Virginia's Judicial System

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Court of Appeals of Virginia


Contact and Operational Information

  • Clerk of the Court - A. John Vollino
    Court of Appeals of Virginia
    109 North Eighth Street
    Richmond, VA 23219-2321
    Phone - (804) 786-5651
  • Hours of Operation
    Monday through Friday: 8:15 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
  • Filing Fee: $50.00

Judges of the Court of Appeals of Virginia CAV Judges

Back Row (Left to Right): Dominique A. Callins; Stuart A. Raphael; Frank K. Friedman; Daniel E. Ortiz; Doris Henderson Causey; Vernida R. Chaney; Lisa M. Lorish; Kimberley S. White.
Front Row (Left to Right): Clifford L. Athey, Jr.; Richard Y. AtLee, Jr.; Glen A. Huff; **Robert J. Humphreys; Marla Graff Decker; Randolph A. Beales; Mary Grace O’Brien; Mary B. Malveaux; Junius P. Fulton, III.
**Robert J. Humphreys retired December 31, 2023.
Steven C. Frucci was elected to this court, effective March 16, 2024 (not pictured). 

Frequently Asked Questions
The information is intended to assist in understanding the appellate process and how the Court of Appeals functions.

Case Status and Information

Recordings of Oral Arguments
Beginning with cases heard May 20, 2014

Schedule and Dockets
Displays the oral argument calendar and schedule.

Electronic Filing in the Court of Appeals

The Court of Appeals of Virginia permits the filing of electronic pleadings in all cases. The Court of Appeals also permits the filing of electronic records in all cases. The pleadings and records are filed by uploading these documents into Virginia Appellate Courts Electronic System (VACES), pursuant to the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia.


Office of Chief Staff Attorney


  • Published Opinions (5/2/95 – present)
    Opinions designated by the Court as having precedential value or as otherwise having significance for the law or legal system. Opinions are issued every Tuesday.
  • Unpublished Opinions (3/5/02 – present)
    Opinions not designated by the Court as having precedential value or as otherwise having significance for the law or legal system. Opinions are issued every Tuesday.

Resources and Reference Materials