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Training Videos on Gender and Sexual Minority Issues

APAGS, through its Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, produces short training videos on topics that frequently arise for graduate students related to LGBT topics. These videos, generally less than 10 minutes each, offer evidence-based tips and peer-to-peer suggestions for dealing with difficult subjects and increasing one’s cultural competency related to gender and sexual minority concerns. APAGS encourages open sharing and use of these videos in order to support the professional development of LGBT graduate students and allies.

Featured talks on gender and sexual minority issues


Open the playlist menu on the bottom row of controls to switch between videos.


These training videos and webinars were produced beginning in February 2013 by the APAGS Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Each video is generally 10–15 minutes in length.

We encourage feedback on these videos and any and all ideas for additional topics.

Date created: 2013