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Gaza-Israel conflict: World Medical Association backs BMA’s call for sustainable ceasefire

BMJ 2024; 385 doi: (Published 24 April 2024) Cite this as: BMJ 2024;385:q945
  1. Gareth Iacobucci
  1. The BMJ

The World Medical Association (WMA) has called for a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza after its council passed a resolution put forward by the BMA.

The WMA said that it was gravely concerned by the deepening healthcare and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the growing starvation and lack of medical care, and the continued imprisonment and abuse of hostages.

The association’s president, Lujain AlQodmani, said, “WMA is demanding a bilateral, negotiated, and sustainable ceasefire in order to protect all civilians, secure the release and safe passage of all hostages, and …

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