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US weekly jobless claims fall, but the total number collecting benefits is the most since 2021

Massachusetts reported 8,970 “advance” initial claims for unemployment insurance last week.

US jobless claims fall to 238,000 from 10-month high, remain low by historical standards

Massachusetts reported 5,183 “advance” initial claims for unemployment insurance last week.

Un viaje de 23 minutos por $3.52: los repartidores de comida a domicilio de Boston la tienen difícil por donde se vea

Con escasa supervisión por parte de las empresas basadas en aplicaciones, una mano de obra mayoritariamente inmigrante se desplaza por la ciudad en motonetas -suscitando preocupaciones en materia de seguridad- para satisfacer la insaciable demanda de comida para llevar.

A 23-minute ride for $3.52: Boston’s food delivery drivers are getting squeezed from all sides

With little oversight from app-based companies, a largely migrant workforce trying to make ends meet is rushing around the city — and raising safety concerns — to satisfy the insatiable demand for takeout.

The number of Americans filing for jobless benefits jumps to the highest level in 10 months

Weekly unemployment claims are seen as a stand-in for the number of US layoffs in a given week and a sign of where the job market is headed.

More and more doctorate recipients are leaving academia to find work. Here’s what detailed data show.

The shift is a marked change from decades past, when professorship was typically considered the default pipeline for doctorate recipients.

US employers added a robust 272,000 jobs in May in a sign of sustained economic health

With the nation’s households continuing their steady spending, many employers have had to keep hiring to meet their customer demand.

Slightly more Americans apply for jobless benefits, but layoffs remain at healthy levels

Massachusetts reported 4,482 “advance” initial claims for unemployment insurance last week.