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UpNorthLive is streaming the more than two hour long parade Saturday, July 6 starting at 11:15 a.m.

Oh, baby! Twin brothers welcome babies on same day

Twin brothers Justin (left) and Josh (right) had their first children on the same day. (WPBN/WGTU/Corbin Bagford)
Twin brothers Justin (left) and Josh (right) had their first children on the same day. (WPBN/WGTU/Corbin Bagford)
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GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY, Mich., (WPBN/WGTU) - Lisa Thorington gave birth to her twin sons, Justin and Josh Thorington, more than two decades ago. Little did she know, she would be meeting her first grandchildren from each of them on the exact same date on Tuesday at Munson Medical Center.

Josh and his wife Denise welcomed baby Jack into the world at 4:18 a.m., about an hour before Justin along with his wife Alex Raphael arrived at the hospital to give birth to their daughter, Lucy.

Josh and Denise were a bit worried when Justin and Alex weren't there to see their newborn.

"I thought it was kind of weird that they weren't coming up," Josh said. "Then he's like, 'Hey, we'll come see you, but just so you know, Alex is in labor. And you're the only ones who know, so don't tell anyone.' I think they didn't want to steal our thunder, but we didn't care."

Lucy was born at 11:43 p.m.

The twin brothers didn't expect this rare occurrence to take place, as their babies were due more than two weeks apart.

"It was kind of destined to be," Justin said.

The correlating pregnancies made the process a little easier for the new moms.

"It was really nice," Alex said. "I think it brought us closer together, especially Denise and me. I think it was a nice way to kind of connect us a little more, too."

The new cousins now share a birthday, something Justin and Josh got used to when they were kids. Both families say that it'll be nice for their kids to always have each other to grow up with.

"I'm sure there'll be a lot of fun birthday bashes together," Josh said. "Hopefully, they're as close as Justin and I were."

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