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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


The morning of the Battle of Agincourt. Source:  Hohum / Public Domain

What Happened at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415? (Video)

At the end of summer in 1415, King Henry V of England initiated his campaign to reclaim the French throne by invading Normandy. The siege of Harfleur proved to be a significant challenge, taking...
The stone carvings found during a diving expedition near Aswan, Egypt.	Source: © Dr Cristian Craciun/Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Rediscovered Underwater Near Aswan

Archaeologists recently unveiled a remarkable discovery near Aswan, Egypt: rock carvings depicting ancient Egyptian pharaohs, submerged for decades due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam. This...
Semicircular tomb in Pompeii being excavated.	Source: Pompeii Archaeological Site

Roman Military Tomb Inscription Reveals Unknown Imperial Position

A recent discovery in Pompeii has provided fascinating insights into the history and network of power during the reign of Emperor Augustus. During routine construction work at the Archaeological Park...
LiDAR scan image of the Bodbury Ring Hillfort. 	Source: University of Chester

Bodbury Ring Hillfort Six Times Larger Than Thought

A remarkable discovery at Shropshire's Bodbury Ring Hillfort has shed new light on the region's Iron Age history. Archaeologists from Channel Four’s Time Team, alongside experts from the Universities...
Roman circus found in Iruña-Veleia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.	Source: Arkikus

Roman Circus Discovered in Northern Spain Could Host 5000 People

A large Roman venue hosting horse-drawn chariot races in antiquity has been found in northern Spain at the Iruña-Veleia site. Situated 10 kilometers from Vitoria-Gasteiz, it was found to contain a...
The Borgia Family by Dante Gabriel Rossetti		Source: Public Domain

Machiavellian Maneuvers Of The House Of Borgia (Video)

The House of Borgia , one of the most infamous families of the Renaissance, is synonymous with ambition, power, and scandal. Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo Borgia, epitomizes their controversial...
RHODRI MAWR ('the Great') (died 877), king of Gwynedd, Powys, and Deheubarth 	Source: Dictionary of Welsh Biography

Rhodri Mawr, One of the Greatest Kings in Wales

Rhodri Mawr, known as Rhodri the Great, is one of the most celebrated figures in Welsh history. His reign marked a significant period in the consolidation of Welsh territories and the defense of...
3D digital reproduction of humans butchering a glyptodonts. 	Source: Damian Voglino, Museo de Ciencias Naturales/UNLP

Giant Armadillo Provides Evidence of Humans in S. America 20,000-Years-Ago

A new study reveals that ancient humans may have butchered and consumed a giant armadillo-like creature around 20,000 years ago in present-day Argentina. This discovery is another in a long line of...
The recently restored portion of the marble floor of the villa in the submerged park of Baia, Bacoli, Italy. 	Source: Edoardo Ruspantini/ Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei

Marvels Beneath the Waves: Restored Marble Floor of Sunken Roman Villa Revealed

The underwater world of ancient Rome continues to yield astonishing discoveries, the latest being a stunning marble floor of a sunken villa near Bacoli, Italy. This remarkable find is part of the...
AI image representing the destruction at Pompeii due to seismic activity.  Source: Ruslan Batiuk/Adobe Stock

Syn-eruptive Seismic Destruction Increased Pompeii Death Toll

The eruption of the powerful volcano Vesuvius , which destroyed the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, remains one of history’s most well-known and well-remembered natural disasters. But what many don’t...

The Enduring Mystery of the Lost City of Zerzura and the 20th Century Race to Find its Treasures

The vast expanse of the African desert has long been a source of intrigue and adventure. Ancient historians told legends of curious tribes amidst the merciless landscape and formidable armies...
Shield recreation team.			Source:   © 2024 The Trustees of the British Museum

How Was A Bark Shield From The Iron Age Made? (Video)

Sophia Adams, curator of the European Iron Age and Roman Conquest collection at the British Museum, provides insights into the intricate process of recreating an Iron Age bark shield discovered in...
The 1800-year-old Athena ring found in Carmel, Israel        Source: Emil Eljam/ Israel Antiquities Authority

13-Year-Old Discovers 1,800-Year-Old Ring Featuring Goddess of War

13-year-old Yair Whitson from Haifa made a significant archaeological discovery during a recreational walk with his father. The boy somehow happened upon an approximately 1,800-year-old bronze ring...
The ambush and assassination of Julius Caesar. Source: Justinas/Adobe Stock

Ambushes and Betrayals: 7 Assassinations that Shook the Ancient World

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump is certainly not the first of its type in U.S. history. Other assassinations and assassination attempts include Abraham Lincoln, John...
Sample of the oldest known insect-dyed fabric.	Source: Dafna Gazit/Israel Antiquities Authority

4000-Year-Old Fabric from Cave of Skulls is Oldest Known Insect-Dyed Textile

Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient textile dyed with the Kermes vermilio insect, from the Cave of Skulls in Israel. This significant find dates back to the Middle Bronze Age (1954–1767 BC) and...
The six Roman medical implements that have been 3D scanned. 	Source: University of Exeter

2,000 Year Window into the World of Roman Medical Techniques Opened

By Andrew Merrington, University of Exeter The intricate design and workmanship of a set of medical instruments used by Roman surgeons 2,000 years ago have been revealed thanks to state-of-the-art...
The fall of an ancient city by war.

Troy in Turkey or Troy in Britain? False Leads vs Hard Evidence

Nobody reading Homer’s Iliad or Virgil’s Aeneid has ever failed to wonder ‘was this real?’ and ‘where was Troy? ’ . Homer’s Troy lay across the Aegean from Greece, whence the angry Greeks sailed to...
Photo of the Nefertiti bust in Neues Museum, Berlin.		Source: Smalljim/CC BY-SA 3.0

Nefertiti is Still in Germany and Hasn’t Been Returned (Video)

The bust of Nefertiti, a 3,400-year-old artifact valued at around 400 million euros, has been in Germany for over a century, displayed at the Neues Museum Berlin . The artifact's continued presence...
One of the 11 elite individuals from the Chimú period uncovered at Chan Chan, Trujillo, Peru.	Source: Peruvian Ministry of Culture

Bone Remains of 11 Deceased Elite Uncovered at Chan Chan

A team of researchers has uncovered the bone remains of 11 individuals at the Chan Chan Archaeological Complex, dated to 800 years old. These have been located specifically at the foot of the...
The crocodile mummy entering the CT scanner.	Source: University of Manchester This article is a press release by the University of Manchester, originally titled, “Croc’s deadly last meal in Ancient Egypt unearthed”.

Croc’s Deadly Last Meal in Ancient Egypt Revealed

Scientists have used state of the art 3D imaging technology to piece together the life - and probable death - of a 2.2-meter-long crocodile mummified by the ancient Egyptians. The researchers from...
Roman aqueducts in Caesarea, Israel.

Water Management in Ancient Civilizations: From Aqueducts to Qanats

Water management has been a cornerstone of human civilization since the dawn of agricultural societies . The availability and control of water resources have not only dictated the survival of...
The sedimentary outcrops at Orca

New Dating Places the First European Hominids in Southern Iberia

One of the most significant controversies in the study of human evolution and migration is determining when and by what route the first hominids arrived in Europe from Africa. Recent geological...
Remains of the oldest Forum building, the Temple of Saturn.  Source: Yasonya / Adobe Stock

Roman Forum: Heart of the Empire and Symbol of Grandeur (Video)

For a thousand years, the Roman Forum was the epicenter of the Roman Empire. This symbolic center, known as the ‘umbilicus Romae’ housed the ‘miliarium aureum’, the golden milestone from which all...
Excavation at the La Draga archaeological site as of June 2024.	Source: Archaeology Museum of Catalonia

Developments on Wooden Construction Elements Found at La Draga Site

During the most recent excavation season at the Neolithic settlement of La Draga in northeastern Catalonia, archaeologists unearthed a significant set of wooden ruins that provide new insights into...
