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From the powerful civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley, to the fearsome yet sophisticated society of the Vikings, the ancient world was a surprising and challenging place. Here we feature some of the most seminal and influential events and people throughout history, that have helped shape the world we know today.

The morning of the Battle of Agincourt. Source:  Hohum / Public Domain

What Happened at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415? (Video)

At the end of summer in 1415, King Henry V of England initiated his campaign to reclaim the French throne by invading Normandy. The siege of Harfleur proved to be a significant challenge, taking...
The stone carvings found during a diving expedition near Aswan, Egypt.	Source: © Dr Cristian Craciun/Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Rediscovered Underwater Near Aswan

Archaeologists recently unveiled a remarkable discovery near Aswan, Egypt: rock carvings depicting ancient Egyptian pharaohs, submerged for decades due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam. This...
Semicircular tomb in Pompeii being excavated.	Source: Pompeii Archaeological Site

Roman Military Tomb Inscription Reveals Unknown Imperial Position

A recent discovery in Pompeii has provided fascinating insights into the history and network of power during the reign of Emperor Augustus. During routine construction work at the Archaeological Park...
The Borgia Family by Dante Gabriel Rossetti		Source: Public Domain

Machiavellian Maneuvers Of The House Of Borgia (Video)

The House of Borgia , one of the most infamous families of the Renaissance, is synonymous with ambition, power, and scandal. Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo Borgia, epitomizes their controversial...
AI image representing the destruction at Pompeii due to seismic activity.  Source: Ruslan Batiuk/Adobe Stock

Syn-eruptive Seismic Destruction Increased Pompeii Death Toll

The eruption of the powerful volcano Vesuvius , which destroyed the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, remains one of history’s most well-known and well-remembered natural disasters. But what many don’t...
The ambush and assassination of Julius Caesar. Source: Justinas/Adobe Stock

Ambushes and Betrayals: 7 Assassinations that Shook the Ancient World

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump is certainly not the first of its type in U.S. history. Other assassinations and assassination attempts include Abraham Lincoln, John...
The fall of an ancient city by war.

Troy in Turkey or Troy in Britain? False Leads vs Hard Evidence

Nobody reading Homer’s Iliad or Virgil’s Aeneid has ever failed to wonder ‘was this real?’ and ‘where was Troy? ’ . Homer’s Troy lay across the Aegean from Greece, whence the angry Greeks sailed to...
Hellenistic Jewish synagogue fresco Moses being taken from the river Nile. 	Source: Public Domain

The Therapeutae and the Secrets of Ancient Monastic Life

The Therapeutae are an ancient Jewish ascetic community, shrouded in mystery and truly obscure. Much of what we know about them comes from the writings of Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenistic Jewish...
Roman aqueducts in Caesarea, Israel.

Water Management in Ancient Civilizations: From Aqueducts to Qanats

Water management has been a cornerstone of human civilization since the dawn of agricultural societies . The availability and control of water resources have not only dictated the survival of...
Remains of the oldest Forum building, the Temple of Saturn.  Source: Yasonya / Adobe Stock

Roman Forum: Heart of the Empire and Symbol of Grandeur (Video)

For a thousand years, the Roman Forum was the epicenter of the Roman Empire. This symbolic center, known as the ‘umbilicus Romae’ housed the ‘miliarium aureum’, the golden milestone from which all...
Excavation at the La Draga archaeological site as of June 2024.	Source: Archaeology Museum of Catalonia

Developments on Wooden Construction Elements Found at La Draga Site

During the most recent excavation season at the Neolithic settlement of La Draga in northeastern Catalonia, archaeologists unearthed a significant set of wooden ruins that provide new insights into...
A modern Pagan Wiccan altar set up.

Secrets of Magic in Modern Paganism Revealed

Magic is one of the aspects that can be found in many of the groups that are part of the movement known collectively as Modern Paganism. According to practitioners of magic within the movements of...
AI image of Roman military with war elephants.

The Role of Animals in Ancient Warfare: War on All Four

The utilization of animals in ancient warfare is a fascinating subject that underscores the ingenuity and adaptability of early civilizations in our past. Throughout history, animals have been...
Lady Jane, from the ‘My Lady Jane’ trailer. 	Source: Jonathan Prime/Prime Video

Does ‘My Lady Jane’ Give Any Insights into the Story of the Tudors?

John Reeks /The Conversation The long Tudor century (1485-1603) lasted 42,947 days and Lady Jane Grey reigned for nine of them. Jane’s cousin, the sickly boy-king Edward VI, named her heir to keep...
King Arthur by Charles Ernest Butler.	Source:	 Public Domain

The True Story of King Arthur: Legend or Historical Reality?(Video)

King Arthur's legend , a cornerstone of Western literature, traces its origins back approximately 1,200 years. The first recorded mention appears in the "Historia Brittonum," a document penned around...
Prasat Bayon, state temple of the Khmer Empire.		Source: Dmitry A. Mottl/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Rise and Fall of the Khmer Empire: From Angkor Wat to Phnom Penh (Video)

The Khmer Empire , also known as the Angkorian Empire, reigned over a substantial part of Southeast Asia from the 9th to the 15th centuries. Notable for constructing the world's largest religious...
: Roman Colosseum.	Source:	FeaturedPics/CC BY-SA 4.0

Myths and Legends: The Colosseum After Rome's Fall (Video)

In the centuries following the fall of Rome , the Colosseum underwent significant transformations and became a site of legend and varied uses. By the 16th century, it was a dilapidated ruin, where...
The Jutes, warriors fighting in battle.  Source: Sarah/Adobe Stock

The Jutes, a Key Part of English National History

The Jutes, one of the early Germanic tribes, played a significant yet often overshadowed role in the migration period that reshaped Europe and laid the foundations for medieval England. They, along...
One of the complete skeletons found in the Frälsegården passage grave.	Source: Karl-Göran Sjögren/Nature

DNA Study Suggests Plague Caused Neolithic Population Crash in 3,000 BC

The notorious plague outbreak known as the Black Death was one of the most epic mass casualty events in human history, as it may have killed off up to one-third of the European population in the 14th...
Top image: Portrait of a Germanic warrior. AI generated.  Source: RZ/Adobe Stock

Germanic Tribes: Community-Driven Powerhouses (Video)

Germania, as described by the Roman writer Tacitus, was perceived as a harsh, untamed land populated by fierce tribes resistant to Roman control. Despite Roman depictions of Germanic tribes as...
Located in the foothills of Mount Elgon near the Kenya-Uganda border, Kakapel Rockshelter is the site where WashU archaeologist Natalie Mueller and her collaborators have uncovered the earliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa. 	Source: Steven Goldstein/ Royal Society Publishing/CC BY SA 4.0

Earliest Evidence of Plant Farming Unearthed in East Africa

Located in the foothills of Mount Elgon near the Kenya-Uganda border, the Kakapel Rockshelter has provided remarkable insights into the origins of agriculture in East Africa. Archaeologists, led by...
Ancient Egyptian mummification process.	Source:	Matrioshka/Adobe Stock

An Egyptologist Shows The Ancient Art of Mummification (Video)

The process of mummification in ancient Egypt was a sophisticated and meticulous practice aimed at preserving the body for the afterlife. Egyptians believed that maintaining the body in a preserved...
Alexander the Great standing in front of his army, Battle of Jaxartes. AI generated image. Source: Amir Bajric/Adobe Stock

Battle of Jaxartes, 329 BC - Alexander's Best Battle?

Alexander the Great wasn’t exactly a stranger to warfare. He led and fought in many battles but of them all, the Battle of Jaxartes was one of his greatest. Fought in 329 BC and taking place in the...
AI portrait of King Alfred the Great

Cunobeline: The Historical King Who Inspired Shakespeare's Cymbeline

To write his plays, William Shakespeare looked for inspiration in a wide variety of sources, including myths, history, and popular stories of his day. Among Shakespeare’s inspirations were two...
