Today’s young people were born into the climate, nature, and pollution crises, and hold the keys to addressing them. With support from the Global Environment Facility, youth leaders around the world are building careers to heal the planet and getting directly involved in local, national, and international initiatives in order to create a brighter future.

Would you like to get involved? Please reach out to us at with your questions and ideas.

We also invite you to engage with youth organizations such as YOUNGOthe Global Youth Biodiversity Network, the UNCCD Youth Caucus, and the local and national chapters advising the multilateral environmental conventions the GEF serves. Young scientists interested in environmental conservation can also explore training and networking support through the GEF’s Fonseca Leadership Program.

Conversations with Carlos Manuel

In a conversation at his home - "Creating space for young people to affect climate policy" - GEF CEO and Chairperson Carlos Manuel Rodríguez heard from members of the Youth and Climate Change Network of Costa Rica about how the climate emergency is impacting young people. International relations student Judith Pereira Vásquez, sustainable development engineering student Dereck Diaz Cortés, and political advocacy coordinator and cartography professional Noelia Molina Montero shared their fears, hopes, and plans for the future.

Carlos Manuel is a lawyer by training, politician by choice, and conservationist at heart. In the interview "An unconventional career path: Carlos Manuel Rodríguez," he shared memories from his career path and offered advice to young people who want to save the planet without working in a laboratory.