2024 Applications Are Closed

What You Need For The Application

Before applying, please read through the information below, as some things have changed. All questions on the application form followed by * require an answer. If the question does not apply to you, please enter n/a.

Important Information to Note:

  • We only accept work designed and made by the applicant. We don’t accept works imported or purchased for resale, nor works created in part or in whole by a third party.

  • All exhibitors must have a tent – either owned or rented. Artists who use only an uncovered table or display will not be allowed to exhibit.

  • Exhibitors should ensure that they have insurance coverage for the show. While we do not formally require it, we strongly suggest it.

  • Artists who submit by March 31 will be notified of their acceptance status by the end of April. Artists submitting after March 31 but by May 31 will be notified of their acceptance status before the end of June.

  • All applications are juryed. Independent jurors base their selections on a mix of creativity, skill, presentation, uniqueness, process and display. They also look to achieve a balance of categories and a fit for Cabbagetown Art & Craft Show visitors.

  • The record numbers of applications are making the show more competitive than ever. Some media categories can fill up quickly so it’s advisable to apply before March 31 if possible.

    Please be aware that all jury decisions are final.

  • Your legal name*

    Your Studio/Business name*

    Your Contact Information*

    A link to your website, Facebook, Instagram or other social media: If you’re accepted into the show, this will be the link associated with your listing in our artist directory at www.cabbagetownartandcraft.org. Where on the web would you like people to go to see your work? If you don’t have a website, enter na.net *

    Your show experience: How long have you been exhibiting and at what other shows have you sold your work?

    Your creative genre: What category best describes your work? To keep track of our artist mix and reflect the balance of artwork our visitors look for, we have created a comprehensive list of creative categories.*

    Your artist statement: Describe yourself as an artist, let the jury know what informs your practice and what inspires you. If there’s room, you can also mention education and awards. (800 characters max)*

    Your artistic process: Talk about the body of work you’re submitting. How was it made? What techniques were used? What makes your work unique? (600 characters max)*

  • Your booth location request (if any): We’re assigning booths for the 2024 show. Please indicate your top two booth locations in the park. We’ll do our best to fulfil your request but can’t make any guarantees. (View Show Map)

    Special requests (if any): Please indicate if you have any special requests. We’ll do our best to fulfil your request but can’t make any guarantees.(e.g. another artist you’d like to be close to, the direction you want to face or let us know if you want to expand your booth backwards into the park).

  • 6-8 images of your artwork: To create the strongest possible application, we recommend you apply with a cohesive body of work that represents your artistic style. To be clear about what is to be juried, only include one piece of artwork per image against a clean neutral background, ensuring it is in-focus and well-lit. 3-D work (eg. jewellery, sculpture, woodworking) should also be photographed on a clean, neutral background.

    Your submission will not be juried unless you have submitted at least 6 images.*

    We recommend you submit professional photos. If this isn’t possible, it’s worth spending time learning how to capture good, clear shots.

    Images should be in jpeg/jpg format, high-resolution and no bigger than 5Mb. We cannot accept digitally altered images.

    An image of your work in context: How you display your work is important for the jury and for your exhibition success, so one of your 6-8 submitted images must present your work in a booth or display setting.*

Experiencing Technical Difficulties?

We hope we’ve done everything we can to make the application process as smooth as possible but if you bump into problems when applying, let us know at info@cabbagetownartandcraft.org and we’ll do our best to help you work things out.