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LGBTQIA+ Mentoring Program

The American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (APAGS-CSOGD) offers a free, yearlong mentoring program (January 2024–January 2025) for LGBTQIA+ graduate students in psychology to be mentored by colleagues who share similar interests, experiences, and goals.

We always have a need for participants. While applications for this year’s program are due November 30, additional mentees/mentors will be matched afterwards when possible.

All applicants must be willing to communicate at least six times and participate in other periodic activities. Communication can be in person, over the phone, or electronically.

Graduate students

  • Are you looking for an LGBTQIA+ psychologist, professional, or advanced graduate student to support your professional development?
  • Would you like to have a sounding board to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to sexuality and gender in the professional field of psychology?
  • Have you wanted to forge connections with other psychologists who share your commitment to working with the LGBTQIA+ community?

Eligibility: Mentees in this program must currently be a member of APAGS.

Professionals and advanced graduate students

  • Are you interested in taking an LGBTQIA+ graduate student under your wing?
  • Are you passionate about providing support to the LGBTQIA+ student community?
  • Do you want to share your experiences and expertise to help students find their professional voice?

Eligibility: Any professional in the field of psychology can be a mentor. Graduate students who wish to be mentors must have completed 3 years of graduate school in psychology.

How to apply

The application process is entirely online. Please allow at least 15–20 minutes to read through the program expectations and complete the application in its entirety. If you encounter difficulties or have other questions about the program, please email Ritu Verma.

  • Students: Visit the mentee application page and complete it as instructed by November 30, 2023. The application will be available approximately 6 months prior to the deadline.
  • Professionals: Visit the mentor application page and complete it as instructed by November 30, 2023. The application will be available approximately 6 months prior to the deadline.


“Quite often, throughout this last year, I have felt very grateful to be a part of the APAGS CLGBTC mentoring program. My PhD program has no open or out faculty members, and I am one of two openly gay students. As a result, the sense of aloneness and isolation as an LGBT student and practitioner has periodically overshadowed my training and education process. Through this mentoring program, I was able to receive professional guidance and genuine relational support from a seasoned LGBT psychologist who was not only familiar with the history and development of queer studies and research, but who could also relate very personally to the social pressures and professional challenges of being a minority graduate student, as well as working as an openly gay psychologist.” — Brian, mentee

“I have really enjoyed the opportunity. We mentored via Skype once per month. The match was good as we have similar interests, and it was a nice complement as my mentee is more interested in clinical practice whereas I mainly do academic research—our discussion I think aided in both of us gaining new growth.” — Shawn, mentor

Last updated: August 2022Date created: 2012
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