Request a Jira account

Jira is a powerful tool for reporting, tracking, and resolving issues with products ASF projects develop and support. Its value becomes less when spammers and automated tools flood the feed with bogus reports. The ASF therefore does not permit submitting anonymous Jira tickets.

If you are a committer to an ASF project, use your ASF id and password to login to Jira and create tickets. If not, use this form to request an account that will let you submit tickets to ASF projects.

Please read the following before you request a Jira account:
  • You do NOT need a Jira account to view existing Jira issues
  • Most projects do NOT want you filing security issues through Jira, as it is a public space. If you wish to report a security issue, please read first, and ensure you have cleared with the project how security issues are reported.
  • Have you discussed your issue on the appropriate mailing list? Generally you should try this first, as it may result in a faster resolution.