How to Access

Content Coverage & Description

IBISWorld is a comprehensive industry-market research database which covers every US industry with a 5-digit NAICS code. IBISWorld offers also similarly detailed research on selected industries in China and worldwide.

Report Collections

Industry research reports fall into three steadily growing collections:

US Industry Research:

  • US NAICS Industry Reports – 700+ reports for every 5-digit NAICS code
  • US Specialized Industry Reports – 700+ reports on smaller or new industries
  • Industry State Reports – industry reports specific to state level analysis
  • Industry Environment Profiles - 500+ economic and demographic external drivers that affect industries
  • iExpert Summaries – quick industries' snapshots derived from US NAICS Industry reports or US Specialized Industry reports including a section on Call Preparation Questions

China Industry Research:

200+ China industries reports broken down by the 4-digit level of Chinese Industrial Classification System (CICS). This structure is similar to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).


Global Industry Research:

70+ global industries reports

How to Use IBISWorld

Keyword search: Search across the entire database. Enter keyword(s) in the search box in the center on the Home page or at any time in the Search box located in the top right corner of every page.

Browse reports: On the top banner, select Industry Research and then select a collection: China, Global or US. Further browse to industry report of your interest.

Viewing reports: With a report selected, use left navigation to easily browse report’s sections. Also, use the Search box at top in left navigation to use a keyword search within the report.

Tip: To return to Homepage, click IBISWorld logo at top left on every page.

Downloading reports: With the report opened, click the Download icon next to the report title and select PDF or Excel format. Within the report, click the Download icon next to the tables to download individual tables.

See also Charts and Industry Wizard sections on Charts & Industry Wizard page of this guide.

Report Features

  • All industry reports are similarly structured, regularly updated, and provide in-depth industry analysis, including statistics, SWOT analysis, forecasts and more
  • Charts included in the reports are interactive (See also Charts section on Charts & Industry Wizard page of this guide)
  • Business Environment reports in addition to USA economic and demographic data items include a section on International Economy and Commodities
  • iExpert Summaries reports sections on Call Preparation Questions covers three topics: Role Specific Questions (pertaining to “your” company) ♦ External Impacts QuestionsInternal Impacts Questions