report claims

Findings suggest 459,000 are unemployed in the UK 'due to the consequences of health-harming products', resulting in a loss of £31.1billion...

Doctor reveals the fascinating reason why you get memory blanks after drinking shots

We've all been there - you wake up after a boozy night and struggle to remember most of what happened. Now, a doctor reveals exactly what's...

There's no such thing as a 'safe amount' you can drink and drive on: Doctors say even ONE can tip you over the edge as they warn booze has...

The British Medical Association's president said the idea of 'getting away' with two pints 'has always been dangerous'. Men are advised not...

How Britain's drinking habits have changed dramatically since the 1960s: Wine popularity soared in post-war UK as Brits became more...

Fascinating charts tracking the UK's drinking habits show how wine has now overtaken beer as the nation's preferred tipple.

Why booze has got so much stronger since the 1970s that doctors now say you shouldn't drive even after having one drink - as chart reveals...

Senior doctors this week urged Brits not to get behind the wheel after just one drink, warning it is now impossible to calculate how many...

REVEALED: The calories in your favourite festive tipples

It's easy to forget about the calories an sugar in Christmas alcoholic drinks says London based nutritionist Kim Pearson. Drinking a mulled...

Expert reveals exactly how long it takes for your body to return to normal after a full weekend of drinking - and it's longer than you think

Experts told that after a weekend of drinking, it can take two to three days for your body to recover - and loading up on food...

Why you should NOT drink alcohol just before going to bed - experts reveal how a strong drink disrupts your sleeping patterns

Drinking alcohol before bed may help you drift off, but it leaves many feeling sluggish and tired the next day. Dr Ian Hamilton from the...

Beer fear! What is REALLY happening to your brain the morning after a big night out and how you can combat that crippling 'hangxiety'

The feeling of 'hangxiety' after a night out can be crippling. MailOnline spoke to experts and doctors about what 'hangxiety' really is and...

Coming to the end of Sober October, or planning to do Dry January? This is what happens to your body after just 30 days of quitting alcohol...

Experts told that vital organs like the bloodstream, brain, and kidneys start undergoing changes the second you put down your...

Cheers to that! Harvard says drinking alcohol IS healthy for your heart... but in moderation

Experts at Harvard University have said that alcohol is 'probably' good for your heart health, slashing the risk of heart attack and high...

Revealed: 'Healthy' low-alcohol beers can have up to 10 TIMES more sugar than full-bodied versions... so is your favourite one of the worst...

A Mail study found that while low-alcohol and zero-alcohol drinks typically contain less than half the calories of their full bodied...

Attempting Dry January? How to cut down on drinking, according to three experts

Cutting down on booze has a long list of health benefits but can be tricky. London-based sobriety coach Christy Osborne says making a sober...

Why red wine and brandy might give you awful hangovers... but sticking to beer and vodka could help you avoid the dreaded day-after...

The theory is the darker the drink, the worse the hangover, according to Dr Sally Adams, who researches the effects of alcohol at the...

Ultimate guide on how to survive Dry January: Psychologist shares 4 tips to help distract you from thinking about alcohol or cigarettes

Addiction specialist Dr Ryan Wade from Connecticut, US, says you can trick your brain into quitting cigarettes or going sober by filling...

Say goodbye to your large glass of wine! Getting pubs and bars to kill 250ml measure leads to 8% drop in sales, find scientists who argue NO...

University of Cambridge researchers carried out their study in 21 licensed premises - mainly pubs - in England. They removed the largest...

As bars begin to ditch 250ml glasses of wine, a top sommelier says quaffing too much from a 'fish bowl' vessel is out of fashion - and that...

Sommelier Sebastian Zaleczny, who's worked at Tom Kerridge's The Hands and Flowers, says he's seen a trend for smaller glasses in recent...

Is this the end of the 250ml glass of wine? Now scientists push for pubs to bin large glasses of vino as evidence shows serving only as...

As British experts suggest pubs and bars to stop serving large glasses of wine to help encourage people to drink less, critics of...

Revealed: How dry January could be making your health worse and the signs you might unknowingly be dependent on alcohol

Dry January has it's benefits, from saving money to waving goodbye to hangovers. But sudden sobriety can cause insomnia, according to Dr...

From cutting your risk of cancer to protecting you from dementia, journalist and medical author TONY EDWARDS shares the must-know evidence...

I'm a medical research journalist and some years ago, I found a paradox: that people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol are less prone to...

Pubs should serve more non-alcoholic beers on tap to 'nudge' Brits into drinking less booze, scientists say

Scientists found customers bought less standard beer but substituted it for alcohol-free varieties, with no reduction in bars' overall...

The 'super-easy' app that scientists say will make you drink LESS (and it's free!)

Researchers at UCL said their Drink Less app, which is available to download for free on Apple devices, can help people who are high-risk...

Alcohol-related deaths soar to an all-time high in wake of Covid - fuelled by 'concerning' uptick in middle-aged women

Experts are particularly alarmed by a 'concerning' uptick of booze-related fatalities among middle-aged women. Pandemic-era curbs also...

The truth about drinking on planes: As research shows just two beers on a flight could pose a health risk experts reveal the reasons you...

Researchers found alcohol when flying lowers the amount of oxygen in sleeping passengers blood and raises heart rate, even in people who are...

The bizarre effects drinking on a plane can have on your body: From increased aggression, fits of laughter, risky sexual behaviour, nausea...

Experts have urged people to be aware of the unexpected impact cruising at 30,000 feet can have on how alcohol interacts with their body on...

Binge drinking Britain: 57 per cent surge in women boozing heavily, major report reveals, but beer replaces wine as the nation's favourite...

Data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that in 2016, 29.8 per cent of people in the UK and Northern Ireland reported...

Booze-free Britain: A quarter of adults are now teetotal - with more than a third of Gen Z shunning alcohol due to fears of 'drunken'...

Two years ago, the number of 18 to 24-year-olds spurning alcohol stood at 24 per cent, while the overall figure for Britons on the wagon was...

Endless colds, off sex and tired ALL the time? It could be down to booze warn experts who reveal the eight 'hidden' symptoms that mean...

While some of the dangers associated with excessive drinking are obvious, others can appear much more subtly. So how do you know when it has...

Zero-alcohol beer, wine and cocktails could act as a gateway to the real thing for youngsters, research suggests

Australian experts, who surveyed more than 600 teens, found over half thought zero alcohol products were appealing, and more than one in...