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MechE Classes

First-Year Introductory Subjects
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.00A Fundamentals of Engineering Design: Explore Space, Sea and Earth Spring
2.00C Complex Environmental Issues Spring
2.S00 Introduction to Manufacturing Spring
2.S01 Introduction to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Spring
Core Undergraduate Subjects
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.00 Introduction to Design Fall
2.001 Mechanics and Materials I Fall, Spring
2.002 Mechanics and Materials II Spring
2.003[J] Dynamics and Control I Fall, Spring
2.004 Dynamics and Control II Fall, Spring
2.005 Thermal-Fluids Engineering I Fall, Spring
2.006 Thermal-Fluids Engineering II Fall, Spring
2.007 Design and Manufacturing I Spring
2.008 Design and Manufacturing II Fall, Spring
2.009 Product Engineering Process Fall
2.013/2.733 Engineering Systems Design Fall
2.014/2.734 Engineering Systems Design and Development II Spring
2.016 Hydrodynamics Fall
2.017[J] Design of Electromechanical Robotic Systems Spring
2.019 Design of Ocean Systems Spring
Dynamics and Acoustics
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.032 Dynamics Fall, Spring
2.034J Nonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring
2.065/2.066 Acoustics and Sensing Spring
Solid Mechanics and Materials
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.071 Mechanics of Solid Materials Spring
2.073 Solid Mechanics: Plasticity and Inelastic Deformation Fall
2.074 Solid Mechanics: Elasticity Fall
2.075 Mechanics of Soft Materials Fall
2.080J Structural Mechanics Fall
2.081[J] Plates and Shells Spring
2.082 Ship Structural Analysis and Design Spring
Computational Engineering
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.086 Numerical Computation for Mechanical Engineers Fall, Spring
System Dynamics and Control
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.12/2.120 Introduction to Robotics Spring
2.121/2.122 Stochastic Systems Spring
2.131 Advanced Instrumentation and Measurement Spring
2.132/2.133 Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Analysis Fall
2.14/2.140 Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems Spring
2.145/2.147 Design of Compliant Mechanisms, Machines & Systems Fall
2.151 Advanced System Dynamics & Control Fall
2.152 Nonlinear Control System Design Spring
2.154 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles Fall
2.155/2.156 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Engineering Design Fall
2.160 Identification, Estimation, and Learning Fall
2.165 Robotics Fall
2.171 Analysis & Design of Digital Control Systems Fall
2.174 Advancing Mechanics and Materials via Machine Learning Spring
2.177/2.178 Designing Virtual Worlds Fall
2.183[J]/2.184 Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement Spring
2.18[J]/2.180[J] Biomolecular Feedback Systems Spring
Fluid Mechanics and Combustion
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.20 Marine Hydrodynamics Fall
2.22 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles Spring
2.23 Hydrofoils and Propellers Spring
2.25 Fluids Mechanics Fall
2.28 Fundamentals and Applications of Combustion Fall
MEMS and Nanotechnology
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.37/2.370 Fundamentals of Nanoengineering Spring
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.42 General Thermodynamics Fall
2.43 Advanced Thermodynamics Spring
Heat and Mass Transfer
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.51 Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer Fall
2.55 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer Spring
Energy and Power Systems
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.60[J]/2.62[J] Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring
2.611/2.612 Marine Power and Propulsion Fall
2.63 Interfacial Engineering Fall
Experimental Engineering
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.670 Mechanical Engineering Tools Fall, Spring
2.671 Measurement and Instrumentation Fall, Spring
2.674 Introduction to Micro/Nano Engineering Laboratory Spring
2.675/2.676 Micro/Nano Engineering Laboratory Fall
2.678 Electronics for Mechanical Systems Fall, Spring
2.679 Electronics for Mechanical Systems II Spring
Oceanographic Engineering and Acoustics
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.680 Marine Autonomy, Sensing, and Communication Spring
2.681 Environmental Ocean Acoustics Fall
2.683 Marine Bioacoustics and Geoacoustics Spring
2.688 Principles of Oceanographic Instrument Systems -- Sensors and Measurements Fall, Spring
2.689J Projects in Oceanographic Engineering Spring
Naval Architecture
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.700/2.701 Principles of Naval Architecture Fall
2.702 Systems Engineering and Naval Ship Design Spring
2.703 Principles of Naval Ship Design Fall
2.704 Projects in Naval Ship Conversion Design Spring
2.705 Projects in New Concept Naval Ship Fall, Spring
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.71/2.710 Optics Fall
2.718/2.719 Photonic Materials Spring
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.70/2.77 Fundamentals of Precision Product Design Fall
2.72/2.720 Elements of Mechanical Design Spring
2.729 D-lab Design for Scale Fall
2.734 Engineering Systems Design and Development I Spring
2.739[J] Product Design and Development Spring
2.74/2.740 Bio-inspired Robotics Fall
2.777/2.778 Large and Complex Systems Design and Concept Development Fall
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.75/2.750 Medical Device Design Spring
2.782[J] Design of Medical Devices and Implants Spring
2.787 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Fall
2.788 Mechanical Engineering and Design of Living systems Fall
2.793J/2.795J Fields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems Fall
2.797J/2.798J Molecular Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics Spring
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.810 Manufacturing Processes and Systems Fall
2.813 Energy, Materials and Design Spring
2.814/2.834 Exploring Sustainability at Different Scales Fall
2.83 Energy, Materials and Manufacturing Spring
2.830J Control for Manufacturing Processes Fall
2.853/2.854 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems Fall
2.888 Professional Seminar in Global Manufacturing and Innovation & Entreprenuership Spring
Engineering Management
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.96/2.961 Management in Engineering Fall
Advanced Topics and Special Subjects
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.984 The Art and Science of Time Travel Fall
2.991 Get 2 Know MechE Fall
2.C27/2.C67 Computational imaging: physics and algorithms Fall
2.S981 Engineering of Nanoscale Materials Spring
2.S982 Quantum machines in a classical world Fall
2.S988 Translational Engineering Fall
2.S990 Fiber and Textile Engineering Spring
2.S992 Teaching and Learning Mechanical Engineering with Generative AI Spring
2.S994 Pappalardo Lab Apprentice Spring
2.S999 Science and Technologies for Climate Spring
Thesis, Research and Practice
Subject ID Title Class Offered
2.C01/2.C51 Physical Systems Modeling and Design Using Machine Learning Spring