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Andrew Dreyfus on his father’s career path, the challenges facing health care, and more

Bold Types: Andrew Dreyfus
Andrew Dreyfus on his father’s career path, the challenges facing health care, and more (Anush Elbakyan/Globe Staff)

As the chief executive of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Andrew Dreyfus is charged with managing health insurance for more than 2.8 million policyholders in the Commonwealth, the largest of any local insurer. Dreyfus’s career in health care has been defined by his willingness to embrace disruption: His leadership helped spearhead the rollout of the state-level plan for universal health insurance that served as the model for the national Affordable Care Act.

In this intimate conversation with the Globe, he talks about his father’s career in insurance and how it imbued a social justice-driven mission that he carries into his work. And he discusses the current health care challenges he’s facing on many fronts -- such as the opioid crisis, personalized medicine, and pushing for diverse perspectives in his own company to better serve customers.


Producers: Anush Elbakyan, Shira Center. Video Editors: Anush Elbakyan, Taylor de Lench. Camera: Anush Elbakyan, Taylor de Lench, Eva Maldonado.